We have previously had nothing of or about the Church of Satan or LaVey on
this website. Mention occurred in passing in the long article "Is Fascism Satanic"
since some of the writers for that are or were members of the CoS and the original
"idea" for it was presented by an Active CoS member attacking Fascism specifically
in the CoS. Others took the concept outside of Satanic organizations. But
aside from that, Satanic Reds is wholly free of the CoS and, while some very few
CoS members are also Satanic Reds members, we have nothing to do with the
CoS. We are so different that there is no contest. We have articles
on here about the "Dark Lord of Transcendent Awareness," also known as the "Dark
Force in Nature" but this is not LaVeyan at all. It's part of an ancient
doctrine as we explain under Dark Tradition articles. Again, there is no contest;
no connection. We do not use any of their stuff or even relate to their entire
The spokespeople, Barton the HP included, insist that and claim
that LaVey said the CoS was a hierarchal dictatorship. Because so many
members of the hierarchical dictatorship known as the Church of Satan
insist on bothering us and other organizations; when we are trying to be free
of them and their "storm troopers" (that is what the Administrator called his
people in an official email, it's not a slander); and because I, Tani, am personally
tired of having to repeat myself 100 times for the brain dead, asocial misfits
in or sniffing around the CoS that can't read for themselves or understand it
when it's clearly stated, I'm writing this here - to spare further need to type
"all that" over and over again for people trying to "make" the CoS of some importance
to people in an org who, for the most part, have no damned idea WHO "Barton" even
is, let alone some of the other notables; or care who they are and/or what they
say or don't say.
LaVeyan Satanism is all about being egocentric, hedonistic
and atheistic, as their spokespeople say. Let me comment on that right now:
on the Ego:
We never said that, the Dark Tradition, LHP Doctrine is not
about that at all. We have always said that the "ego," using the standard Western
meaning of that word, is an illusion that LIES to the real core whole-self.
We talk about the Self, NOT the Ego. There is a huge difference when we say The
Self. The Self is not "just" the ego. The word "ego" in Latin may well mean Self,
but in standard American usage, in "LaVeyan" usage, it doesn't. In Freudian terms
it doesn't. And in Eastern and LHP terms it most definitely doesn't.
We know that hedonism only appeals to the repressed. We are neither
hedonistic nor repressed. We are not inside the paradigm where "hedonism"
would even make sense; and we do not want to be near such people since
in "trying so hard to be hedonistic" they subject us all to their wailing, repressed
misery. ONLY a repressed person would think of "trying to be hedonistic."
Hedonism is the opposite side of repression - and the CoSsers (or anyone else
copying their brand of "satanism") ended up having to clarify that stance by explaining
to idiots that over-indulgence was also bad. (Yawn. Stupid bastards.)
to us in the Tradition and to standard, textbook theologians, means NOT THEISTIC.
This is not quite the same as M. Murray O'hare's American atheism. We LHP people
are DEISTS in a sense, and we are technically classed together with atheists
by theologians and the Papacy.
Esoteric versus secret:
We do not
have secrets like the CIA or the KGB have secrets or like the Bartonian CoS has
become, riddled with secrets on some "need to know" basis. But knowledge of the
adamantine Dark Tradition is esoteric in the same exact sense that music is esoteric.
If you are tone-deaf, the "secret" of harmony is not for you to ever have, no
matter how hard you try. You can learn to read music if it's written down,
you can learn to put your fingers on the right notes if someone who Can
Know shows you, but without the written music or the teacher, the person is as
tone-deaf as ever and is forever unable to play - and music is denied him: it
is NOT for him to Know. In the true Oral Esoteric tradition, the Adept would play
the music: not write it down. Those able to hear, would be able to play also by
picking out the notes of what they just heard. The ears alone would instruct them
and it would come easy to them . Those unable to hear, would only be able to make
noise. It would be forbidden to write it down for the purposes of teaching a person
who is destined "not to Know." That's The Way. It will always BE the way. This
is not the Way of modern Satanic organizations. As such, it's written down (you
can read some of it here) yet still, there are those who will read it and "get
it" as if they always knew it; and then there are those for whom the words will
be meaningless. Let them go away. Or let them go join the CoS or another org that
is based on their stuff. That's fine so long as they stay within their own boundaries
and do not try to upset ours.
Now, for the record:
This is what
we claim is not Satanism, in fact, it's not anything - and to think
it is Satanism is the biggest joke and con game on the planet:
1. Jack London:
he was a Marxist-Leninist radical Socialist that wrote both "man in conflict with,
or challenged by, nature" tales, and he wrote "bad white man" tales in Polynesian
settings where he really delved into what we call the Inner. Most
politically right-wing fans of London don't tend to mention those tales, yet they
are the heaviest ones he wrote, they are the most inner tales he
2. Nietzsche: he was lower level Mason bothered at first by dualism.
He was also an ethnic Slav living in Nordic country who called the Nordics untermensch
and called the Jews and Chinese ubermensch. He was a man who died insane from
syphilis. In many ways, if you compare the Greek of St. Paul to Nietzsche, they
are saying the same things: ubermensch would be the Elect of God.
3. deSade,
Baudellaire, et al., ad nauseum: twisted, almost anti-sexual freaks unable to
ever even have a released orgasm. People wallowing in their own angst or in their
ophionic delusions. Slanderers of nature itself and flagellaters of the human
body. These people fit precisely into the category that Christians would call
"Satanic." But that would be a Christian definition. Well, according to Christian
definition, Missionaries are Satanic - i.e., evil.
4. Ayn Rand:
disaffected and disenfranchised Jewish "princess" that was a monstrous, bitch
of a tyrant in real life - the very thing she hated. She bemoaned the lack of
a merit system but, by the testimony of "Education in
a Real Merit System" a person from the system she claimed she hated, she left
a real merit system and came into an America that was the complete opposite of
a merit system. She also had a "thing" for Aryan types - yet she was the stereotypical
5. Various misapplied pseudo-scientific theories on evolution,
such as the rampant misuse of "survival of the fittest" spewed out by the high-school
drop out leader (not a slander. LaVey was, indeed, a high school drop out and
was unemployable) and the moronic followers/parrots that have no clue what "survival
of the fittest" means biologically. In short, he who has the most descendents
100 years from now, is the fittest - and it doesn't matter if those people and
their kids survive using a parasitic strategy or not. If the "parasites" in society
(as we'd call them) can manage to suck the life from us while they ascend and
increase their number, then they are the fittest in terms of pure biology. Human
values don't matter, neither does art or education.
6. Police states. Dictatorships.
The bile spewed out by Anton LaVey when he was the most wretched, living and wallowing
in filth around himself and within himself, sued blind by an embittered wife and
disowned by his cherished daughter Zeena, - and sick to boot. During this most
wretched time, he yammered about police states and dictatorships to his officials
who turned his bitter meandering into Scripture. With this Scripture, they have
turned into bonafide zealots, storm troopers marching off to "purge" anyone else
who dares to make a Satanic organization that is very different.
7. A heap,
more than a heap, of tired rantings and ravings about the herd. He wrote nothing
but commentary about the herd and this is pretty much the material that constitutes
"Their Doctrines." He must have noticed them overly much to write all that tired
crap about the herd! The only way he knew how to cloister himself away from them
was like a Christian monk would do it - in a dusty, filthy basement - with no
human contact. He obviously knew nothing about "moving in-between their realm"
which is considered magic in that it involves the Will, or rather: ACTIVE NON-DOING
with the Will and remaining in your own "loka." This is NOT the same as actively
ignoring something. It's not-focusing - and like magic, the herd vanishes, and
they don't see you. You don't notice them just as you don't notice the cracks
on the sidewalk as you walk on your WAY home.
8 The stupid tee hee hee Big
Deal about sex, sex, SEX!! Oooooooooo. Unable to realize that non repressed people
find these tee hee hee antics to be a royal yawn. The Satanic Witch act does not
work on non-repressed men.
9 The Angel Talk con games of Edward Kelly and
John Dee, gibberish or "talking in tongues," real Christian style.
10. Inversionist,
medieval Catholic rituals complete with Latin talk. A cross is a cross, no matter
if it's sideways, upright, or upside-down.
11. Anton LaVey's personal ideas
of "how women and men should dress." Somehow, in some delirium, he got it into
his head that his preferred attire (men looking like gangsters, women looking
like hookers) was "Fascist" and then made a statement about it, which his storm
troopers now use as Scripture.
12. The entire first portion of the Satanic
Bible which is nothing but "Might is Right" by another author - is a text that
screams out for violence against Christians. You can see 4 essays on "Might is
Right" under Socio Political articles on our website but the point is that this
is a blatantly inversionist Christian text which, in our opinion, has nothing
to do with the inner-seeking LHP. It's negativity. Why not scream out about Moslems?
They are worse than Christians and, in this day and age, they are a threat (terrorists).
This hyper focus on "rebellion" against their own background is not self-enhancing
in the least.
We of the LHP maintain that this is NOT Satanism, not even
remotely. It's not even a real philosophy. It's stupid crap and moreso, it's stupid
American bullshit since overseas people seldom relate to it. It's stupidity that,
for the most part, Americans (the especially repressed, Victorian, anal types)
can relate to.
It is known that Anton LaVey took pieces of these things
to "make up" Satanism; according to all his Spokespeople; and that this constitutes
"their doctrine." Sorry, that doesn't cut it. Look at the doctrines of the Dark
Tradition: no contest. What we have are the LHP traditions, large or small,
of various cultures whether they are the main things in those cultures or not.
We have synthetically and cross-culturally presented these Dark Traditions in
a pure form, without mixing them up with cultural norms in foreign lands;
we have presented these in English and explained them. See "Unity of the Dark
Tradition" on our website.) This is real. We do not recognize anything else as
being Satanism though we do recognize that many people that practice these traditions
may not choose to associate with the name Satan due to the very problems that
have caused me to write this little explanation. Heh. Also, "Satan" is not even
a word in the languages that people who have these traditions speak. Shiva is.
Shakti is. Sat is. Etc.
Nor do we regard standing in front of
a Baphomet and yelling about Satan, to be Satanism per se, or even necessary to
Satanism. Do people standing around a cake singing "Happy Birthday," or not doing
that, change the fact that you are one year older? Anyone remotely familiar with
the practices of the LHP knows that such psychodramas are not necessary.
They are only necessary to those that psychologically need it and, of course,
they can be fun for and/or have meaning to people in a group that wish to do it.
None of that is the same thing as really doing some of the LHP "siddhi" which
requires none of that noise but which require utter silence and cessation of thought
to accomplish; and a resultant real recognition of the Flame within, the
Darkness moving that Flame. That is real! Ceremonies can mean something, e.g.,
graduation ceremony, a Baptism if you do that and yes, a birthday party or Yule
celebration; nothing wrong with that. But to say this is Satanic, or "necessary"
to being a Satanist, is not true. Some Satanists do it, others do not - just like
some Jews do ceremonies, some Jews do not. It is not necessary to do that
to recognize your own Satanism at all. It is definitely not necessary to pay money
for a card from a Post Office Box rented to a Corporation. Comparison: many Christians
and Jews do not go to church or synagogue; for them there is no need. Many Christians
never went through the very solemn ceremonies of "Communion" or "Confirmation."
Some Christians were never even baptized. Some Jews never had their Bar Mitzvah.
For many Christians and Jews, there is no need to visit a building to worship
their God. Do they have any doubts that they are Christians or Jews? Is
anyone out there screaming that they are not what they claim to be? Only
a zealot would do that and then proceed to harass them.
We say that one needs to truly feel that Dark Force
within them, the Kundalini, the Flame which burns in Darkness, rising all the
time - and this makes them automatically Satanic in the sense of being a whole,
human animal. Some CoS spokespeople would argue that this is wrong and that feeling
the dark force is but one element of Satanism. They clearly don't understand what
"automatically Satanic" means. They argue then that pursuing a life that is Satan-like
is also an element. What is "Satan-like?" They have no doctrines on this save
for the above mentioned irrelevant things that they use as a "philosophy." They
fail to grasp this reality even though it is right there for them to see: their
number one fan was wallowing in a crack-house level, filthy domicile, not even
fixing the plumbing or electricity, cloistering away from the world like a Franciscan
monk and talking to dolls - this is not living a Satanic life - it's not
even LIVING. It's existing. This is what their leader, LaVey, did after Dr. Michael
Aquino and the LHP priests left in 1975 to form the Temple of Set.
they never seemed to grasp is that the moment you really feel that Dark and INNER
Liberation, you immediately are GONE from the dualistic world where repressive
feelings and/or dualized notions of repression/hedonism, leader/led, compliment/insult
and all "sensitive ego bullshit" exist. You are out of that entirely and it is
gone from your Being. The rest of what we clearly define, FALLS INTO PLACE all
by itself. There is no need to stand in front of a Baphomet, sword in hand,
blah blah blah, and chant words to the wall or into the unlistening air as one
CoS spokesman claimed. Sure, you can do that if you want - but doing this does
not make you into a Satanist. Claiming that this is necessary makes
as much sense as praying to a statue of Jesus. In fact, it's the same thing. No
harm in doing it and calling it fun. But it's not necessary to Satanism
or LHP at all. Aside from that, some Satanists do not use the Baphomet that LaVey
ripped from a book. Baphomet means SOPHIA - and it was never a symbol of stand-in
for Satan - not ever. (See article on the Baphomet on this website.)
CoSsers who continue to harass us all remind me of Fundie fanatics screaming that
the Catholics or Methodists or ________ (fill in blanks), are not real Christians
because ______ (fill in the blanks).
LaVey's 8 little statements from the
Talmud are fine; we like these, but Jews were not the only people who had such
notions, as we point out again and again.
I prefer to ignore the CoS and
all that is of them. But I will give them this crumb: they are LaVeyan or Bartonian
Satanists. Simple as that. Neo-Satanists. We are LEFT HAND PATH of many persuasions
and, as such, we are SaTanic - for real. We are the ones who honor the Dark Lord
of Transcendent Awareness (old name) Dark Force in Nature (modern name) as the
Self-Itself. The CoS and LaVey never even heard of it or of any traditions that
were about this. Simple as that.
We have no problem with that, but apparently
the CoSsers have a problem. Well, aside from literal harassment tactics perpetrated
by their storm troopers with storm trooper mentality, which makes them more of
a pain in the ass than Fundie Christians would be or are, this becomes their angst,
then. Not ours. Harassment can be dealt with via legal means. Or one can use their
own tactics of outing Satanists to Christian organizations, against them. Two
people can throw stones - it's not one way. If they want to cause that
kind of trouble with us, then so be it. It would ultimately prove that they are
Thanatos; that their Administrators could not control their storm troopers, despite
the CoS being a hierarchical dictatorship. If the dictator can't dictate, then
perhaps some radical Fundies can do it for them - if they persist in bothering
us. They have everything to lose. If they insist on being a hate group, then someone
else can prevent them from bothering us. They do the deeds of a hate cult.
The CoS is a Dictatorship
2. The CoS is a hierarchical organization
Their members have a storm trooper mentality.
4. It appears that their Administrators
and their Dictator are incompetent to hold their storm troopers in check.
5. They systematically use disposable allies to do their dirty work for them and
thus can "officially" claim they did not do it.
Go from there. Remember,
ANY ENEMY of people that harass you or any of us, is OUR ALLY!
This is
the Church of Satan's lawyer: