BY Tani Jantsang
terms LHP, and RHP, are not Western, and certainly not Christian. While Tantrik
"Buddhists" never called themselves RHP or LHP, this term was applied
to them. The two aren't at odds with each other. Both paths are ways to Wisdom:
the difference is not in the goal but in the method.
Buddhism (Little Path Buddhism) is the closest Buddhist sect to what Siddhartha
actually taught. Its emphasis is on the 8-fold noble path, and other things typically
associated with early Buddhist practice. It is very concerned with rules, laws,
and proper behavior: etiquette! While it is a path of Wisdom, it is not a path
of Knowing. Of course, those on this path are not considered able to know
otherwise they wouldn't be on that path! It is not their fate to be on any other
Mahayana Buddhism (Great Path Buddhism)
replaced Theravada. Nagarjuna is considered the successor to the Buddha by the
followers of this path. Mahayana is more of a path of knowing, but it's not what
we would consider Satanic in the Dark Path sense that "all knowing happens
directly through the whole body." The person who seeks out this path seeks
it out because he is unable to know through the body directly, but he is able
to understand with the mind. In Pythagorean terms, these people could be considered
Akousmatikoi: those who are able to listen, and learn the way to do something,
even if they can't truly understand.
(Vajra Path, Lightning Path, Direct Path), or Tantrik "Buddhism," is
the path of instant, direct, and specifically physical-body knowledge and is more
rightly called either Padma Sambhava-ism or just Shiva-ism. Strictly speaking,
in terms of Theology, it is not Buddhism. Herein is the tradition of Kundalini
Yoga, the Siddhi, Tumo, Phova, Milam, the Chod, etc. and other recognizably Black
Magical practices. Those who are on this path are there because they can do Vajrayana
and attain Samadhi without thinking about it (literally). In fact, they do it
without "wanting" to. That's the real key. . . they do through active
non doing. Vajrayana is totally LHP - but this does not mean that those from whole
cultures that are Vajrayanists don't have fun or do normal things. (This has nothing
to do with the invention called "Tantrik Sex," nor does it have a thing
to do with breaking taboos. These notions are totally modern, Western inventions
of sex clubs.)
Mahayana is LHP in the sense that
the reason for its existence is that it is a path of knowing from the inner method
even if it takes slow, methodical steps to this knowledge. Mahayana is also RHP
because it is the doing of deeds that help the person "acquire" this
Now. . . here is the important
Truth. There is no conflict between these paths if they are True; they are
yin/yang and exist together and this embodies real stratification in the sense
of people naturally working at their own abilities. I.e., what you are good at,
naturally comes easy! Because of this, there is always RHP in LHP, and
always LHP in RHP. There is the "Being" of the receptive
LHP and then the "Becoming" which is the active RHP. There is
the Knowledge of the LHP that leads to the deeds of the RHP. Everything is Yin
and Yang. Passive Idea; Active Deed. Like Sat-Being and Tan-Becoming.
people at inner peace with themselves, the Dark Paths are Peaceful. They
are beautiful, soft, and solitary. . . This does not mean they are hermits; not
at all. There is nothing busy or hectic about the Dark Paths. They are totally
inner. When a person has an inner core which has been compromised by cultural
Christianity or something else, the best they can come up with is a self-overcoming
where they try, oftentimes in vain, to "fix" their broken selves. In
neurological terms, they lack the "organic I." These people cannot know.
The best thing for them is to join one of the pacifistic liberal Christian Churches
they rage against so at least they have rules that prevent them from hurting themselves
or others. What they don't understand is that they cannot know, because they are
not able to grasp the knowledge that is at the Core of their Being. They often
sublimate by "getting interested in" rebellion: but against what? What
exactly is it they are rebelling against?
they really want to revolt against tyranny, why are they sublimating? Why don't
they do something? Most of these types that "get into Satanism"
are inversionist Christians and they shove their "Christian shit" in
our faces as much or more than Fundamentalist Christians shove the Christian shit
in our faces. They reek of Christianity, and within them it's an infection
they try to get out of their systems by screaming and wailing about it and turning
it all upside down. Satanists don't want to hear it. An American flag side ways
or upside down is recognizably still an American flag. And a cross upside down
is still a Cross. Same thing.
The RHP is the
way of Yang. The LHP is the way of Yin. That's it. And like Yin and Yang, you
cannot separate the two. Yin/Dark/Receptive. Yang/Light/Active.
this is the danger of the Lie. . . when Right and Left become something
that are against each other, then the RHP is a false path.... a false Light.
And LHP is felt (not thought, but felt) to be frightening and evil. This
misconception, within a person, is the striving, craving for the Light
Alone rebelling to exist without the Dark Parent from whence it came. That is
truly self-destructive... The only people who understand what RHP and LHP really
are. . . and then also see these as separate and opposed. . . are Klippoths.
They see it opposed because they themselves are opposed to their own shell-ish
non-being. In otherwords, they know this Lie and Falsehood through
their own peculiar flesh!
or so I'm told, there is some kind of Thelemite tradition that has it that the
LHP was derived from the thesis about Lucifer being God's angel seated on His
left. It spoke or taught of a more aggressive approach to the occult and was adopted
by many styles of magic, including early Thelema. That puts a whole new slant
on the confusion over LHP and RHP which is, in fact, very new and exclusively
Western, perhaps WASP only. Please refer to "Which KINDS of Satanism" on this website. I am unable to locate a thesis on this; it
may be just the oral tradition of some groups of Thelemites and never written
For the record, "Lucifer" was
never used as the name for Satan or the Devil until Milton used it. The
other reference to Hilel for Nebuchadnezzar is a mistranslation by Origin, as
is pointed out in an essay entitled, "Satan Or Lucifer - The Same? Or the
Opposite!," in Package of Doctrines (on sale, see the advertisement).
interestingly, from the Christian Bible: [Mat 25:32] Before him will be gathered
all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats, [Mat 25:33] and he will place the sheep at his
right hand, but the goats at the left. Christians have always referred to
themselves as sheep. Satanists identify with the Goat of Mendes. The Goat is actually
Azazel, but Azazel alone was never associated with the Hebrew ha stn (The Satan).
The Hebrews did have a more folkish tradition wherein they combined Samael, Leviathan
(or Lilith) and Azazal together to make "The Beast," or CHIVA. For more
on this, please see
Standard Definition, even given in "Mind of the Ninja" by Dr. Petersen,
which he wrote and explained for a Western readership, is what we use in the bonafide
Dark Tradition. This has nothing to do with behavior, or with rebellion.
In fact, the entire Promethian (or Luciferian) tradition in regular Western Civilization,
something that led to the industrial age and technological age, are very RHP.
Surely, the inspiration for such works was originally LHP in that it was inspired;
but making these marvels of technology manifest is an act that is purely an example
of RHP. More or less, the inventors took what was darkly inspired and brought
it into the light to be seen and used by all.
anything, rebellion and revolt against unjust societies (very bloody usually)
are Yang - ergo RPH according to the way we ubiquitously understand things.
I've given the standard definition in this article. The Encyclopedia of Buddhism,
which also defines Naga Shivaism, something much older, has this same definition
and anyone that takes the "above" and synthesizes it with the "below"
can clearly see this.. Even Kung Fu, the way they define yin and yang forms, fits
this definition.
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