Exploration of the balance factor. The movements of nature versus the movements
of man. What is possible to achieve with the use of magic? Good luck?
chaos is integral to magic, doesn't that place us at the mercy of luck?
is actually a reverse term for it's actual function. Man must move WITH chaos.
Man must receive information through senses to learn the current movements of
Can chaos influence man directly? Many neo-pagans consider
magic to be an indirect tool. That it may cause an event that the magician may
not be aware of to influence change. In whichever case, man must have influenced
the "fluids" or the "dynamics" of this ever-present chaos. It moves in-turn, hand
in hand. Chaos does influence man directly, then. But in favor of one magician?
The magician must then be aware of his overall surroundings. Even things he cannot
see? Does chaos motivate the magician to place himself in the right place at the
right time? Or does the magician have control of that?
The magician
rides chaos like a wave. Does magic really come as a wave? Certainly and consecutively.
Nature is repetitive. Does that mean that "sacred" times of the year such as the
spring equinox provide "waves" for the magician to take advantage of? These waves
could be multi-dimensional. Up, down, sideways, diagonally, moving like a fluid
like air or water. The thermodynamics of the fluid movement in a tank of water;
the movements of chaos/magic.
What is Satan? A word? A master? A being?
A god? A symbol?
Christians will never understand the concept
there is no Satan, not in the "god" or "anthropomorphic" way. Satan is a word,
a symbol. How does Satan relate to magic? History tells us. I don't listen.
is a principle. There is principle in the performance of a working, and it is
a principle of nature. It is natural to do magic. It is done all the time. Many
people do not realize what spells they weave. Magic is the spark for evolution;
the spark for change. Performing magic is observing the "enzymes" of evolution:
of change. Performing magic is understanding the deepest motions that desire creates
in our hearts, rippling out through the arms, legs, feet, neck, and face. It is
constant and elusive. Magic is in the air, literally. It is done constantly. It
constantly works. Performing magic is to observe how it works with the gut. It
is the feeling inside you that provokes you to exist. It is the provoking of interest,
desire, evolution. It is the constant coming of change: always coming and always
Magic takes over. It needs permission. I sometimes ask it in
terms of-"Satan possess me, take over my will and possess me. Make me like you.
I want to be you. I want to see the world through my skin. Present me with your
infernal, ever burning ambition. I submit my will to you. Possess me so I can
have your wisdom too and evil patience." Something of an incantation along those
Lo and behold. Satan bitchslaps me and jumps under my skin? No.
But I feel comfortable with magic. When I get myself in tune with Satan/magic/chaos,
I feel powerful, because I am not thinking about being powerful anymore... I just
feel like I am. Things just seem so easy. However there is a lot of patience in
magic, and a need to dismiss the acknowledgement of time. A lot of concentration
and patience is needed to achieve such a natural and simple task. Some of the
harder things to think about are "when," and to think about "how." Magic isn't
a thought process, it may be a psychological state, but not a thought process.
It isn't easily described, and it isn't in a "when." Not to say that timing is
not important; It is more of a FEELING of WHEN to do it at a reasonably calculated
In magic, time is ever-changing itself. Every stop in time or,
let me say, every second in time has its own individual future. Simultaneously,
every passing second has a unique future. That is chaotic. It IS chaos. Magic
is timeless chaos, wisdom, change and desire. A recipe? Maybe. This stuff will
never spoil. And no one knows who made it IF anyone did. I, however, don't think
it was ever non-existent. I am concerned with how petty I am in comparison to
time and space. I think that there was NO beginning for sure, not for time. Have
you ever heard about the "ekpyrotic universe" theory? If not look it up, it's
worth knowing about.
If magic is chaos and time has chaotic undertakings,
a relevantly different future for every second (more so every thought in every
second has a chance to come into being), then isn't it feasible to say that magic
is as eternal as time? More appropriately, SaTan is. A dark satanic force without
a beginning or an end? Yes, it is.
How does a magician have any control
at all of such forces? How can a man or a woman influence other people, events,
changes, body functions, and all of the ever moving environment? I just glanced
at a matchbook on my table. It sits still on the table but it is MOVING through
I stopped writing for a moment to light a cigarette. I didn't
use the matchbook. That is chaos. You would swear that I would reach for those
matches, but I didn't. I went for my wooden matches instead. These were the ones
I was habitually using since I got them. I was also inspired looking at the matchbook
and I wanted to leave them in that same spot and position. Without thinking.
were many factors involved in my choosing the stick matches instead of the book
of matches. Enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, ELECTRICAL impulses through
my synapses. Even ions, all my sensory inputs, anything and everything could've
been involved in that decisive movement. Final. It was EASIER for my brain to
choose the HABITUAL match sticks.
To note another bit of chaos. To use
the term "easier" was actually a subconscious memory for the way some aspects
of thermodynamics were cleverly illustrated by Tani Jantsang in one of her essays
on Vad's site. I remember smiling when I read it.
Now two points. The
brain uses electricity and the question of how a magician could possibly influence
these forces.
Lets suppose that the magician is inside a giant
model in thermodynamics that shows entropy or chaos in a closed environment, and
visually displays heat in motion. It is a fish tank of some sort with a heat source.
Heat is a property of chaos. The heated water molecules move quicker and becomes
less dense and becomes lighter, rising to the top. The cooler, more dense water
molecules sink to the bottom. This action is called convection, a systematic exchange
between two areas of differing densities. When more heat is added there is more
chaos and no more seeming order in the cycles of motion. Normally, food coloring
or ink is used to allow you to see the heated motion of the water. But in this
mind experiment of a magician's influence in this ever-present fluid, the food
coloring will be replaced with ground iron dust.
Now suppose the sorcerer
is buoyant in the center of the tank. It doesnt look like it from an outside
perspective but the magician knows he is moving with the rest of the convection
current. He FEELS it.
He can also decide to swim to whichever
three-dimensional area of the tank he chooses. There is low entropy in the tank
and he has relative control of his whereabouts. When he wants or even when he
is in a comfortable position, he may decide to influence the magic iron dust.
He is aware of the entropy levels and he has chosen a time and place to affect
change in another area of the tank. He now releases control of his position and
body movement to the watery environment. This allows him to use his brain in a
more intense fashion as it isnt concerned with the status of the body anymore.
He gets a feeling of magic; the ever-present environment. He is able to influence
the transgressive exchanges that normally occur all the time involuntarily between
his electrified mind and the iron particles in the environment. He electromagnetizes
himself and can switch poles to attract and repel as he pleases. And
he sees the world in a the way that the iron dust would. I will add
a little more imagination. Suppose now that he can control the magnetic pull between
the iron dust particles and make them form shapes like a magnet game: images of
desires in very small amounts compared to the actual amounts of dust there actually
is; so small that they can stay in his head if he wanted. These shapes have special
qualities and the magician charges them. They flow with the rest of
the current, it helps a lot when the magician pushes them away.
lets suppose that these dust particles are not at all tangible. They cannot
be seen, but only felt. They are magne-formed ghost imprints of living
things (already formed), and imprints cast molds of the "is to be" (sorcerers
creation). The imprints of living things(magnetic signatures) are like a mirror
image on another plane or dimension. The imprints of the is to be
are created by sorcerers and are like cast molds that make dance steps
for the things he wants to influence (imagine the whole concept as a matter/anti-matter
concept). I am now going to refer to an already existent signature as LIVING SIGNATURES
and the magicians magne-formed desires as SORCERER'S SIGNATURES. Both
types of signatures or imprints consist of some important properties.
They are imprints varying of emotions, behavior tendencies, personality, and even
familiar properties such as the TAN-becoming, and SAT-being. When the magician
creates these signatures, they are a likeness of already existing living signatures.
In actuality they are created as forged signatures of their destination living
signatures. This way they can flow freely through the chaos until meeting with
the same signature of the living (the recipient of the working). It finds its
purpose and wraps itself around, snug fit. It superimposes the desires of the
magician on the living signature. It possesses the living and exchanges
information or motivation with it. It went through chaos
on a mission to find the living signature that the sorcerer assigned to it, and
be like a subconscious influence on the recipient of the magic. Interestingly
enough, these sorcerers' signatures resemble elementals.
They are created
with a purpose. That purpose is to find its host and affect change. Its
purpose here is to possess its mirror image, because it is without
reason. It is SAT looking for TAN, and the sorcerer made it. Actually, it is also
like Tan looking for Sat in the ultimate sense since things that Become are looking
for Pure Being in a sense.
Yes its true, these elementals can
and/or will come back to their creator. Does that mean curses or evil
elementals are damaging to the magician? NO. If it was for something materialistic,
it will return to the sorcerer as the object of desire. If it was for a curse
it wont be around the sorcerer in the first place because it isnt
part of its purpose. There is no reason why it would come back. Three-fold bounce
back? If the magician felt guilty about what he has done, he would be thinking
a lot about his little creation. As I described earlier, magic is on-going and
constantly done. The magician worried and recreated the sorcerers signature in
his head and he didnt send it off like the last one. It resembles the living
signature his elemental is after and the elemental didnt get very far when
the magician made this new victim. Himself. The sorcerer's signature then returns
to the decoy victim the sorcerer made in his head involuntarily. Of
course he can banish it. The magician can destroy any negative elementals.
is a natural understanding of chaos without thinking, but feeling it. Magic is
a major part of the whole. It is a synaptic electro-chemical of SaTan. Every feeling
described by a name like Hecate, Lucifer, Abaddon, Mammon, Pan, they are all signatures
on Satans proverbial eardrums. They evoke a HABITUAL process in the thermodynamic
environment we exist in. Its just that the magician should best familiarize
himself with the names and they will be helpful. They are an EASY way to get to
the point without thinking too much. They do not die
they only sleep, hiding
in the shadows of science and ancient desires.