Two Articles on Polynesians and Cthulhu Oceanic Mythos

T. Jantsang

1. The Polynesians, Oceanic Nomads of the Pacific.

During the last Ice Age the water levels were much lower than they became after the ice began to melt. The ocean levels today are 330 feet (100.6 meters) higher. In Indonesia, or what now constitutes the South-East Asian area (Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, etc.), a people lived on a land that was not broken up and separated into islands by water. (See Map of Ocean Floor and my lines designating the land mass that would have been above sea level back then. At end of this article.) They all refer to this land as Maui, Mau, Muo, and Mu! Some experts call them Australoids, while some just name them Dravidians from the name of the same people/culture who still live in India and whose Kava ceremony they still retain to this day.

At the same time, in North-East Asia, were "Tungusics/Mongoloids" or Turanians as they named themselves. They were known as Hyperboreans by some, and Turanians or Naga, Chan or Hsien by most, which is where the name comes from in "remote pre-history." (They were those who, in oral doctrines, lived during the 4th world age during a time when Western experts think civilization didn't exist.) They had been drifting across a solid sheet of ice known as Beringia and coming to North America and Canada; other Turanians drifted into a predominantly Mediterranean China, and some of these came into that area from the Americas (Patala or Ameru, in tradition). A road is generally crossed two ways, back and forth, and recent genetic studies prove all of this. Some continued further south and built structures there. It is well known there that Naga people built them and once lived there: such as the structures in Thailand, such as those the Ch'ang built which Chinese history speaks of. Bone finds prove this; excavated ancient burial cites prove this. As more Turanians entered China in waves continuing up to the last Manchu dynasty, the Chinese began to look "more Oriental," as that is commonly thought of. They did NOT look Turanian. They did NOT look Mediterranean any longer. Now, they looked - Chinese.

That these two groups of people, the Dravidians and the Turanians, had known each other in even more ancient, but written of, times in India didn't matter. Cultural ties and traditions still linger to be traced; bones can be found to trace; but that is not important to the Pacific Islands, per se. It does seem to pop up in Mythos tales, albeit in a highly distorted fashion.

The ice began to melt. This prevented further eastward Turanian traveling and any further returning back on that road. It also forced the people in the South East Asian area to either flee back inland, lest the rising level of water wipe them out, or get into ocean going vessels and take to the sea. How one would EXPERIENCE water rising would feel the same as "land sinking."

This South East Asian group, which was once predominantly Dravidian with some Turanian mixture, decided to take to the seas. They became Nomads of the Sea. What is important is that, at Lapita, very ancient pottery was found along with skeletons of people and the tools they used. They are now called Lapita culture: the Lapita peoples. They were New People, different people, and they considered themselves different from others and the same as themselves. These people left a trail of bones, tools and pottery with intricate designs showing human faces and animals that have been traced from Lapita in New Caledonia back through the New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and then onto the mainland of Asia. This group of people was not Dravidian, nor were they Turanian, even if traces lead back to these two original groups in even remoter times before the last Ice Age was over. They were POLYNESIAN. They are as unlike both Dravidian and Turanian as Dravidian is from Turanian, just as the Chinese are pretty much another race from the Turanians and they are also now another race from the Mediterraneans.

Insects that migrated to these Polynesian Islands and became isolated also changed. There exist wasps with no wings, and birds with black fur and no wings. They were not long on the islands and they got there by flying. But remaining there, and not needing wings to escape predators or hunt food, they quickly lost their ability to fly. Zoologically, this is known as Burning your Bridges. You (or any organism) make an evolutionary choice, and you can not turn back. You change. You can change again in another new way, but you can not turn back. The change (whether in humans or non-humans and including trees and plants) can make a species "warlike": such as trees with poisons in their leaves that harm predators, such as birds that have to hunt, and such as humans that have to compete for food. The change can make a species very calm and peaceful: such as trees that lose their toxins because nothing eats their leaves, birds and insects that lose their flying ability, humans that settle down and develop cultural artistic abilities and live very simply in complete harmony with a friendly, not hostile, land.

Australian Aborigines do not figure into the picture of Oceanic peoples at all. They were there on Australia, as were the other strange creatures on that land, which exist nowhere else on earth. The Polynesians know it; the Aborigines know it. They've lived on Australia 60 thousand years by their own accounts. Nor does New Guinea or Tasmania fit into their travels. These lands were already inhabited by different people at least 20 thousand years ago. They were a hunter culture, not agricultural. Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania tell another story, perhaps a separate story. Not a Polynesian story. Later, when some Polynesians did go to these islands, they remained separate from the previous people and stayed on the coasts. Prior to the sea levels rising, Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania were one land-mass. These Aborginals, along with most of the other life present, are considered isolates: groups separated for so long that new species begin to change enough to evolve, such as the kangaroo, a marsupial animal.

How came these Polynesians to be one distinct people? Two previously separate groups mixed; they blended and then, blended, they had very rigid and strict codes of who can marry whom, known as dividing a tribe into moieties and clans with totems. The offspring of each clan goes to the clan of the mother, but a different breeding class from that of father or mother. There is a 4 class and an 8 class system and they are extremely rigid. Whatever they are doing, the system somehow prevented deleterious inbreeding in a way not known to specialists. What comes out of these matings is eugenic and not in any way dysgenic. This system, in fact, is universal among non-Christian (non-white) social systems, not just among the Polynesians. Something is not understood in Western science about the genetics involved. What is "Taboo" (a Polynesian word) is what would cause dysgenics! That is a fact. How the class system does this is unknown. As such, this group of people, who called themselves "The People," set sail for the seas. Like Nomads, they were literally Sea Nomads.

The first place they sailed to was Fiji. From there, some of them set sail and went to an island halfway between Asia and S. America: Tahiti. They brought only a few things native to Fiji with them, such as dogs, the bread-fruit plant, taro plant, pigs, rats (to eat), and chickens. The majority of fruits and animals they brought with them are known to be of Asian origin. On Tahiti they found an island paradise and lived well. In Tahiti, Tangaroa (Ta'aroa) was par excellence the god of creation. He was the god of "special tribes" and "clans" such as the Ati Ta'aroa, Ati Tane, and Ati Oro, but was not especially connected with fishing.

Later, a group of these people left Tahiti and went to the Marquesas (native name??). There, they brought the same few things with them but they found a harsher environment, which required them to build a series of irrigation systems and aqueducts and perform other beneficial forms of agricultural engineering. Necessity is the mother of invention. If you have to do it, you do it! If you don't, you don't! (Consider this if you doubt: would you continue to work 9 to 5 at a job if you won the lottery? If you say yes, then you must be a bored person with no inner-life at all, or a wannabe slave!)

From the Marquesas the Polynesians set to sea again: this time in many directions. I have no idea why they left and then continued to island hop. Of note, Tangaroa did not occupy a unique position on the Marquesas; he was a god of the seas and winds, and one of the patron deities of fishing.

Some set sail to Samoa where they had to build a dam which lead to a method of catching fish that was so ingenious that no one had to fish anymore! Here, on Samoa, they became masters of an art they called Tattoo that became so famous that European sailors picked up the habit and adopted it. They invented the surf board and became masters of surfing. They had much time to play and life was perfect. Samoa contains the oldest stratum of Tangaroa worship in its purest form. Tangaroa was held in such high esteem that the religion was almost monotheistic. Tangaroa was their creator and progenitor! He was associated with the Craftsmen Guilds who were called "Sa Tangaloa."

Some went to Hawaii and set up systems of standard agriculture that were quite vast. Oddly, on Hawaii Tangaroa (Kanaloa) became a "miscreator" deity! Legend there has Tangaroa leading a revolt against other gods and being cast into the ocean: a giant octopus imprisoned in the ocean!! Ku was set up as the most prominent deity and during Ku's time of year, the Hawaiians would work. Then they'd put Ku down in a ceremony and raise up Lono which represented 4 months of complete vacation and no work. It is highly probable that the defaming of Tangaroa was "for Christian ears only," since these people were innately NON-dualistic and very naturalistic. A mis-creator deity that looks like an Octopus or a Leviathan of the ocean, that gets sent below the ocean and locked away, smacks a tad too much of Hawaiians trying to sound dualist-Christian. There is absolutely no doubt that the Christians viewed Tangaroa as Satan and tried to ban its worship. One of the few deities that survived Christian destruction on Hawaii, in fact, is Ku (Kukailimoku), which is now their God of War!

Some set sail to Micronesia (native name??) where they built Nan Matol. Not much is known of this group; missionaries wiped out the information. Much, however, is known about Ponape to Cthulhu Mythos fans! Odd how the missionaries at least preserved accounts of other Polynesians, but on Ponape and other Caroline Islands they freaked out and destroyed everything. Makes one wonder why they did this. What has been learned, however, is that the group of people coming to the Marianas (native name??) in Micronesia had to have met up with their own people: earlier settlers. Pottery and other artifacts have been found in the Marianas that are not only related to those traced from Lapita, but which are at least 1,000 years older!

Some set sail to Rapanui or "Easter Island" where, recently, it "was shown" that they came from the Marquesas despite the fact that they, themselves, knew who they were. ("It was shown" merely refers to the fact that Europeans now know this on their own. It would seem that asking the Polynesians themselves was too hard, or the Polynesians refused to divulge anything to people who previously came in as missionaries and created misery.) On this bleak island there was no paradise. Where there is shortage, the settlers divide up into warring factions. Soon the place was abandoned and it is now known that these Polynesians went to South America where they either blended with other folk and became the Inca Empire, or they, themselves, became the Inca Empire. The fact is, when the Europeans first found the Incas, they had a culture and civilization so advanced as to make Rome, at its heights, look primitive. They had advanced math and astronomy. The missionaries tried, but did not manage, to wipe it all out. It has, indeed, been found, chronicled, and shown in scientific journals which end up being shown as shows for laymen on National Geographic or on Discovery and Learning Channels. Tangaroa is referred to incidentally in records from Easter Island.

Another group of these people that left the Marquesas ended up on the Society Islands (native name??), where some went to join their brethren on Hawaii. Others went to Aya-tua-roa or "New Zealand." There, this group found a cold climate with temperate seasons, ocean cold enough for penguins to live near, and snowy peaks: completely alien to them. They quickly made use of things endemic to the environment to fashion comfortable clothing to keep warm during cold seasons, dry during rain storms, and more: they quickly adapted to the climate physically so that they could wander around scantily clothed during colder times. The environment here was, also, not as plentiful and warring factions formed. It is in this stage of their history that the Europeans found them: the Maori.

As I pointed out in the Polynesian Religion article, ALL "The People" called themselves a name similar to Maori, Maui, Mu, Mui. In New Zealand, Tangaroa was an oceanic deity, but he also figured as an antagonist in their cosmogony: Tangaroa had a quarrel with his brother Tawhiri-ma-tea, which led Tangaroa to take refuge in the sea. Again, this may have been created as a myth for Christians to hear.

Occasionally, Polynesians hunted non-flying birds for food to the point that these birds became extinct. New Taboos were made. When the Europeans came into these islands and wrecked havoc there with all life, they later (modern times) came to learn the error of their ways and now they have instituted the same old identical taboos that the Polynesians had: they call it "Conservationism." Environmentally speaking, one can see that the Polynesian taboos had their foundation in the real world and in logic. The original Taboos of the European colonials were lunatic babblings with no logic or even common sense behind them: Taboos against dancing, singing, being half-naked, surfing, ad nauseam. They came into the islands and spread venereal disease, which was unheard of prior to their arrival. They outlawed age-old eugenic mating customs. In short, they did what they do wherever they go: caused misery. (Though I have neither, I'd rather have the heritage of a slave than the heritage of a destroyer.)

It is known that these Polynesians did all they did without the use of any metal tools. Obviously, they didn't need them. However, it is known that certain Polynesians were familiar with metals. When Europeans introduced what they thought were "progressive solutions to technological problems," the European solutions wound up being clumsy, costly and deceptive. The Polynesians showed familiarity with the metals the Europeans brought: they knew how to work metals, how to cut them up, and so forth. They preferred their own axes which were better and cheaper than the ones made by Europeans. On some Polynesian cites, mainly in Melanesia (native name??), bronze implements were unearthed from a very early period. The Polynesians made a rational and conscious choice to stop using metal very early on. An example from personal experience: in semi-tropical Florida metal does not do well. The only metal one can use which will not cause problems and not cost a fortune is aluminum (this was written before the cost of aluminum went sky high). But if you do not screw aluminum to aluminum [and not another metal] you end up with corrosion: the screws have to be aluminum too! Even galvanized steel doesn't work because iron is in it. The only way wood works here, is to "pressure treat it" with poisons, water-proof it with more poisons, and then make sure you keep it painted and not touching any part of the ground lest termites get to it! Wood-framed homes are much safer during hurricanes. Concrete-blocks work well, too, for homes, though they do not insulate as well as wood at all and tend to get damp. Also, during hurricanes a concrete home is a death-trap. The only other care-free home would seem to be one made of an extremely hard plastic polymer (petroleum). For that I'd have to wait for the Japanese to try this. Building a house out of bamboo, and using resin, bark and gum for glue, might produce a home that needs little care: but I'd have to ask a Polynesian HOW TO DO THIS.

Captain Cook, a man new to the new science of ship traveling, was astounded at these people who traveled greater distances than any other people on earth had ever traveled. Not long ago, to refute the Eurocentric lies that claimed that no one could possibly have traveled like this with the ships the Polynesians used, European scientists set sail to prove it could, indeed, be done. See, they weren't content to believe the Polynesians! A little bit later, but not for the same reasons, Polynesians from all the islands did the same thing using their age-old traditional sea-craft: they set sail for Rarotonga. There, they met in a grand meeting of Their People. They celebrated the coming together of One People - their own people. This meeting was not for outsiders, nor did they do it to refute the Eurocentric nonsense said about them. They did this for themselves, by themselves.

It does not take long for a bird to lose its wings and its ability to fly and it never took the Polynesians long to figure out the science of agricultural engineering when they had to. They did it in one generation or they perished because they, in some ways, Burned Their Bridges when they landed on one island and stayed there: thousands of miles away from the island they left. One can clearly see how different various types of Polynesians look. European scientists try in vain to classify them. Yet they came from One People on Fiji; they still claim to be One People; surely, they themselves KNOW WHO THEY ARE! With the slight change in environment, in terms of challenge and response, one can see what appear to be vast differences in birds, fish and trees. What is wonderful about these scientific shows (National Geographic, Discovery, etc.), is that they do not just focus on humans. When they show you the island and its environment, humans are part of that environment and, like everything else on the island, they changed too. It is known that some changes are forever: there is no going back though it is possible to change more. After all, humans no longer breathe water or live in trees. How is it that some people that live in tropical environments can, in one generation, adapt to freezing cold, or vice versa? Some can't; but others can. I do not need science to prove this: one need only go look at people who live in these areas who feel comfortable in their opposite environments. Birds that migrate from Siberia to tropical Africa can also survive in both climates and feel comfortable. It would seem to me, by simply looking around, that most people did not Burn Their Bridges. But some did. Perhaps they regret it? Perhaps they really feel that they lost their home. Perhaps this leads them to invent doctrines of other-worldly kingdoms, or tales of a lost Eden.

People who are naturally and inquisitively interested in the nature around them tend to live in the real world and feel joined to it. Why does the ocean fascinate us? Because, long ago, our ancestors Burned Their Bridges! Who knows what we left behind down there? (Deep Ones? That's a wonderful thought!) Who knows why they did this? Why did they leave the ocean? Perhaps the predatory kinds of life in the ocean, which make up the stuff of some humans' worst nightmares, made them flee. There are predators down there in the oceans the likes of which make a lion seem tame and seem like prey! Why did dolphins, our brothers, return to the ocean? Surely, they must recognize humans as related because they go out of their way to save human lives. They do not act so friendly towards other sea-creatures. If a shark threatens a man swimming, a dolphin will beat the shark out of the way! No one knows why they do this. We all wonder about this; we want to know. It doesn't matter that some humans kept their survival traits and others Burned Their Bridges: we know this already because we can see it in the real world. But, why did our ancestors leave the ocean? What did we leave behind down there? This still fascinates us, yet it terrifies others. Tentacled, boneless and flowing creatures seem beautiful to some of us and we often mimic them in our dance movements and fighting styles. Yet others are horrified at the softness of these creatures and even threatened by people who dance and move like this. Why? Perhaps the ocean left them behind.

Burning Bridges begins when one small group of people, animals, or plants ends up isolated in an environment cut off from the rest of the world by miles of either impassable mountains or vast stretches of ocean. Then, you either change fast or die! It is a known fact that these changes come fast: in one generation; as much as half the creatures die, the rest survive; and in the next generation, everyone is fine. For some strange reason there is a political obstacle to saying this about people. Why? Two obvious examples of people who Burned Their Bridges can be seen in some Africans (I don't know what specific ethnic name to give them) who became so heat-adapted that they cannot absorb Vitamin D in even temperate climates, from sun exposure. These would die from Rickets if not for the artificial addition of this vitamin to milk. Another group that Burned Their Bridges is the Nordic, an ectomorphic and depigmented European type that suffers from heat-prostration and sun-poisoning in even semi-tropical climates. I can theorize that the African group must have been stuck in a very hot, perpetually sunny lowland area. The Nordics must have been isolated in a perpetually cloudy place, not necessarily cold, either. Icy climate would not have caused them to lose their subcutaneous body fat, and ice or snow would have reflected the sun back at them causing them to remain pigmented. Tasmanians are very black and from very cold climes, and some very fair Asians live in the tropical areas. Most Africans do not suffer this way in cold climates, and most Europeans do not suffer this way in hot climates. Another specialization in various people is the sickle-cell for protection against malaria. One must be practically "stranded" somewhere for specialization to occur wherein you lose something that you would need to survive anywhere else in the world. With something as painful as sun-poisoning and heat-prostration that can land a person in a hospital, I can imagine that some people regret Burning Their Bridges. If a person gets sick from Rickets, the causes are not as obvious as getting sick from a shining sun! The result for such a sun-sensitive person would be that he'd be the only person around with clothing on to protect him from the sun, while others romped around unharmed. My theory is that this condition is the origin of "shame" and other such absurd laws demanding people cover their bodies. Keep in mind, "covering up the naked body" originated in a hot climate, not in a cold one where one would cover up to keep warm! .

Europeans have noted and written that on some Polynesian islands the people could pass as black. On other islands they could pass as Asian. On still other islands, they look different, they look "Polynesian," yet they come from the same people. This could simply be "genetic drift" from previous ancient ancestors, but modern scholarship has discredited the European "race-divisions." The Polynesians, themselves obviously do not see themselves as others see them, as they refer to themselves as ONE PEOPLE. The Europeans found some very friendly Polynesians: sure, they lived on friendly islands! Europeans also found some fierce warrior Polynesians: sure, they lived on more hostile islands! August Derleth seemed to have no trouble seeing them as they see themselves: ONE CULTURE! He even wrote about their history further back than Fiji or Indonesia in The Trail of Cthulhu, and then continued it into Inca territory! Don't Cthulhu Mythos lovers wonder how he knew this? There is a heap of scholarship detailing everything Lovecraft ever read, but nothing exists to tell us how August Derleth knew all he knew about the Polynesian Islands, Dravidians, and South America.

Most information about these non-white ethnic groups has become a subject loaded with politics. Due to this, the love of knowledge and interest in other cultures is Taboo. This has been caused by Eurocentric pseudo-scholarship that, for 200 years beginning with Blumenbach, turned ancient history upside down and tried to give credit for all inventions to the "Aryans." I'm not here speaking of "racist" literature: I'm speaking about the standard "European model" of history! One has to wonder how they managed not to sunburn to death in Greece, Egypt (and pick any high culture from any semi-tropical lands, where palm trees are in abundance) or other places where all of these cultures came into being, and just give the Europeans the credit. That's the idea behind the Eurocentric pseudoscience. The backlash from this nonsense can be seen overtly in "Afrocentric" pseudo-scholarship, though what I've seen of this, so far, is not nearly as far out as the racist Nordic-centric joke wherein the word "Aryan" even got distorted to mean "Nordic" when it never meant that at all in the past. Brahmans (Into-Europeans, who called themselves Aryans) were black-haired, the proper Brahmins were black haired, and that's in their own oldest literature!

The idea behind all this "--centric" nonsense is the desire to lay claim and claim credit for some remote civilization that existed years ago. As can be clearly seen with the new races, Polynesian and Chinese, no one can lay claim to any of it. (I'm sure if Brontosaurus had blue eyes it would become a fact of monumental importance to these fools.) This needs to be told here because, if anyone chooses to look into these Polynesian people (or others), you will run into this and then you will also run into the arguments against it. I'm just explaining what the "IT" is. IT was so bad, not long ago in American universities, that if anyone dared to mention Herodotus, an eye-witness and the Father of History, he was persecuted by the teachers. If you went to a museum and asked to see something African with the intent of seeing something Egyptian, the "experts" would go so far as to say that Egypt was not in Africa! This lunacy has escalated into the new lunacy that would claim: all people that have melanin have to do to learn anything is catch the knowledge from the rays of the sun or from Sirius! This would otherwise be hilarious or some Mythos Joke except that people saying these things are dead-serious! Europeans, finding Amerind structures and mounds, claimed that Vikings made them. I have absolutely no doubts that by using language, their favorite tool to turn history inside-out, Eurocentrics will point to the English language now spoken and written throughout Polynesia, then they'll dig out Churchward and his Nordic lunacy about Mu and use this to "prove" that the Polynesian islands were navigated by the English! (I may as well just say that the Olmecs were Deep Ones: they vanished because they went back to R'lyeh.)

Extreme climates do not encourage one to try to create a civilization - and chances are if you tried to build anything there it wouldn't last. To the Naturalist, the culture/people who themselves adapt physically and in harmony with the environment, become part of it, and let it mold them, are people who have learned the Wisdom of the Ages. The rest has, in fact, caused disaster and less leisure for people. Agriculture works sometimes. The nomad way has to be adopted in other places. It is a fact that when you "conquer the land," in time the land conquers your descendents! Then there is no more land, and no more people on the land. Interfere not with Nature! This is a concept that most non-white peoples used to have and still have in some places. (Do not burn down the "jungle," it's a rain-forest, you idiot!) These people felt themselves to be part of that Greater Nature, not cast out or above it - their own deities show that they had these ideas; the way they lived shows they knew this. For some reason, some humans are so resistant to change that they try, in vain, to battle it!

Once upon a time, there was a worm. It had no eyes, but only spots that were photo-sensitive and contained various shades of pigment. The fact is, this worm evolved into a fish-like thing and that evolved into humans. There has been a kind of "Holy Grail" in biochemistry and neurology: what guides the growth of growing AXONS. Axons are long nerves that hook up to the NEURONS to allow the brain to act as a register or "perceiver" of the world around it. (Tantriks have known this axonic influence that goes up the spinal column, into the brain stem and then into the brain, as "Kundalini." They knew this by FEELING THIS IN THEMSELVES.) Some scientists, as shown on a Discovery Channel special on the brain, call this force "WILL." It is not "thinking," nor is it neurons. Two chemical factors have been discovered after a hundred-year search: enzymatic proteins in a month old human foetus. They have been called netrin-1 and netrin-2. Netrin is Sanskrit for "One Who Guides." The netrins are closely related to growth factors found in nematodes (roundworms), which likewise influence and guide growth and migration of the worm's sensory axons. After 600,000,000 years of evolution between man and worm, the genetic code for worm and human guidance enzymes is STILL over 50% IDENTICAL: a startling and remarkable similarity in biology. If anything is supposed to distinguish humans from worms, it is supposed to be the nervous system. This similarity has caused several biologists to start calling the human spinal cord "The Worm Within Us." (Tantriks and others of the Dark Tradition also called it this [Ouroboros] and only later came to change this into the Serpent Within.) The migration of nerve axons in the human foetus's spinal cord is IDENTICAL to the migration of sensory apparatus in the worm's. Worms have long been the primary subject of study of evolutionary biologists because worms have consistently proven to be a link between primeval single-cell organisms and multicellular ones such as fish and people. But that the formation of the human spinal cord in the human foetus remains identical to the worm's came as a surprise to many researchers who projected or imagined some sort of great biological gulf between the 3 pound (1.36 kilogram) human brain and the pencil-eraser-size worm's central nervous system. With this alone, you can see two things: 1. how far along humans Burned Their Bridges: so far that they no longer share Phylum with the worm; i.e., EVOLVED; 2. how there still exists a LINK to trace back where we came from: hundreds of millions of years ago! This shows the INTERWOVEN Web of Life. Environmentalists tend to see this clearly when they look at the food chain.

In the article shortly detailing Polynesian Religion I was saddened by the idea, based on information from a European-Christian person living in Maori territory, that Maoris forgot what their own deity-ideas were. I am glad to know of their cultural meeting at Rarotonga, where Tangaroa was once a Great God, and even happier to know that they NEVER FORGOT who they are and what their own culture is. Christians tried to destroy these beautiful and unique people. That failed and, as such, the Polynesians, or at least some of them, remain: THE PEOPLE.

It is even more of a time for joy to hear that Polynesians are doing their own thing, for themselves and by themselves, and that they not only DO NOT CARE what Europeans think about it, but they did not even want Europeans around for THEIR OWN THING. Apparently they completely cover up their culture and beliefs with a Christian veneer, if not out of fear of breaking some insane non-native law, then out of a desire to simply keep the European OUT of his life. After all, my informant, who really thought that the Maori and others forgot who Tangaroa was, and who asked a Maori, "What is Tangaroa?" and was told, "I don't know," was born and has lived in New Zealand all his life. Maori are all around him to be seen. Meanwhile the Europeans are on the Polynesians' islands and there is a rumbling to be heard against them, but NOT against the Japanese who are also there. There are also strong anti-racist laws there to protect the natives. I must ask: why did such laws have to be made? The answer is obvious. And if a massacre occurs, as has happened many times before after much provocation, the Europeans will, once again, WONDER WHY.

They should read Lovecraft and learn to BEWARE THE CULTS - especially when they treated them so badly in the past after these natives welcomed them with open and friendly arms. These were people who were, above all, CIVIL to each other, to animals, and to their environment: and civil to the invading Christians (big mistake!)

What, then, is the truth behind the oral legend of an ancient, sunken land (Mu, etc.) where they say they all came from, all pointing to a direction that is S. Asia? James Churchward is to be loathed and despised because he went to these people, spent his time and money to try to "find out" things and then came back and wrote a Nordic fantasy, a book of total lies. Why did he even bother to go there? He could have just written his stupid book without pretending to seriously research these people.

But what is Mu? It is that ancient land mass the Polynesians lived on during the Ice Age before they had to set sail, the land that got submerged beneath the rising water when the ice began to melt, when Java, Sumatra and Borneo were not separated from Asia by water. It is where they lived before they set out to sea for Fiji. When one sticks to logic and does not desire to believe in fantasy, this is very easy to figure out; having a detailed map of the ocean floor showing sea levels, and knowing what the water levels used to be back then helps! About 13,000 BC the ice began to melt. That is when the water would have begun to rise and threaten to overwhelm their land, turning it into islands. In 15,000 B.C. they lived on their solid land. If someone wants to find Mu, well then, HERE IT IS! See the map at the bottom of the second article that follows below (at the very bottom of this page following the second article).




2. Polynesian Religion - Their Oral Doctrines and the Cthulhu Mythos Oceanic Tales of Lovecraft, Derleth and Carter.

Note: throughout the Pacific, letters become interchanged, such as "l" and "r", "t" and "k", "n" and ng," and sounds drop out, so that the same deity often has varied names, e.g.: Tangaroa, Tanaroa, Tanaloa, Kanaloa and even Taroa. These are all the same deity. The Tahunas (Kahunas) or Native Priests preserved the oral doctrine in the religious origin of what they called by varied sounds: Maui, Mau, Muo, and Mu, as the name of an "ancient sunken land" that they say sank beneath the waves. More specifically and definitely known, the water level rose, which would seem as if the land was sinking if you lived on it. (See map using a map of the ocean floor, showing land masses that were connected around 15,000 BC, explained in the previous article.)

First there is PO which is Chaos/Void (our Asat). Out of it emanated TEAVE (our Sat), the Eternal Creator-Mother/Father that sits on a "throne" in the dome of PO. Out of it comes ORA, the Light-Born-of-Darkness, (Vajra/Logos/Flame).

TEAVE then speaks the ORA (the word) into the PO. This causes emanation of the physical world, Cosmos. As TEAVE does this, TEAVE breathes forth a MANNA (our Atma) that pervades all that is created, joining all in One Life of TEAVE's Eternal Spirit. ORA is also LIFE OF RA, SPIRIT OF FIRE. (This is like Asat, Sat and Tan, thus far).

Out of TEAVE, and in the Cosmos, are emanated a son TANE (or ELI ELI), and a daughter NA VAHINE (or URI URI, or ULI ULI). TANE is Heavenly Father, the Living Water or Fountain, the Head of Essential Spirit, Generative Waters (our Bahu/Demiurge). NA VAHINE is the Heavenly Mother, Generative Sun, Lady of Peace, also called MARAM, a moon-goddess (Kundalini). TEAVE, TANE, AND NA VAHINE are considered the First Triad. What follows is quite different from Dark Tradition

TANE and NA VAHINE mate and produce THREE SONS: TANGAROA a sea deity, TU or KU (air), and RONGO (earth). This is the Second Triad.

The Third Triad consists of the THREE DAUGHTERS, who are the wives of the three sons: TAPO wife of Tangaroa, HINA wife of Tu, and RATA wife of Rongo.

In any modern Encyclopedia of Oceanic lore, TAPO, at best, means sacred; temples and idols are TAPO. The meaning is akin to the word Taboo. Likewise, the other two names of the wives (3rd Triad) are not to be found. Luckily, people who traveled there long ago, wrote this down, preserved it, and later ethnologists wrote it in obscure journals. These three triads, which make up nine deities in all and ten if you include PO (the void), are at first identical to our Dark Doctrine, in basic form, as I pointed out. The Christians considered PO to be Hell. They destroyed so much.

There are many other deities, more like spirits, such as PAPA, a goddess Queen of Nature, center of the Kava tea-drinking ceremonies, her mate VATEA, and MIRU, Lord of the Spirit world, and etc.

Of priests there were two kinds: the Holy Ones and the Evil Ones. The latter are called TAHUNA ANA'ANA, skilled in necromancy and witchcraft. They were feared.

The Creation story is a Chant called TUMURIPO.

Tane and his 3 sons are the 4 (male) Pillars of Creation.

With Teave, they consist of FIVE Supreme Beings.

With Na Vahina they make the Holy SIX.

With the triad of daughters they make the NINE DEITIES.

This, which can be seen in form to be like the Dark Doctrine at first, notably the Tantrik/Vedantic, is the SECOND most-ancient religion of the Pacific Islands.

The first and earlier, whose source is wholly unknown to scholars, is a pure form of Tangaroa worship. Tangaroa is called "The Octopus God." It was purely an Oceanic Deity who, in some legends, quarreled with his brother TAWHIRIMA-TEA a Storm Deity. Tawhirima-tea lead Tangaroa to take refuge in the Ocean. Tangaroa makes an abortive effort to create man thereby revolting against the Other Gods. For this, Tangaroa is cast into the bottom of the Ocean. As said previously, this may have been told to the colonial Christians and not be a prevalent myth of Tangaroa; the point here is that Lovecraft and Derleth would have had access to writings telling of this version of Tangaroa. One myth has it that Tangaroa rescued two humans, SEVE and POUNIU, from a universal flood by raising up Samoa.

Some older myths say the waters follow Tangaroa's ordinance. He is the God and Father of all fish and reptiles. He is considered the biological ancestor of all the highest chiefly families! He is the creator/father of mermen and mermaids! Today, Samoa is still the stronghold of Tangaroa religion and contains it in its purest form.

It was never Lovecraft's intent to imply that Cthulhu is Tangaroa, at least as far as we know! On second thought, it might be where he got the basic idea; the Peabody Museum, mentioned in these tales, was a real place and did have viewable artifacts from Polynesia. At any rate, it certainly is what Derleth wrote about in the book The Trail of Cthulhu. Hastur is the lord of air, half brother and enemy of Cthulhu. Cthulhu is, quite frankly, TANGAROA! Since the original Lovecraft story, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, did not name the narrator, Derleth assumed his name was James Williamson. The ethnologist who wrote and preserved this Tangaroa lore is named R. W. Williamson! This book was available to be read by both Lovecraft and Derleth.

In the Xothic Cycle of Lin Carter, which he based on the garbage Churchward wrote, one can see the three sons of Cthulhu, Carter's so-called "Demon Trinity.". While Carter based this on Churchward's garbage about a "Triune Deity," and since Churchward pretended to base it on Polynesian Oceanic lore, Carter ended up with a facsimile of the real Oceanic lore himself! Robert Price points out in Crypt of Cthulhu #80 that Ghatanothoa, in the Lovecraft/Heald revision story Out of the Eons, was intended by Lovecraft to be another name of Cthulhu. I try to simplify and purify the mythos back to a semblance of Lovecraftian form by saying the same thing: Ghatanothoa is another name of Cthulhu. I say that Zoth-Ommog is not a son of Cthulhu, but a title. I do this with a bit of language and letter changing hinted at by Carter himself, when he gives us the alternate spelling, ZATOMAGA. SAT, OM, and AGA, Satomaga, are three ancient words that make sense as a title of Cthulhu as Lovecraft first created it, as a Priest of the Old Ones, a Priest that heralds their Rising, an Obic Priest, or an Ubbia priest (an Adept of the Sat and the Om). Ubbia is a real worm idol. (fiction: Worms of the Earth, Lin Carter's Yuggs in the Xothic cycle and my own originally non-mythos idea of Yuggya and Ubbya.) I say Ythogtha is not a son of Cthulhu but is mistaken for that by some (characters in tales); it is really like the Ophioneus concept based purely on how Carter described this deity/entity. Since Carter based the Xothic cycle on Churchward's junk, then Cthulhu would be Osiris, and his wife Idh-yaa, would be Isis. This would also explain why Carter had the origin of Cthulhu as Xoth (Sothis), a binary star. Sothis is Sirius, a binary star, and constitutes an early form of Isis-Osiris myth - Sirius was important to the Egyptians (regarding seasons). This is also a myth ascribed to the Dogon tribe of Mali by a French scholar; it's about alien fish-people from Sirius coming to earth, allegedly preserved by the Dogon as told to them by Lemnian Greeks. It is possible that the French scholar invented the story that the Dogon people of Mali believed this, but that's neither here or there since Mythos writers could have easily read this account by the French scholar. Did Derleth ever hear this story? Doubtful or he'd have probably used it. Carter did. It is evident that August Derleth knew a lot about Oceanic Pacific lore and Polynesian idols, symbols, gods and peoples. Lin Carter says he got the Demon Trinity idea from Churchward's Mu. Frankly, I do not think it is as simple as that. Carter knew that Sirius was called Sothis, and he knew that Apep would be an enemy of the Egyptian Set. Proof is in a story printed after he died, a story he wrote in high-school, Curse of the Black Pharaoh. There is a lot more to Lin Carter than fiction and myth-borrowing, and why he'd lie about knowing this when he wrote a story showing he did know it is unknown. Perhaps, when he was sick with cancer and Dr. Price asked him if he knew that Sirius was also called Sothis, he just forgot. Either that, or he outright lied; who knows why (some older writers before my time that wrote tales that ended up appearing with Carter's name on them might know why!!).

As to August Derleth, all one can say about the man is that he certainly loved his Deep Ones and he created the Cthulhu Mythos, dubbed it by that catchy name. The Lovecraftian purists (they are puritans) hate Derleth for this because they feel they have to destroy all that Derleth did. Ahem, we'd have no Cthulhu Mythos if they could do that - and no purists to bitch and whine and trash our fun. They have a hard time reading through the stories and separating what is Derlethian and what is not. We happen to like what Derleth did, even when some of us completely dismiss his views. He created a wondrous world peopled by Others that we are curious about! Quite frankly, it is not hard to separate Derlethian influences from Lovecraft. All Lovecraft's mythos ideas are without purpose, they are completely outside of the silly good/evil paradigm and Lovecraft definitely intended them to be that way and said that enough times. All Derleth's tales have a definite purpose with a strong good/evil paradigm; in other words, Derleth stories are simple - but they are also fun. Derleth stories are all: "not-so-mysterious others are going to fight humans, seduce or destroy humans, and win the world for Cthulhu," which leads to the mundane idea that Lovecraft said he wanted to get away from: "fight the evil cultists and monsters/entities/gods and win the world for God and man!" Lovecraft's mythos tales are "bumps into" the outre, which we know nothing of because we live on that island of ignorance in the midst of gulfs of infinity and so forth, and some of that "between the spaces we know, undimensioned" stuff Lovecraft said was heavy, seriously sci fi and way ahead of his time! Derleth's tales are not heavy at all, but they are head-on, blatant confrontations, and even the occasional uh, love story? (where you BANG into things)! These are easy to separate! For us raised in the Hermetic tradition East or West, Lovecraft's inferences are obvious, and are coded and mis-spelled versions of our own traditions, whether Lovecraft intended his creations to be that or not! Derleth's inferences are not and he outright tells you about Polynesian myths covering for Cthulhu worship! Lovecraft even mentions the no-too-well-known Eleusinian Mysteries in his stories. He mentions Black Magic having an origin with Turanians in Horror at Redhook. What makes him think that? Heh. Nyarlathotep is both Chaos and the Black Lord of the Witches! How obvious can you get IF you are Hermetic? Derleth is mostly Pacific lore unrelated to anything Hermetic; or on occasion, Amerindian lore about the Wendigo.

In the alleged Dogon's story, or at any rate, in the French scholar's story, which was available to be read, Sirius's dark binary star, whence come the fish-men (Nommo), is called EMMA-YA. In Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu, the two-masted schooner whose crew finds Cthulhu is: THE EMMA. (Smile). Who is the joke on? What else was coincidence? What didn't he know? What didn't he intend? Let us deconstruct this and make the meaning of The Call of Cthulhu as radically reversed as possible. Let us say that the Johansen Narrative is the focus of the story because Lovecraft used a name for Johansen's boat that conceals something totally esoteric about an ancient mystery or a French fraud. Angell's nephew, furthermore, goes to a mineral collection, and underneath a piece of rock, on a piece of garbage underpaper, is the key: the Johansen Narrative! Under a dirty old rock he accidentally stumbles upon "gold." Why would the author do that? Why not have him read a newspaper over a cup of coffee and find the article that way? So, is this a pattern of concealing something important and esoteric, or hilariously funny, in the story, in the most trivial and unobtrusive way? How he finds a clipping of news? The name of a boat? The scholars, who are in fact new to this method of reading, would be shocked to know how long ago some of us were already doing this. Inherent is the idea of mere chance: isn't the idea of the story and Lovecraft's intent itself that Something Other and Unknown and Unknowable is directing the actions of mere mortals? In fact, the theme of Something Other affecting man is not Cthulhu Mythos, it is LOVECRAFT Mythos! People from Christian background, realizing it or not, believe or live in a "providential world of purpose." So when they read Call of Cthulhu, the chance elements are not underscored in their reading or memories. When some of us others read such tales, we read the ENTIRE story, we are not tuned away from the chance elements because we LIVE OUR LIVES that way! Sure, we "bring our meanings" into the stories. Lovecraft also PUT THEM in there! Ha! This cultural gulf is very deep.

Then the un-Dionysian, would claim that the pastiche has been played to death? No way. When has drama about another person been played to death? Yet they themselves keep pushing nothing but the same, old, tired views, as if "nothing changes" or as if "things do not adapt," and print nothing but pastiche "good/evil; monster versus man blah," and bitch and whine if someone dares write something radically different! UGH!! They fail to see that the DIFFERENT Deep Ones or TchoTcho or whoever, and DIFFERENT fiction-scholars who wrote similar but DIFFERENT fictional-secret books, are characters COME ALIVE to us. They also are incapable of seeing that there are vastly different viewpoints to be heard, which would make for non-pastiche tales. Key words: come alive. Bigger key word: FUN.

The genocidal missionaries who forced these beautiful Oceanic people to cover their dark beauty in white clothing, banned their culture, and tried to rob them of themselves also did something they always try to do. Most of the time they took careful records of local beliefs, but these would get screened through their Christian brains and come back out in a warped, Christian form, like dualism or some idiot Adam-Eve story. The best scholars of this, however, with older information preserved, know that there is a definite and exceedingly ancient influence from India in the Pacific Islands, including the tea ceremony. This is where their doctrines are the same as Vedic-Hermetic Dark Doctrine. These scholars also know that even older than this was an unknown Tangaroa culture. No need to elaborate, I'll make it simple: IT'S CTHULHU right down to the letter.

I mentioned that the missionaries recorded things. This is true for Polynesia and Melanesia. But in Micronesia they went nuts. They destroyed everything. In the Cthulhu Mythos, the center of all the Deep One mystery is in Micronesia, on Ponape! Lovecraft probably knew all of this, and it could be why he chose that spot. Nice theory. We'll never know what was there, or why the missionaries were so upset. Nothing is written on it. The ruins of Nan Matol are not ancient, nor are they mysterious and this is known now. It was not known during Lovecraft's or Derleth's time.

It is also known that some people from Oceana migrated to South America, with some of them returning again. They constitute the Inca people, or part of them blended with an indigenous group. Some of them lived on Easter Island. There also exist undecipherable glyphs with fish-like, frog-like, octopoid, and some wholly unknown forms of sea life. They look very similar to Vedic glyphs. The Elders and Shamans who were able to read this were murdered by Christians before they could teach their children, or pass down the history. It's lost, they say. LOST??? Oh, did someone lose it on the way home? Such a bland word, "lost." It was destroyed with the same malicious, wanton, evil zeal that Christians seem to be BORN WITH. They HAVE to be born with it: they perpetually do the SAME THING no matter when they are, or where they are. Cultural genocide - that is what this was.

And what is this I hear of now? Some of these Oceanic people dislike ALL "white people" without even knowing if THOSE "white people" had the same things done to them by colonists? And at the same time I hear this, I hear those stupid Christian songs coming from their Polynesian throats? And they no longer know what Tangaroa is? Where, for instance, is the Cook Island Fertility Dance? Where is the Fisherman's God? Where are the drums that you hear that make your body move to their rhythm? Where? I've heard them. I have them, on tape! There is the Soul of the Oceanic people.

All life came from Mother Ocean. And TANGAROA is the champion of this life. And the Cosmos itself, came forth from PO, or IO. These are the native Gods! Or TANE, or TEAVE. When people forget their Gods, their Gods forget them! What good is trying to fight the colonial forces when you have become identical to them? You end up fighting yourself, and that's exactly what the poison of Christian type "salvation doctrine" is designed to do: TURN THE PERSON AGAINST HIMSELF without his even realizing it! They need to positively, without the counter-productive hate, take back who they are, listen to the drums of old, feel it! Throw out the poison of Christianity but in a non-reactionary way. BE OCEANIC! They need to once more, be "The People."

CTHULHU WAKES! (Colossal Squids in New Zealand lend this credence, ha ha! :)

Map of Ocean Floor 15,000 BCE showing land masses above water back then. The numbers indicate how deep the ocean is in feet. (For a more detailed map showing ocean depths in foot measurements, click the link below this image.)

Click here for much larger Image of Map of Ocean Floor.
The numbers show depth of the ocean in feet. File is 700 kb and may take long to load.

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