By Proleteriat
"To explore strange new worlds... To seek out new
life, and new civilizations... To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before." This
is the motto of the television show Star Trek, the brainchild of social visionary
Gene Roddenberry. For information about Roddenberry's ideas and how he broadcasted
them, see the excellent book "Gene Roddenberry : The Last Conversation (Portraits
of American Genius, No 2)" by Yvonne Fern.
Many people imperceptively
watch Star Trek and consider it pure fantasy or
on a level with Star Wars
or similar swashbuckling "science fiction." However, the show, which is far from
simple fantasy or history retold in a space setting (as Star Wars does with Roman
history) - is a vision of what humanity could be - a positive vision for what
humans can achieve.
Notably downplayed or even absent in the human society
of the Star Trek world are
the concerns that dominate most entertainment (including
major movies, science fiction or otherwise): sexual/romantic problems, intolerant
and/or conquering male heroes, oppressive power relationships between people,
religious or narcotic escapism, etc. These things are shown in Trek, but they
are not the normal way characters interact and live - they are instead depicted
as primitive phases of society, or character flaws.
Roddenberry has very
craftily and progressively unfolded a vision of what could be called an Enlightened
Human Society. People relate to each other on a very equal basis (except insofar
as military chain-of-command is concerned, yet even in that setting there is an
open atmosphere and none of the "yes sir, an order is an order" mentality). People
work towards common goals and share the fruits of their common labor.
And what are these goals? To explore the universe. Humanity's mission in Star
Trek is to explore the universe and find new forms of life. This sentiment is
quite simple, innocent, and beautiful: it's what Jack London called an "Eros to
Know." Along with this mission is the Prime Directive: not to interfere with the
evolution of other life forms.
Like many other aspects of the Star Trek
world, these dicta are simple "there" - given an explanation only when the story
calls for it. Roddenberry used his shows as a type of very passive or yinful propaganda:
he merely SHOWED what could be, what humans COULD become if they developed certain
Likewise, the fact that in the 1960's the original Trek series
had a crew including people of many nations and races, and both genders - and,
to top it off, an alien Second in Command, Mr. Spock! Yet this was not explained,
it was simply presented. Another beautiful Roddenberrian idea is the Vulcan motto
of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
One way
of seeing this is that there is a TREND in society. Some people are "hung up"
on what could be called personal issues, or behaviors borne of inner conflict
like bottled-up rage, broken self-hood, warped sexuality or emotionality, or similar
developmental problems. These people seem to "go nowhere" - they don't Become,
because they are "stuck on themselves." Everything they do is a reflection of
their warped selves and inability to grow or develop - their lives play like broken
records in what seem to be abortive attempts to repair or correct psychological
problems. Satanically speaking, people like this are pent-up/apathetic, and ophionic
- two stages of the same problem.
They are unable to Become - they only stagnate
and Unbecome (self-destruct). Societies where these people predominate do likewise:
stagnate and unbecome. They are all increasingly stress-filled, illogical, and
And there is another trend in society - this could be called
the Progressive movement, or Enlightenment movement. Note the Satanic connotations
of these words: Progressive, as in Becoming - and Enlightened, as in The Light
or Black Flame. These people tend to focus on very practical problems outside
the self: better education for people, improving quality of life, better food,
less work, less stress, less crime, etc. Focus is on phenomena - the outer - the
world! As in, exploring the galaxy! Enjoying the world, and improving the world
for more enjoyment and less pain. The self is not an issue with people like this
- and in a sense people like this are "aloof" because they are inwardly content.
This latter trend, politically, tends to make societies that are more equitable,
less stressful, more humane.
Star Trek is merely a continuation of this
latter trend - without the "garbage" associated with the first, negative trend.
When Star Trek humans meet aliens, they do not try to impose their rules
the alien society - that would be a violation of the Prime Directive. And
they do not "judge" the cultures of different species - they merely try to understand
them, as part of their mission to seek out new life. Satanically, this means human
culture in Star Trek is a very Left Hand Path type culture in this sense, applied
to a technological modern society.
Star Trek people live very collectively
- yet individuality is quite apparent and is fine. People pursue their individual
desires and work at what they enjoy doing; they don't work to "pay the bills."
There is an unspoken air of tolerance and curiosity. The economy is very socialist
- yet each person in that economy is quite free. Economic Socialism allows this
kind of freedom, because it divides the burden of doing labor for a technological
society equally and humanely amongst that society (it will also be noted that
Star Trek has means of producing food and energy different from modern real-life
This is completely contrary to the WRONG idea
that "socialism is anti-individualism." In truth, socialism does NOT require submission
of the individual at all. In a sense, it can be VERY individualistic in an inner
sense. In a socialist society, someone can TAKE PART in a VERY collective effort,
e.g. working at a shoe factory, and go there and do their thing, and get a fair
payout and fair share of housing etc, and then go home and be ALONE if they want
to. They wouldn't need things like "alliances" or "connections" to get a job -
which is common in America (friends, family help people get job) - and MORE common
in MORE competitive countries - like in Latin America or Third World, where you
need "connections" (or bribes) to get simple things like a Driver's License. Going
along with plans to build a BRIDGE with 500 other people is a LOT different in
inner terms from going
along with e.g. "Aryan" racism in Germany when
you look in the mirror and see that you aren't quite "Aryan" enough; or competing
among those 500 people to try to undercut each other and/or rise to the top in
a strictly capitalist country where maximizing profits (for the owners) and minimizing
expenses (workers are expensive) is the goal. The former is practical and working
for a common enhancement (bridge) - the latter is anti-SELF, or can be if the
person internalizes it in a certain way. Or going along with cultural tradition"
to marry a girl because she's pregnant when you DON'T like her or want to be free
- that's VERY anti-self. But it's there because there are not adequate social
means in America to support children.
There is in fact a kind of aloofness
associated with phenomenalism. One has to be at peace with oneself to live the
motto: "explore the universe." This kind of inner peace is most definitely Satanic
- it is Being as one with the Sat, and Becoming/Tan. To explore and enjoy and
grow simply for its own sake.
People ruled by inner strife never do this:
they explore with an agenda: conquer, destroy, steal. Never with an Innocent Eros
to Know. Simple knowledge or appreciation of phenomena (including other people
and creatures) is unknown to these people, they are in fact enemies of this type
of truth. They are constantly unable to simply "accept" truth bout What Is - and
they seek to change the world, to impose their inner strife upon their material
surroundings, including other living beings. They are destroyers.
A world
where people compete for scant resources makes it NECCESARY to cooperate to survive,
but not neccessarily on FAIR TERMS, and definitely not on EQUAL terms. When society
works together and everyone does their small fair share, then each person deals
with SOCIETY in a sense. It's LIBERATING from monkey personal problems - or in
other words, unresolved inner conflicts - in that sense.
A society where
the economy is divided up according to "Might Makes Right" - as it is largely
done now in the modern world (armies, nations, and even classes and races and
religions and gangs and myriad other groups/gangs fight each other for a share
of resources - is a strife filled hell. And this kind of society necessitates
"ganging up" - which is often done in ways that are very anti-self. People find
nuclear family units suffocating and enraging. Racism or classism or other group
"isms" prevent people from seeing themselves and each other clearly (Enlightenment).
This kind of society aides the enemies of the Enlightenment and Progress, in political
terms - or, in esoteric Satanic terms, they are enemies of Becoming and The Light!
See the article Tree of Destruction for in-depth
analysis of these conditions. See Star Trek for an idea of what CAN BE.
a note on the Borg and trends in human evolution:
Regardless of trends
of Enlightenment and Human Freedom in socities, there is another trend, one of
Technology. Unlike the social trends promoting Enlightenment and Freedom, which
have blossomed and degenerated (see Tree of Destruction),
the trend of advancing Technology has been moving forward very consistently since
the Renaissance. We are becoming Technological Humans! This has not seemed to
free humans in any inner sense. However, it has definitely changed us, in a very
strange way! We are becoming more and more interdependent on huge scales (across
continents and beyond), and increasingly dependent on our technology. Everything
from cars and telephones and computers - and now cell phones and the Internet,
has changed what we are and how we function in our daily lives. We are possibly
becoming like the Borg, with a Hive Mind (consider telephones, Internet, cell
phones), we are becoming homogenized, and we are becoming weak and frail in the
innate/inner biological sense! Is this good or bad? Who knows! But it definitely
IS. Roddenberry merely projected this trend, or a possible continuation of this
trend, into the future! He also envisioned a possibility called SORG. See his
book, mentioned at top of article, for info on this.