This is presented here only to show what these
people were really like. Satanic Reds does not advocate any of this.
Nechaev (1847-1882) (ne-CHA-yev) was an extraordinary young Russian revolutionary
whose scheme for a highly disciplined, professionally-organized revolutionary
movement is outlined in his Catechism of a Revolutionary (1868).
argued that just as the European monarchies used the ideas of Machiavelli,
and the Catholic Jesuits practiced absolute immorality to achieve their ends,
there was no action that could not be also used for the sake of the people's revolution.
Nechaev founded a small revolutionary group known as The People's Retribution
(Narodnaya rasprava), which was outlawed in Russia after the murder of one of
its own members in 1869. Nechaev was eventually jailed in 1872. He died in prison
ten years later.
Peter Marshall, in his book A
History of Anarchism, describes Nechaev's Catechism of a Revolutionary as
"one of the most repulsive documents in the history of terrorism":
Catechism reflected a significant portion of Russian revolutionary thinking. Bolshevik
leader V.I. Lenin admired the Catechism [and based a lot of his What
Is to be Done on it], while the Russian writer Dostoevsky partly modeled the
character Verkhovensy in The Possessed on Nechaev.
the Bolshevik [Communist] Revolution several books and poems were published in
the USSR in which Nechaev is presented as an epic Russian hero. In the 1960s the
Catechism was revived by the Afro-American revolutionary group the Black Panthers,
and Eldridge Cleaver wrote favorably of it in his controversial Soul on Ice.
importance of Sergei Nechaev's thought is its radical transvaluation of values
and open defiance of the prevailing morality. On the surface Nechaev's words may
indeed appear repulsive and dangerously threatening, but there remains a deeper
meaning capable of inspiring revolutionary struggle. Nechaev exuded a mystical
courage and a religious passion to change reality. In this he was not too far
from the mystics of the middle ages who stood in opposition to all organized religious
and social laws. His apparent immorality [more at amorality] derived from the
cold realization that both Church and State are ruthlessly immoral in their
pursuit of total control. The struggle against such powers must therefore
be carried out by any means necessary."
Catechism, on the inner level, can be read as an indictment of a Control
System that can only be changed through unconditional, all-consuming struggle.
And although written in the 19th century, the essence of Sergei Nechaev's Catechism
is relevant today. The immoral Control System is still in place, only its forms
have changed. Therefore a secret, largely invisible Center of New Resistance is
needed, linked not by rigid organizational framework, but by subtle bonds and
hidden contacts. The System relies on conspiracies, intrigues, disinformation,
and manipulation to keep people in bondage. We need to turn the System's weapons
against it. Maybe we can learn something from young Sergei Nechaev.
Nechaev: Revolutionary Ascetic
Nechaev was
a zealot and a fanatic, but by nature a hero. As a means of realizing social revolution
he preached deceit and pillage and pitiless terror. He was so strong a man that
at the time when he was in Alexeevsky Ravelin he subjected the prison staff to
such propaganda that through it he issued his directions to the revolutionary
movement. He was in the grip of a single idea and in the name of that idea he
demanded the sacrifice of everything. His Revolutionary Catechism is a book which
is unique in its asceticism. It is a sort of instruction in the spiritual life
of a revolutionary, and the demands which it makes are harsher than the requirements
of Syrian asceticism. The revolutionary must have no interests, no business, no
personal feelings and connections; he must have nothing of his own, not even a
name. Everything is to be swallowed up by the single exclusive interest, by the
one idea, the one passion - revolution. Everything which serves the cause of revolution
is moral. Revolution is the one criterion of good and evil. The many must be sacrificed
for the one. But this is also the principle of asceticism. In such a case the
living human person is crushed; it is deprived of all the richness of the content
of life for the sake of the Revolution - [which replaces] God. Nechaev demanded
an iron discipline and extreme centralization of groups, and in this respect he
was a predecessor of Bolshevism. The revolutionary tactics of Nechaev which permitted
the most non-moral methods repelled the greater part of the Russian revolutionaries
of narodnik persuasion; he even alarmed Bakunin....[Bakunin was
a Satanist - see after the Nechaev text.]
Nicholas Berdyaev, The Russian Idea
It is for
this reason that we, at Satanic Reds, question the ability of such revolutionaries
to lead in the making of a civil society, that ends up being For the People, after
their revolution is over. There is no doubt that such ruthless people can take
6 time zones of 95% illiterate and primitive people and turn them into a highly
literate super-power with nuclear weapons in a short time. Stalin did it. But
for such a society to continue it needs to be governed, after the revolution,
by people capable of empathy - and it needs to be left alone to develop by the
rest of the world.
NACHAEV: Catechism
of a Revolutionary
The Attitude of
the Revolutionary Towards Himself
1. A revolutionary
is a dedicated man. He has no personal interests, no dealings, feelings, attachments
or property, not even a name. Everything in him is solely directed towards one
exclusive concern, one thought, one sole passion - revolution.
Within the very depths of his being, not just in word but in deeds, he has broken
all connection with the social order and the intellectual world with all of its
laws, moralities, customs and accepted conventions. He is an implacable enemy
of this world, and if he continues to live in it, that is only to destroy it more
3. The revolutionary despises all
doctinairism and has rejected the mundane sciences, leaving them for future generations.
He knows only a single science: the science of destruction. For this purpose and
this purpose only, he studies mechanics, physics, chemistry and perhaps medicine.
Towards this end, night and day he will study the living science of men, their
characters, positions and all the circumstances of the present social order on
all its levels. The purpose is only one: the quickest and most sure destruction
of this filthy system.
4. He despises public opinion.
He despises and hates the present public morality in all its forms. For him only
that is moral which contributes to the triumph of the revolution. All that obstructs
this is immoral and criminal.
5. A revolutionary
is a doomed man. Merciless towards the state and the entire educated society,
he in turn should expect no mercy from them towards himself. Between them and
him there exists a concealed, continual and irreconcilable war for life or death.
He must be ready for death on any day. He should train himself to withstand torture.
Severe with himself, he must also be severe towards others. All the tender and
soft feelings of kinship, friendship, love, gratitude and even honor must be extinguished
in him by the sole cold passion for revolutionary success. For him there must
exist only one consolation, reward and pleasure - the triumph of the revolution.
Day and night he should have but one thought, one purpose - merciless destruction.
Striving cold bloodedly and indefatigably toward this goal, he must always be
ready to perish, and to destroy with his own hands everything that obstructs his
7. The nature of the real revolutionary
excludes his having any romanticism, feelings, exaltations, or infatuations. It
even excludes his having any personal hatred or desire for revenge. The revolutionary
passion, though it becomes habitual, must be combined with cold calculation. At
all times and places, the revolutionary must not be impelled by his personal impulses
but must be directed by the common interests of the revolution.
Relationship of a Revolutionist Towards His Revolutionary Comrades
A friend or amiable person to a revolutionary may only be one who has proved by
his deeds that he too is a revolutionary. The measure of friendship, dedication
and other obligations to that friend must be determined by his usefulness in the
cause of the all-destructive, practical revolution.
Solidarity among revolutionaries needs no discussion. The total strength of the
revolutionary work is based upon it. Revolutionary comrades who are on the same
plane of revolutionary understanding and passion should, in so far as is possible,
discuss all major events together and reach unanimous conclusions. In accomplishing
whatever plan is decided upon, however, everyone should, in so far as is possible,
rely upon himself. In carrying out various destructive actions, everyone must
act alone and should seek advice or aid from his friends only if that is necessary
for success.
10. Every comrade should have at
hand several revolutionists of second or third rank, not as fully dedicated as
himself. He must look upon them as part of the common revolutionary capital put
at his disposal from which he should strive to extract the greatest possible use.
He should look upon himself as capital doomed to be expended for the success of
the revolutionary cause, but he has no right to personally dispose of that capital
without the consent of the fully initiated comrades.
When a comrade gets in trouble, and the question is whether or not to save him,
the revolutionary should not be guided by his personal feelings but entirely by
the interests of revolutionary success. Therefore, he must carefully weigh the
comrade's usefulness against the revolutionary expenditure of force needed to
rescue him, and he must decide which over-balances the other.
Revolutionary's Relationship Toward Society
The acceptance of a new member into the organization, one who has proved his loyalty
not through words but through deeds, can only be decided upon through unanimous
13. A revolutionary enters the world
of the state and its so-called intellectual world, and he lives in that world
with the sole purpose of its complete and speedy destruction. He is not a revolutionary
if he feels sympathy for anything in that world or if he halts before the destruction
of any situation, relationship, or person belonging to that world in which all
must be equally hated. It is all the worse for him if he has family, friendship,
or love relationships; he is not a revolutionary if they can stay his hand.
With the purpose of merciless destruction the revolutionary may and often must
live in society, pretending to be something he is not. The revolutionary must
penetrate everywhere: into the highest and the middle classes; into the merchant's
store; into the church; into the mansion of the aristocrat; into the worlds of
bureaucracy, the military, and literature; into the Third Division [the secret
police]; and even into the Winter Palace [of the Czar].
All this filthy society should be split into several categories. The first category
consists of those condemned to death without delay. The organization of comrades
should make up a list of the condemned, considering their harm to the success
of the revolution, with those ranking highest being eliminated first.
Putting together such lists, and thus ordering the condemned, consideration should
be given to neither the personal villainy of the man nor the hatred provoked by
him among the comrades and the people. This villainy and this hatred can even
be partially and temporarily useful in contributing to the arousal of the masses
to revolt. It is necessary to be guided by the degree of usefulness that his death
might create for the revolutionary cause. First of all, you must destroy those
people who are most harmful to the revolutionary organization, and such people
whose sudden and violent deaths would bring the most terror to the government,
shaking its might and depriving it of its most clever and energetic members.
The second group is composed of such persons to whom life is temporarily conceded
so that their terrible deeds will bring the people to inevitable revolt.
The third category includes a multitude of highly placed persons, animals, having
neither great intelligence nor energy, but having through their social positions
wealth, connections, influence, and power. You must exploit them by every possible
means and in every manner, implicate them, confuse them, and obtain, in so far
as possible, their dirty secrets to make slaves of them. Their power, influence,
connections, wealth, and might will in this way become an inexhaustible treasury
and help for many revolutionary enterprises.
The fourth category is composed of ambitious office-seekers and liberals of different
shades. You can conspire with them, pretending to blindly follow them; but at
the same time you must take them under your control, obtaining all their secrets,
compromising them to the utmost, so that their return to favor would be impossible,
and making it so that they will pollute the state with their own hands.
The fifth category is composed of doctrinaires, conspirators, and revolutionaries
who merely talk idly before gatherings and on paper. You must constantly push
and pull them forward towards practical, headbreaking statements, the results
of which will leave no trace but the complete destruction of the majority of them
but which will still produce a few true revolutionaries.
The sixth and a very important category consists of women, and these should be
divided into three categories. First, those empty-headed, senseless, and soulless
women who can be used in the same ways as the third and fourth categories of men.
Next, women who are warm, devoted, and talented but not our own since they have
not yet worked themselves up to a real, austere, revolutionary understanding,
must be used as would be men of the fifth category. Finally, there are those women
completely ours, i.e., those who are completely dedicated and have accepted our
program. They are our comrades, and we must look upon them as our most precious
treasure without whose help we could not succeed.
Attitude of the Organization Towards the People
The Organization has no other goal than the full liberation and happiness of people,
i.e., the common workingman. But convinced that liberation and the obtaining of
happiness is only possible by means of a fully destructive, popular revolution,
the Organization will, with all its might and resources, encourage the development
and intensification of those calamities and evils which will exhaust the people's
patience and drive them into a total uprising.
By "revolution," our Organization does not mean a regulated pattern
in the classical, western sense, a movement that always stops and bows with respect
before private property rights and before traditions of public order and so-called
civilization and morality - one which until now has limited itself to overthrowing
one political form to replace it with another that tried to create a so-called
revolutionary-state. The only revolution that could be beneficial for the people
would be that revolution which destroyed at its roots any elements of the state
and which would exterminate all the state traditions, social order, and classes
in Russia.
24. The Organization thus does not
intend to impose on the people any new organization from above. The future organization
will without doubt grow out of the popular movement and from life, but this is
the task of future generations. Our task is terrible, complete, universal and
merciless destruction.
25. Therefore, to get closer
to the people, we must unite with those elements of popular life that, from the
time of the beginnings of Moscow's state power, have never stopped protesting,
not only with words but with deeds, against everything that directly or indirectly
is bound with the state: against the nobility, against the bureaucrats, against
the clergy, against the guilds, and against the exploiting kulaks [rich peasant
plantation owners with slaves or serfs working on them]. Let us join together
with the fearless bandits, the only true revolutionaries in Russia.
To unite this world into one unconquerable, unbending force, that is the goal
of our organization, our conspiracy, our task.
History of the Devil by Paul Carus (1908)
Devil is the rebel of the cosmos, the independent in the empire of a tyrant;...he
is the individualizing tendency, the craving for originality, which bodily upsets
the ordinances of God that enforce a definite kind of conduct; he overturns the
monotony that would permeate the cosmic spheres if every atom in unconscious righteousness
and with pious obedience slavishly followed a generally prescribed course."
praised Satan openly. For him Satan wasn't just "the first freethinker",
but an inner force that had to be called forth in people to give birth to a totally
new kind of society of primitive vitality. These are not some exceptions. These
were the very same people who wrote these "odes," but they were not
romantics. They were hard-core anti-romantic, anti-idealistic people. It can't
be overemphasized how hard-core their materialism was. Very revolutionary stuff,
even ideologically. It's important to realize that back then Anarchism and Socialism
revolved around each other even stronger than today. People like Bakunin were
part of the "gang," and he had a somewhat important role on works such
as the Internationales.
God and the State
by Mikhail Bakunin 1814-1876,
The pamphlet is Michael Bakunin's,
"God and the State," 1916 New York:
The Bible, which is a very interesting and here
and there very profound book when considered as one of the oldest surviving manifestations
of human wisdom and fancy, expresses this truth very naively in its myth of original
sin. Jehovah, who of all the good gods adored by men was certainly the most jealous,
the most vain, the most ferocious, the most unjust, the most bloodthirsty, the
most despotic, and the most hostile to human dignity and liberty - Jehovah had
just created Adam and Eve, to satisfy we know not what caprice; no doubt to while
away his time, which must weigh heavy on his hands in his eternal egoistic solitude,
or that he might have some new slaves. He generously placed at their disposal
the whole earth, with all its fruits and animals, and set but a single limit to
this complete enjoyment. He expressly forbade them from touching the fruit of
the tree of knowledge. He wished, therefore, that man, destitute of all understanding
of himself, should remain an eternal beast, ever on all-fours before the eternal
God, his creator and his master. But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the
first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial
ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of
liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.
know what followed. The good God, whose foresight, which is one of the divine
faculties, should have warned him of what would happen, flew into a terrible and
ridiculous rage; he cursed Satan, man, and the world created by himself, striking
himself so to speak in his own creation, as children do when they get angry; and,
not content with smiting our ancestors themselves, he cursed them in all the generations
to come, innocent of the crime committed by their forefathers. Our Catholic and
Protestant theologians look upon that as very profound and very just, precisely
because it is monstrously iniquitous and absurd. Then, remembering that he was
not only a God of vengeance and wrath, but also a God of love, after having tormented
the existence of a few milliards of poor human beings and condemned them to an
eternal hell, he took pity on the rest, and, to save them and reconcile his eternal
and divine love with his eternal and divine anger, always greedy for victims and
blood, he sent into the world, as an expiatory victim, his only son, that he might
be killed by men. That is called the mystery of the Redemption, the basis of all
the Christian religions. Still, if the divine Savior had saved the human world!
But no; in the paradise promised by Christ, as we know, such being the formal
announcement, the elect will number very few. The rest, the immense majority of
the generations present and to come, will burn eternally in hell. In the meantime,
to console us, God, ever just, ever good, hands over the earth to the government
of the Napoleon Thirds, of the William Firsts, of the Ferdinands of Austria, and
of the Alexanders of all the Russias.
Such are
the absurd tales that are told and the monstrous doctrines that are taught, in
the full light of the nineteenth century, in all the public schools of Europe,
at the express command of the government. They call this civilizing the people!
Is it not plain that all these governments are systematic poisoners, interested
stupefies of the masses?
I have wandered from
my subject, because anger gets hold of me whenever I think of the base and criminal
means which they employ to keep the nations in perpetual slavery, undoubtedly
that they may be the better able to fleece them. Of what consequence are the crimes
of all the Tropmanns in the world compared with this crime of treason against
humanity committed daily, in broad day, over the whole surface of the civilized
world, by those who dare to call themselves the guardians and the fathers of the
people? I return to the myth of original sin.
admitted that Satan was right; he recognized that the devil did not deceive Adam
and Eve in promising them knowledge and liberty as a reward for the act of disobedience
which he bad induced them to commit; for, immediately they had eaten of the forbidden
fruit, God himself said (see Bible): "Behold, the man is become as one of
the gods, to know good and evil; prevent him, therefore, from eating of the fruit
of eternal life, lest he become immortal like Ourselves."
us disregard now the fabulous portion of this myth and consider its true meaning,
which is very clear. Man has emancipated himself; he has separated himself from
animality and constituted himself a man; he has begun his distinctively human
history and development by an act of disobedience and science --------- that is,
by REBELLION and by THOUGHT respectively.
elements or, if you like, three fundamental principles constitute the essential
conditions of all human development, collective or individual, in history:
(2) THOUGHT; and
the first
properly corresponds, SOCIAL AND PRIVATE
to the second, SCIENCE;
to the third, LIBERTY.
is more natural than that the belief in God, the creator, regulator, judge, master,
curser, savior, and benefactor of the world, should still prevail among the people,
especially in the rural districts, where it is more widespread than among the
proletariat of the cities. The people, unfortunately, are still very ignorant,
and are kept in ignorance by the systematic efforts of all the governments, who
consider this ignorance, not without good reason, as one of the essential conditions
of their own power. Weighted down by their daily labor, deprived of leisure, of
intellectual intercourse, of reading, in short of all the means and a good portion
of the stimulants that develop thought in men, the people generally accept religious
traditions without criticism and in a lump. These traditions surround them from
infancy in all the situations of life, and artificially sustained in their minds
by a multitude of official poisoners of all sorts, priests and laymen, are transformed
therein into a sort of mental and moral habit, too often more powerful even than
their natural good sense.
There is a class of
people who, if they do not believe, must at least make a semblance of believing.
This class comprising all the tormentors, all the oppressors, and all the exploiters
of humanity; priests, monarchs, statesmen, soldiers, public and private financiers,
officials of all sorts, policemen, gendarmes, jailers and executioners, monopolists,
capitalists, tax-leeches, contractors and landlords, lawyers, economists, politicians
of all shades, down to the smallest vendor of sweetmeats, all will repeat in unison
those words of Voltaire:
"If God did not
exist, it would be necessary to invent him."
For, you understand, "the
people must have a religion."
That is the safety-valve.
there are a few illustrious men of whom no one will dare to speak without respect,
and whose vigorous health, strength of mind, and good intention no one will dream
of calling in question. I need only cite the names of Mazzini, Michelet, Quinet,
John Stuart Mill.
Compare the last two civilizations
of the ancient world - the Greek and the Roman. Which is the most materialistic,
the most natural, in its point of departure, and the most humanly ideal in its
results? Undoubtedly the Greek civilization. Which on the contrary, is the most
abstractly ideal in its point of departure - sacrificing the material liberty
of the man to the ideal liberty of the citizen, represented by the abstraction
of judicial law, and the natural development of human society to the abstraction
of the State - and which became nevertheless the most brutal in its consequences?
The Roman civilization, certainly. It is true that the Greek civilization, like
all the ancient civilizations, including that of Rome, was exclusively national
and based on slavery. But, in spite of these two immense defects, the former none
the less conceived and realized the idea of humanity; it ennobled and really idealized
the life of men; it transformed human herds into free associations of free men;
it created through liberty the sciences, the arts, a poetry, an immortal philosophy,
and the primary concepts of human respect. With political and social liberty,
it created free thought. At the close of the Middle Ages, during the period of
the Renaissance, the fact that some Greek emigrants brought a few of those immortal
books into Italy sufficed to resuscitate life, liberty, thought, humanity, buried
in the dark dungeon of Catholicism. Human emancipation, that is the name of the
Greek [Hellenic] civilization. And the name of the Roman civilization? Conquest,
with all its brutal consequences. And its last word? The omnipotence of the Caesars.
Which means the degradation and enslavement of nations and of men.
even, what is it that kills, what is it that crushes brutally, materially, in
all European countries, liberty and humanity? It is the triumph of the Caesarian
or Roman principle.
Compare now two modern civilizations
- the Italian and the German. The first undoubtedly represents, in its general
character, materialism; the second, on the contrary, represents idealism in its
most abstract, most pure, and most transcendental form. Let us see what are the
practical fruits of the one and the other.
has already rendered immense services to the cause of human emancipation. She
was the first to resuscitate and widely apply the principle of liberty in Europe,
and to restore to humanity its titles to nobility: industry, commerce, poetry,
the arts, the positive sciences, and free thought. Crushed since by three centuries
of imperial and papal despotism, and dragged in the mud by her governing bourgeoisie,
she reappears today, it is true, in a very degraded condition in comparison with
what she once was. And yet how much she differs from Germany! In Italy, in spite
of this decline - temporary let us hope - one may live and breathe humanly, surrounded
by a people which seems to be born for liberty. Italy, even bourgeois Italy, can
point with pride to men like Mazzini and Garibaldi. .In Germany one breathes the
atmosphere of an immense political and social slavery, philosophically explained
and accepted by a great people with deliberate resignation and free will. Her
heroes - I speak always of present Germany, not of the Germany of the future;
of aristocratic, bureaucratic, political and bourgeoisie Germany, not of the Germany
of the prolétaires - her heroes are quite the opposite of Mazzini and Garibaldi:
they are William I., that ferocious and ingenuous representative of the Protestant
God, Messrs, Bismarck and Moltke, Generals Manteuffel and Werder. In all her international
relations Germany, from the beginning of her existence, has been slowly, systematically
invading, conquering, ever ready to extend her own voluntary enslavement into
the territory of her neighbors; and, since her definitive establishment as a unitary
power, she has become a menace, a danger to the liberty of entire Europe. Today
Germany is servility brutal and triumphant.
like all the rest of nature, is an entirely material being. The mind, the facility
of thinking, of receiving and reflecting upon different external and internal
sensations, of remembering them when they have passed and reproducing them by
the imagination, of comparing and distinguishing them, of abstracting determinations
common to them and thus creating general concepts, and finally of forming ideas
by grouping and combining concepts according to different methods - intelligence,
in a word, sole creator of our whole, ideal world, is a property of the animal
body and especially of the quite material organism of the brain.
few facts from: THE SCARLET AND THE BEAST: An Encyclopedia of Conspiracy
History - John Daniel (hostile source, but accurate nonetheless on some of this.)
Chapter 19: The Russian Masonic Revolution: Freemasonry's
plan to experiment with communism; Russia targeted in 1843 for the communist experiment;
century of Masonic intrigue in Russia; Grand Orient Freemason and Satanist Mikhail
Bakunin [1870's] prepares for communist revolution in Russia; Grand Orient Freemason
Vladimir Lenin carries Bakunin's banner; Rosicrucian Freemason Joseph Stalin*
robs banks [1903 - 1905] to fund Lenin's revolution; Grand Orient Freemason Leon
Trotsky at odds with Lenin; two Russian Revolutions of 1917, socialist in February
- communist in October; communists slaughter 50 million** middle and upper class
Russians between 1919 and 1938; USSR, first Grand Orient Masonic State; English
Freemasonry's 59-year project to destroy Soviet Union; English Freemason Kim Philby
defects to Russia [1962] (i.e., Krushchev) with instructions to bring to power
a communist who will dissolve the Soviet Union; USSR dissolved by Mikhail Gorbachev
*It is not true that Stalin was
any kind of Freemason. But he opposed Trotsky and never really understood the
FULLNESS of what the term "Trotskyite" really meant. It was way bigger
than Trotsky. Stalin was really for the people, the workers. And he hunted many
of these others down and had them murdered.
number, 50 million, is in no way supported by the now open archival facts.
on Marx and Engels
Written: 1869 - 71
Source: Bakunin on Anarchy,
p. 25-6 (by James Guillaume)
Regarding Proudhon:
Though he (Marx) did not originate it- it was to a greater or lesser extent formulated
before him by many others- to Marx belongs the credit for solidly establishing
it as the basis for an economic system. On the other hand, Proudhon understood
and felt liberty much better than he. Proudhon, when not obsessed with metaphysical
doctrine, was a revolutionary by instinct; he adored Satan and proclaimed Anarchy.
SONGS by Karl Marx
Written in 1837 First published in the Athenaum.
Zeitschrift fur das gebildete Deutschland, January 23, 1841
The Fiddler saws the strings,
His light brown hair he tosses and flings.
He carries a sabre at his side,
He wears a pleated habit wide.
"Fiddler, why that frantic sound?
Why do you gaze so wildly round?
Why leaps your blood, like the surging
What drives your bow so desperately?"
"Why do I fiddle?
Or the wild waves roar?
That they might pound the rocky shore,
eye be blinded, that bosom swell,
That Soul's cry carry down to Hell."
"Fiddler, with scorn you rend your heart.
A radiant God lent you
your art,
To dazzle with waves of melody,
To soar to the star-dance
in the sky."
"How so! I plunge, plunge without fail
My blood-black
sabre into your soul.
That art God neither wants nor wists,
It leaps
to the brain from Hell's black mists.
"Till heart's bewitched, till
senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs,
beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free.
"I must
play dark, I must play light,
Till bowstrings break my heart outright."
The Fiddler saws the strings,
His light brown hair he tosses and flings.
He carries a sabre at his side,
He wears a pleated habit wide.
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