This goes out to all the ladies out there. Its a different
TAKE on who the Bolsheviks were and what they represented. Fellas, listen up!
Lets talk about the Bolsheviks. No, not
Lenin I mean the rank and file Bolsheviks: the thousands of soldiers, peasants,
and workers who came around to give PEOPLE POWER to the Bolshevik regime with
their support and hard work building a nation and defending it from enemies. Even
back in 1917, the Bolsheviks had a reputation as a party supported by people like
that: hard-working, strong, young people who wanted to build a better world for
themselves. They are just ONE example of regular people standing up for themselves,
in one place and time.
They were "MACHO"
but not in the sense of woman-hating or woman-demeaning (as one might find
in the dick
oops, I mean DIC-tatorships of many Third World countries, where
misogyny and plutocracy reign supreme). They were macho, as in determined, willful,
and ABLE to achieve what they wanted. They did not have a vision of women as "weaker"
or "fragile" either, but that mentality never existed there even before
that time. In the face of horrible adversity, the Soviet people built a new society,
including its institutions and its infrastructure. But these men, such as Felix
Dzerzhinsky, were also sensitive, caring people whose desire to build socialism
was motivated by a SYMPATHY for the suffering they and millions of others had
endured under the despotism of the Tsarist state, petty agricultural lords, and
greedy industrialists.
Take a look at some old
pictures of those guys. Good looking, well built guys who could do the job right,
collectively. Team players who loved their people and their country. Bolshevism
wasnt driven by overpaid glutton millionaires, by wimpy autocrats with genetic
diseases, or any of the defective-penis types of men inclined towards establishing
ego hierarchies. Those types of men were DETHRONED by the Bolsheviks, who were
a party and state OF, BY, and FOR the WORKING PEOPLE. The REAL power behind any
society, whether they acknowledge it and assert it as the Bolsheviks did, or resign
or suck up to the disgusting male dick-tators that always want to run the show
(and usually eventually succeed through sheer tenacity and nothing ELSE better
to do). People who have REAL biological, practical power dont feel a NEED
to lord it over anyone, or set themselves up as petty dictators anywhere. Bolshevism
was a party of the BUILDERS of society. DOERS. ACHIEVERS. People who HAD real
power of the biological and practical kind power of the inner kind: the
FLAME that shines and creates.
And it wasnt
just the guys either: the Soviet Union was the first modern nation to give WOMEN
the vote! What other nation awarded women medals for MOTHERHOOD one of
the hardest but also TOUGHEST jobs around, a job demeaned or ignored in most of
the world? Not only that, but many Soviet women also worked alongside their male
comrades in all parts of the economy, and distinguished themselves as leaders
and examples for their peers all over the world. They were powerful, assertive
women and beautiful to boot!
Take a look
at pictures of these people. They were PRIME biological material (I cant
resist: hubba hubba!!!). And if you are curious, crack a book and take a look
at the leering, twisted abortions that heap calumny on the People of the Soviet
Union and their achievements under socialism, writing books full of distortions
and lies about how "evil" it was. They OBSESS over power, and some even
overtly bring in SEX as an issue. LOOK at these slanderous writers, and SEE what
this axe they have to grind was and is REALLY about: JEALOUSY. And beware, because
these are the same jealous TYPES that are the enemies of real achievement everywhere.
They are motivated by a desire to slander and defile that which is alive and healthy
and creative (everything THEY are not) - they try to make good people out to be
villains, and truly evil people out to be saints. Educate yourself to empower
yourself, and don't be fooled by the curtains of malicious lies they try to weave.
Look at deeds, not words.
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