(Ideally, each
angle and the center of the star should have a color: top left should be red;
top right should be blue; lower left should be green; lower right should be yellow,
bottom point should be white and the pentagon (house) in the center should be
black. The Sentinel standing at the red top left point should be holding a chalice.
Sentinal standing at the red top left point should be holding a brand new wine
The Sentinel standing at the blue top right point should be holding
an athame or phurba inside of a veil of cloth.
The Sentinel standing at
the green bottom left point should be holding a broken column or two pieces of
finished wood that could be made into right angles.
The Sentinel standing
at the yellow bottom right point should be holding sticks that are gathered together
and attached at the middle.
The Sentinel standing at the white bottom point
should be holding a crown.
Person to be Baptized starts out in front of
a Sentinel standing at the bottom point of the star. Sentinel says:
the stars that grace the skies are the beauty and glory of the Night and light
the path of (Name) on his/her journey through life, so may our beautiful
Pentacle, with all its significance, ever remain Name's glory.
would walk the Wheel of Life blindly were it not for the All Seeing Eye, our Cosmocrator,
that guides us gently as if by the hand of Cheiron, the Sri Kala Chakra, a Guiding
Spirit. We believe that this is for The Good. Enter our Portal, listen to all
that you hear as this initiation is a symbol of the Wheel of Life that you are
about to embark upon. You are given this Baptism to assist you in building your
own individual character.
Sentinel lifts left arm toward person:
Do you come of your own free choice? (answer) Do not complain at any trial. A
seal is on your lips, let it warn you to be silent and secret to all that is made
known to you. Woe to those to seek to take upon themselves burdens they cannot
bear. Woe to the faithless and insincere who assume obligations lightly and then
forget them.
Person agrees. Sentinel lets him step into the star walking
through the bottom point. He/she lays down in the center of the star, feet by
the bottom point, heat by the two top points. When person is inside the Pentacle,
all Sentinels face inward at the center of the star.
(Using names
from many cultures for these things)
The Sentinel standing at the top left
point of star says: May Amithaba, Nangwa-thayay, Idas be the guiding spirit
to your Physis, the Knowledge of your own Nature; and may Cthonie, Azazel protect
against all that would try to destroy your Innocence of Heart. For all those who
would aspire to do this would murder your heart with malice and cause it to close
in pain due to the self-loathing of their own non-being.
The Sentinel
standing at the top right point on star says: May Vairocana, Nampar nangzad,
Heracles, be the guiding spirit to your Hypopteros Drys, the Roots of your own
Being from the foundations of the Cosmos; and may Eurynome, Samael protect against
all that would try to sever you from the Weave of Fate. For all those who would
aspire to do this are torn out of the Fabric of Life and do envy your station
among the living.
The Sentinel standing at the lower left point on
star says: May Amogha-Siddhi, Donyod rubpa, Jasius, be the guiding spirit to
your Psyche, your peaceful, inner state of being; and may Echidna, Hanael protect
against all that would disturb your inner peace. For all those who would aspire
to do this have no inner peace within themselves and envy yours.
Sentinel standing at the lower right point on star says: May Ratna Sambhava,
Rinchen jungdan, Paeonius be the guiding spirit to your Dikiosyne, your inner
boundaries, the inner Justice you are born into; and may Calliroe, Izidkiel protect
against all that would try to breach your inner boundaries. For all those who
would aspire to do this do so in order to cling to your life's force and do so
because they have none of their own.
The Sentinel standing at the bottom
point on star says: May Akshobya, Mikyödpa, Epimedes, be the guiding spirit
to your Zoos-Eros, your own Shekina, Anima, the Roots of your Kundalini and an
open Heart; and may Ophioneus, Kepharel protect against all that would try to
take this Black Flame from you, or cause you to repress the Inner Flame. For all
those that would aspire to do this do so in order to cripple your Inner Being
because they dwell in non-Being
Let there be an invisible Unbridgeable
Gulf, a Gate where those without can Pass Not. A wall which separates Non-Being
from you who have Being.
The Boundless Darkness, the SAT is Being Itself.
The TAN is be Becoming. Together they are Satan. Thelema is Your True Will and
Xeper is Your True Becoming. Flow onward on the Wheel of Life and realize your
potentialities; be True to your Self in all things and walk the Wheel of Life
without Fear of Inner things. Be with an open heart to What Is - and do not get
attached to What Is Not. Our Pentacle is the Glyph which means Being.
All say: Our Golden Chain is lengthened in Unity, Equity and with Liberty.
The stronger the chain is, the longer we can hold.
Person that got
Baptized stands up. Sentinels walk into the center of the star with him/her. They
hand the newly Baptized person the things they were holding for him/her to keep
and treasure as symbols of this initiation.