Stalin Was Right

By Comrade B

Note: this article is written tongue-in-cheek, intended to mock out both Commie and anti-Commie crusaders. It is not intended as an endorsement of a Bolshevik or Communist political agenda in the USA or anywhere else.

Not since the murderously xenophobic and regretted days of the Conquistadors and Wounded Knee has the Western world (including most of so-called "scholars" and "social scientists") unilaterally reacted to an alien culture with such irrational, superstitious ignorance and self-righteous, intolerant fanaticism as it has with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union. Historians routinely depict Stalin as a cartoon-caricature villain and his society as an Orwellian nightmare that persecuted innocent political enemies for invented crimes, projecting every evil from their own society and themselves onto an Asiatic world more distant to their imaginations than the dark side of the moon. They base this depiction on the testimony of political enemies and fringe dissidents of Stalinism, tenuously-derived "estimates" of purged criminals and other "victims" of Stalinism, and a calculated dismissal of reliable first-hand witnesses whose accounts would justify Stalinist policies. However, the clarity of historical hindsight will someday judge the Stalinist USSR to have been the most advanced society of its time, and its collapse to have been one of the great tragedies in human history.

No modern nation has been the subject of more unbalanced criticism, slander, and deliberate misrepresentation than Stalin's Soviet Union. The most prominent spokesmen of anti-Stalinism include imperialists, slave owners, fascist dictators, popes (who nevertheless aided their fellow anti-Communist reactionaries, the Nazis), diagnosed schizophrenics like Zhores Medvedev, generational manic depressives like Winston Churchill, saboteurs, CIA propagandists, and every other kind of scum that hates and fears the idea of a society that absolutely did not tolerate exploitation, greed, racism, nepotism, or any other form of parasitism or obstruction. Every single one of these anti-Stalin critics had a vested interest in defaming Stalinism, making their testimony against the Soviet Union every bit as biased and unreliable as the anti-American ravings of people like Ayatollah Khomeini, Charles Manson, or the Unibomber. These kooks and crackpots, who contradict each other and themselves, have created a tangled web of lies and confusion around the entire subject of the Soviet Union, especially the Soviet Union during the Stalin era. Anti-Stalin critics also include many small fry Soviet agents who defected and made quite a bit of money writing books after claiming they'd been in high positions. There was no profit in writing anything positive. Robert Conquest, one of Western academia's most respected and "inventive" anti-Stalinist writers, includes among his "scientific" sources fascist Nazi collaborators, blatant CIA Cold War propaganda, forged accounts of the Ukrainian famine written by a man who never set foot in the Ukraine, and even a novel! He did this because the most outspoken opponents of Stalin have always been right-wing extremists, left-wing anarchists, political opportunists, and similar liars and crackpots. Conquest himself admitted that "truth can thus only percolate in the form of hearsay" and that to him, "basically the best, though not infallible, source is rumor." His reliance on such dubious sources to support his theses demonstrates the extreme paucity of credible anti-Stalinist sources as well as Conquest's ideological affiliation. The Harvard-based Ukrainian Research Institute where Conquest worked was ostensibly a center of learning and study of the truth, but McGeorge Bundy, a national security assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and former president of the Ford Foundation, admitted that it was really a quasi-governmental agency. Conquest was not a scholar at all: he was a propagandist and a government agent. Hard facts show that his figures of "excessive mortality" under Stalin are wrong by orders of magnitude: instead of Conquest's guess of 25 million, many modern estimates have independently put the number to be approximately 4 or 5 million.

Despite the fact that none of these anti-Stalin crackpots have been able to put forth accurately-researched statistics or real data other than fairy-tale rumors and hyperbolic "estimates," their pronouncements that the Stalinist Soviet Union was an evil dictatorship ruled by a paranoid, sadistic tyrant are commonly accepted by Western academia. However, since glasnost, real archival data is gradually becoming available for study to Western scholars for the first time, and is disproving almost everything ever said by now-embarrassed "Kremlinologists" about what was to Americans an unknown, closed society. Newly-available data on the Stalinist 1930's purges (a major focus of anti-Stalinist criticism) utterly refutes not only every grossly-inflated estimate of the number of people purged during the period, but also Western claims about the nature of the purges, including who initiated them (it was mostly the common peasants and workers), who the victims were (they were overwhelmingly political, military, professional, and economic elite), and why they were carried out. As bourgeois scholars (who nevertheless remain anti-Stalin) now finally admit, a detailed factual analysis of Stalinism has yet to be made, and such a study could be decades away. Such findings also indicate that scholars should reconsider previously ignored accounts from loyal Americans and other non-Communist Westerners that inconveniently discredit anti-Stalinist accusations. For example, U.S. Ambassador and former U.S. Attorney General Joseph Davies visited the Soviet Union before World War 2, and witnessed industrial sabotage and the infamous "Show Trials" first hand. Davies, who was an expert courtroom veteran, reported that the confessions given at the trials were genuine. D.N. Pritt, an experienced English lawyer who also observed Soviet Show Trials himself, reported that the accused were given "a very fair trial" and good treatment, and that they spoke freely and without any hint of coercion. These reports, both from reliable non-Soviet experts who were there at the time, completely negate the arrogant, groundless assertions by modern historians (none of whom have any legal expertise and none of whom were there at the time) that the Show Trials were orchestrated purely as Stalinist propaganda, the evidence fabricated, and the confessions forced. The trials were conducted with immense public support and the accusations against the accused were based on overwhelming evidence. These anti-Stalinist historians refuse to believe contemporary eyewitness accounts that vindicate the fairness and legitimacy Stalinist justice, including the personal confessions of guilt by the criminals themselves and eyewitness reports by United States officials. However, some historians are gradually beginning to realize that accumulating data negates the traditional Western views of Stalinism, and will eventually force them to abandon much of the old Cold War dogma concerning the Soviet Union. For now, no one can honestly repeat the same tired old accusations against Stalinism, because the only real data available completely refutes them.

The real reason that the demagogues of the capitalist world have invested so much frantic energy in discrediting Stalinism even now, so many years later, is that the Stalinist Soviet Union was living proof of the tremendous power of successfully applied Communism. The capitalist world watched in trepidation as Stalin's Soviet Union developed in just a few years from a disorganized, poor, and extremely primitive agricultural and wild nomadic tribal society into a futuristic, industrial, democratic, and populist superpower that spanned 11 time zones and inspired hope and pride in its citizens as well as in people all over the world. When the stock market crashed in 1929 and heralded the Great Depression that crippled the capitalist world, the socialist and centrally planned Soviet Union survived unharmed. Probably the most terrifying (to the West) accomplishment of the Soviet Union was that after the inconceivably devastating loss of a third of its newly-created wealth at the hands of the Nazis, the Red Army and Soviet citizenry (using guerrilla warfare) rose up and destroyed the Nazis and imperialist Germany, repaying Germany's brutality by demolishing German cities, raping German women, and annexing half of Germany's land and people into the Soviet Bloc. The Soviet people fought with superhuman perseverance, sacrificing 20 soldiers for every one that the other Allies lost, and won the war for the Allies. This proved the strength of Communism and the Soviet Union to the capitalist world, and this power terrified them. The Soviet Union was the world's first society systematically organized towards fulfilling the needs of the majority, instead of the elite minority. Nationalism was outlawed, and the primitive, divisive concept of ethnicity or race (which remains the number one problem in capitalist America) was superseded by a sincere feeling of Soviet Socialist pride. Soviet women enjoyed a true social and economic equality while their Western counterparts remained the helpmeets of bourgeois patriarchs. Soviet children of illiterate peasants enjoyed the best educational system in the world, and looked forward to employment in a true meritocracy. Soviet leaders at all levels were chosen democratically by popular secret-ballot elections to represent the people, not purchased by whoever invested the most money on advertising in a Hobson's Choice election. To this day, Capitalism has accomplished none of these things, yet the socialist Soviet Union did all of this without the jump-start that American capitalism had of genocide of indigenous people (which enabled Americans to take the best land in the world and all its resources), slavery, and colonialism whereby Americans accomplished their industrialization and made the billions that lay the foundation of modern American affluence. What angered capitalists most about the Stalinist Soviet Union was that it closed its walls to the profit-hungry Western world, and turned within to cultivate its own social development, which surpassed that of even the most advanced capitalist nations.

Self-righteous Americans have much to say about supposed "human rights abuses" by the Stalinist Soviet Union (and hence Communism), but consistently fail to make comparisons with similar policies in their own nation's history. They criticize Stalinism for being exceptionally tough on traitors and other criminals, yet do not mention how, for example, George Washington hunted down and destroyed American Indian tribes who had supported the British enemy during the American Revolution. They criticize Stalin for sending in People's Commissars of Internal Affairs (NKVD) to support the peasant-initiated class war against the kulaks (the slave-owning and landlord class that had bought and sold peasants in pre-revolutionary days, and are often misportrayed by anti-Stalinists as simply "wealthy peasants"), yet do not compare this to Abraham Lincoln's far bloodier war against America's slave-owning South (however, anyone who thinks that the war was fought to free the poor Africans is a brainwashed idiot. The reasons for that war were purely economic). The popular Western portrayal of the so-called "forced collectivization," which glorifies the kulaks and portrays them as unfortunate victims, is more totalitarian paradigm hokum originated by Trotsky and spread by the capitalist West. It is an indisputable, absolute fact that the peasants had repeatedly tried to collectivize since the 1600's, when historically, Stepan Timofiyevich Razin, a.k.a. Stenka Razin, led a peasants' revolt and killed the kulaks, who were then known as barons, counts, and princes. Think of such monsters as Countess Bathory and Count Vlad Tepish Dracul. "Kulak" does not mean "peasant" or "wealthy peasant" in Russian; it means "fist." The folk legends that Western people make horror movies out of are based on fact, if you eliminate the supernatural element. The Soviet peasants wanted collectivization, fought for it, and liked it when they got it. They wanted it, they strove for it, they killed kulaks to try to get it again, they thought Stalin's NKVD was going to stop them from killing the kulaks as had always happened under the Tsar. They were more than happy when Komsomol people and volunteers not only let them collectivize, but also helped them to organize it even better. Western writers unfairly blame Stalinist policies for famines, yet fail to mention that famines are common in the Soviet area, due to a climate and geography that are unsuitable for agriculture. Blaming a political system or a leader for these things is like blaming President Clinton for drought or when hurricanes destroy the American eastern seaboard. A centralized socialist economy is the best insurance for individuals against such unpredictable natural disasters. During the Stalinist Collectivization, the kulaks exacerbated a famine by spreading rumors among the peasantry that Stalin was the Antichrist and similar nonsense, and deliberately destroyed grain and livestock to prevent it from being collectivized. Western critics criticize Stalinism's system of gulags (forced labor camps for prisoners), yet seem to forget about American chain-gang labor and even modern prison labor, not to mention black slavery and pre-New Deal era labor conditions, next to which life on the harshest gulag pales in comparison, or the fact that to this day the United States has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world, along with the highest crime rate. They criticize Stalinism for relocating certain minority groups (most of which were Muslim extremists and other nationalists who had sided with the Nazis during World War Two), yet make no comparison to the United States' systematic relocation and extermination of the Native Americans. To claim that such similar American policies are any better is to lie. The Unites States remains the transparently hypocritical schoolyard bully of the international scene, promoting misery, and chaos abroad for the sake of the petty greed of influential megacorporations. For example, the CIA publicly admits that during the 1950's it staged a phony coup against a democratically elected socialist Guatemalan president because his land reform policies threatened Chiquita Banana's ability to exploit the local labor force. Bourgeois apologists and anti-Communists downplay, ignore, rationalize, and sometimes even glorify the overwhelming inequality and misery created by Capitalism for the majority of humanity, yet gasp in horror whenever some of the oppressed turns the tables and repay their parasitic masters with even a fraction of the suffering that they have endured for millennia. They are like the grade school bully, who is the first to cry "no fair!" when someone has the courage and strength to stand up to him and fight back. The elite minority (who tried to oppress the majority) that was purged under Stalinism does not even begin to equal one hundredth the number of those oppressed, exploited, and murdered under Tsarism in Russia or one thousandth that of global Capitalism.

Stalinism is infamous in the bourgeois world for its harsh criminal justice system, which outlawed exploitation of the common worker, and defined exploiters and obstructers as "enemies of the people" to be identified and neutralized or destroyed. Bourgeois enemies of Stalin criticize Stalin for brutally oppressing "his own people," but do not realize that to Communists, racial, ethnic, and national divisions are secondary to class divisions: Stalin defended his own people from the parasitic vermin posing as their "countrymen." The Stalinist regime supported the vindictive worker- and peasant-led campaigns against segments of the bureaucratic, military, and economic elite. These campaigns included the liquidation of the exploitative kulak ("fist") class in the countryside (which included many ex-Whites [Czarists] who had settled in rural districts) and the often anti-managerial Stakhanovite industrial movement, as well as suppression and relocation of nationalist and religious extremists. The victims of these purges were often imprisoned, sent to forced labor camps, or killed. However, bourgeois critics of Stalinism often overlook some of its most heinous "crimes against humanity": in World War 2, Stalinist Soviets killed millions of Nazi Germans and other wartime enemies. The "tyrannical" Stalinists also promoted the use of modern medicine, killing billions of bacteria, forcefully relocated crops to inhospitable territories, and improved sanitation, denying countless rodents and other urban animals their animal rights. We have also heard rumors that the "amoral" Stalinist Soviets (including the "archfiend" Joseph Stalin himself) drank, partied, ate red meat, and even smoked (God forbid)!

To condemn Stalinism based on the doubtful testimony of a small group of fringe dissidents and political enemies is unfair, since every political regime has its malcontents. John Adams estimated that only one third of the American colonialists supported the American Revolution, and that another third actively opposed it. In comparison, the vast majority of Soviet citizens truly loved Stalin, as evidenced by the millions of thankful letters they personally wrote to him and other officials, and the incontestably genuine heartbreak that they expressed at his funeral (which is preserved on film). The imprisonment and/or death of every saboteur, nationalist, fascist, wrecker, and obstructer that was purged by the Stalinist system made room for happy, productive lives of thousands of ordinary Soviet citizens. The purges opened important positions that once were filled with relics of the old bourgeoisie and careerist elite to truly qualified people from proletarian backgrounds who would never have had a chance to blossom under Capitalism. As former steelworker and NKVD chief Nikolai Yezhov said, the main error of Stalinism was that not enough class enemies were purged. Every enemy of the people that managed to escape arrest and survive merely waited for their chances, and resurfaced as anti-Stalinists who led the Soviet Union down a road towards stagnation, fear, war, bankruptcy, and eventually full-fledged Capitalism. However, to completely expunge every enemy of the people would have been a monumentally difficult (if not impossible) task, especially in a nation as vast as the Soviet Union, even though it was infected with far fewer destructive anti-democratic types than the more decadent nations to the East and the West. When people condemn Stalinism, they ignore the primary, absolute, and undeniable fact that under Stalinism, hundreds of millions of people who would otherwise have had no hope of salvation except for religious fantasies were able to live happy, free, and fulfilling lives in a modern democratic society. Under Communism, the Soviet people not only gained the human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but, since many of them had previously been wage slaves and feudal serfs, the more primary and basic right of simply being humans. Anti-Communists often speak of lack of freedom under Stalin, but the primary freedom denied under Communism is the freedom to parasitically profit like a fat maggot from the toil and misery of another human being.

According to Stalinist thinking, bourgeois CEOs, owners, Wall Street pimps, and other decadent human leeches are just as despicable as the kings of old and the modern American "welfare queens:" they are both equally parasitic. True inner freedom includes freedom from fear and from material want, two evils that rule capitalist society. Citizens of the Stalinist USSR were always allowed to speak from their hearts about the regime. For example, the famous scientist Pavlov was a Christian and vocal critic of Stalinism, but he was never imprisoned or punished. However, capitalist American society, routinely represses free expression, which is a thousand times more totalitarian than any prison or Gulag. Here, insincerity, even about trivial things, is enforced by social and political taboos. In the Stalinist Soviet Union, insincerity was grounds for an interrogation from the NKVD.

Every human society, including our own, causes human misery of various kinds and degrees, and for various kinds and numbers of people. People who want to dismiss the Stalinist USSR for the misery it inflicted must first point to another society that persecuted fewer or more deserving people to a lesser extent, or else retract their objections. American capitalist society does not meet any of these criteria, even if one only considers the suffering endured by blacks, Native Americans, women, or other minorities, and especially if one considers the suffering inflicted by American capitalist exploitation or militarism on e.g. 19th-century wage workers and citizens of foreign countries (such as Vietnam, Hawaii, Guam, Japan, Cuba, and Russia, to name just a few), as well as the persecution of Confederate rebels, British loyalists, Nazis, and other enemy armies. An even treatment demands that no ideological justifications can excuse the persecution of any of these groups, since such excuses are not afforded Stalinism.

In such an even comparison, the Stalinist Soviet Union (which was a society under extreme stress of poverty, war, and sabotage) was actually more lenient than, for example, the post-Civil War United States: while the American Reconstructionists banned all ex-Confederates from holding office, the naïve, more liberal Soviets allowed their former enemies to hold office, only to have them resurface later and undermine the Soviet system. Another example of Soviet leniency is that while the NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) was headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky, convicted criminals were set free if the police expected no ulterior motives, in order to demonstrate that the Soviet regime would be different. Unfortunately, these criminals continued to be criminals. The British openly brag about having infiltrated the Cheka (secret police) during the early days of the Soviet Union. These blatant abuses of Bolshevik liberalism eventually led to the much stricter Stalinist policies, which Western liars label "paranoid" and excessive.

After Stalin died, Nikita Khrushchev assumed power and dismantled the system of Peoples' Commissariats (NKs), which the organizational genius Felix Dzerzhinsky had created decades before as the basic socialist framework and foundation of the Soviet Union. Khrushchev re-instituted the capitalist profit motive in the Soviet economy, and corruption (formerly prevented by the NKVD) was allowed to prosper. Khrushchev exacerbated the Churchill-initiated Cold War arms race with the West, which eventually bankrupted the Soviet Union and almost the U.S. Treasury. Soviet funds were spent on military technology instead of luxury items for the Soviet people. From the time of Khrushchev onward, Soviet Socialism was dead. Two generations later, Boris Yeltsin's truly dictatorial regime has openly restored capitalism in the former Soviet Union, along with all of its evils of gangsterism, prostitution, poverty, and hopelessness. Western capitalist imperialism has finally gotten what it wanted (and what Stalinism prevented) all along: the opportunity to turn the Central Asian lands into more Indian reservations with exploitable resources and enslaved or discarded human populations. Western criticism of Stalinism, behind every ostensible form it has opportunistically assumed, has always really been about jealousy and greed. Communism is democracy (rule of the people) applied to the economic sphere, and is a reaction to exploitation by powerful minorities. The reason that bourgeois thinkers lie and distort the truth about Communism versus Capitalism is that they seek to hide the truth not only from others, but also from themselves. They could not endure the pain and insanity of seeing themselves as they truly are: exploitative parasites whose society is going downhill, despite their delusional morality and hypocritical "human rights" rhetoric. They pretend their capitalist system "prospers" without force, violence, threat, and "the barrel of a gun." The West ego-projected its own hellish tendency towards using new technology or any other material advantage (especially weapons) to dominate weaker peoples. Examples of technological genocide include Nazi Germany, where, unlike with the American Indians and Africans in the past, Western man orchestrated methodical, assembly-line technological genocide. The only reason why American blacks were not exterminated wholesale when they demanded civil rights is that Hitler shamed the West into an embarrassed distaste for genocidal practices. Instead of self-righteously hurling abuse at the Soviet Union and gibbering half-truths and lies about Stalinism, the pontificating Western pundits should look in the mirror and write about the callous brutality, injustice, and elitism of Capitalism and bourgeois democracy.

The first people that should be for Communism are often the ones rooting for Capitalism, siding with the vampire. They can only imagine that collectivism and cooperation would have to be dictated from the top because they did not get along with their siblings unless mommy and daddy came along and threatened them with a whip. Not all people have sibling rivalry. The Trobriand Islanders are a documented example. They do not have that kind of malice in their hearts that is bred into them by their own repressed (usually Christian) society. Metaphorically speaking, Stalin is the good guy with the stake ready to drive it through the vampire's heart. However, Western people who hear these stories usually immediately identify with the vampire and are willing to be its victim. It will become obvious to the American people when there's even more downsizing, more corporate relocation to cheap labor countries, and the American worker is rendered obsolete unless he's willing to work for $1 an hour. After all, $1 is more than $0. Then, the fictional paradigms about Stalin will be thrown to the wind, as people pick up the stakes and go vampire hunting.

Selected Bibliography:

1. Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives edited by J. Arch Getty and Roberta Manning.

2. "In Search of a Soviet Holocaust: A 55-Year-Old Famine Feeds the Right" by Jeff Coplon. The Village Voice (New York City), January 12, 1988. Available on the Internet at

Another View of Stalin by Ludo Martens. Available on the Internet at or

3. Review of PBS Series: Stalin (six articles) by the Progressive Labor Party. Available on the Internet at (first article).

4. Stalin by Edvard Radzinsky.

5. MIM Theory 6: The Stalin Issue. Ordering information at

6. "Stalin and Yezhov - An Extra-Paradigmatic View" by Philip Marsh at

7. The Moscow Trial was Fair by D.N. Pritt and Pat Sloan. Interlibrary loan at any library.

8. Felix Dzerzhinsky. By Arsenii Tishkov. Interlibrary loan at any library.

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