You speak of religious fraud? What is Christianity? What is Islam? Then let's
ask what is Protestantism or Catholicism or Pentacostalism or - the many other
KINDS of Christianity - including Santeria? What is Sunni and what is Shi'ite
- and then what is Sufi? One might say that Judaism is not a religious fraud
since they don't try to convert people, but modern Judaism is Rabbinical and
very different from the Israelite or Hebrew religion; Jews explain this themselves.
We have an organization, Satanic Reds, that utilizes Left Hand Path LEGIT stuff
from Vedanta, Tantra, Taoism and Hermeticism. All of this tradition is older
than Christianity or Islam. All of it is related since this tradition speaks
of a Boundless Darkness OUT OF WHICH a Light emanated and out of which all things
that exist emanated. It is opposed to creationism and theologically classified
as atheistic. It is more akin to Deism in some ways. And we have POLITICS up
front. FD Roosevelt is one of our "Saints" or Heroes. So is Gene Roddenberry.
Does this make it NON legit? Of course not.
Someone ought to inform Raymond Buckland about the Heterae, and the Age of
Aspasia in fact. Perhaps a reading of "Tree of Destruction" would help - it
is in our socio-political section ( Buckland
seems to have "control" issues. No one needs to read this pop bullshit. Robert
Graves is superb on these issues. The ONLY real "cult" that existed amongst
agrarian peoples was Shamanistic. That different cultures shared similar beliefs,
e.g., regarding the sun and the moon, is explained by the work they did and
the conditions in which they all lived. If someone wants to call this all "witchcraft"
so what? That's what organized religion branded them all. If they want to become
an organized religion today - more power to them! Why shouldn't they organize?
There are plenty of books by Christians regarding their angelic encounters;
Born Again "How Jesus saved my life" books. Do you advocate banning these books,
Right now, we have people in our (USA) government wanting to take away a lot
of our rights and privacies - all due to the actions of MOSLEMS. This is something
to be concerned about, not some book that buyers can choose to buy or not buy.
The USA is not a Christian government founded on Christian religion or principles
and never was: Treaty of Tripoli 1803 I think. Why don't you tell that to Ashcroft
and to the Fundies that do Christian prayers in our own White House everyday?
I don't see how stores selling books infringes upon my TAX DOLLARS. What they
are doing in the White House does.
Ultimately, I have to wonder why all these anti-Wiccans CARE so much about
this non-issue. Do they wish to convert these Wiccans/Pagans to some OTHER religion?
Or to Atheism? If so: WHY?
Do you want to know what Wicca is in a nice, short and sweet sum up? Read Robert
Graves, "White Goddess." Do you want to know how it became political? Read Jules
Michelet, "Satanism and Witchcraft." What IS this Wicca? It's a synthesis of
many folk ways of many ethnic groups of agrarian peoples, mostly serfs and other
disenfranchised peoples of the past, and shamanism. It is extremely positive
toward women's empowerment and rights and extremely tolerant toward our, as
Plato called it, Third Sex - the Gays (male or female). It is also extremely
progressive toward the Working Class. That's good enough reason for it to be
Established Religion and legitimized.
Now, for the tour de force for refuting the modern notion that Wiccans got
it all in a moderntime from Gardner and Crowley, as the url I mentioned stated.
The history of Witchcraft is very difficult to accurately document. This leads
to wild claims on both sides, alleging it to be a 20th century fabrication
on one end, and an unbroken line of unaltered tradition dating back from the
Paleolithic on the other. The main problem is that the people who were likely
to become Witches, real witches, were unimportant in the eyes of those who created
the history. The very image the word Witch conjures up is female, and
even those who preserved the history of magic, like Eliphas Levi and A. E. Waite,
preserve the history of male artifice rather than the natural Theurgy of the
Witch. Michelet preserved the essense in his "Satanism and Witchcraft"
of the Sorceress.
The following text is taken from the now out-of-print book "Witches" by Una
Woodruff (the book itself is an art book, the text is all from the English occult
scholar Colin Wilson). This should serve to document, once and for all, that
an actual Witch cult with definite Satanic leanings existed - and perhaps continues
to exist - in Europe.
It absolutely proves what I said in refutation to an anti-Wiccan pile of bullcrap.
I said that Witchcraft is NOT some modern invention based on Gardner and Crowley.
AND - as Michelet said, Witchraft and Satanism are Comrades.
[Starting on page 26 of the Introduction]
"Historically speaking, the oddest thing about witchcraft is that nobody bothered
much about it until the year 1300. An early church document called the Canon
Episcopi denounced the notion that 'certain abandoned woman perverted by
Satan' really flew through the air at night 'with the pagan goddess Diana' as
an absurd delusion or dreams. In practice, local healers and 'wise women' were
a common feature of country life. The 'witchcraft craze' began when the Church
decided it was time to stamp out a heretical sect called the Cathars
also known as the Bogomills, Albigenses and (later) Waldenses. The Cathars were
religious 'purists', the mediaeval equivalent of Quakers or Methodists; they
denounced the wealth and corruption of the Church and insisted that the only
way to get to heaven was by leading a godly life. Understandably, this worried
the princes of the Church. The Cathars also believed that everything to do with
matter is evil, while everything to do with spirit is good. The world, they
said, was created by the devil, and the truly religious man should reject all
worldly things. One of the odder beliefs of the Cathars was that since Jesus
was wholly good, he could not have possessed a human body; so they taught that
Jesus was a phantom. In 1208, the Pope Innocent III declared a
crusade against the Cathars and in particular, against Count Raymond
of Toulouse, one of whose squires has assassinated the Papal Legate. In 1209
and 1210, twenty thousand crusaders swept across Languedoc, storming towns and
massacring their inhabitants. A monk named Dominic Guzman later St. Dominic
set up the Inquisition in Toulouse in 1229, and his agents went around
Languedoc rooting out heresy and burning heretics. Rather like the late Senator
Joseph Macarthy, Dominic got carried away by his mission until he saw heretics
everywhere. It was easy to distort the Cathar belief that the world was created
by the devil into the notion that the Cathars worshipped the devil [since the
bible said God created the world - the devil must have been the Cathar God].
But it was another century before a new Pope the paranoid John XXII,
who believed his enemies were plotting to kill him by magic finally gave
the Dominicans his support. The 'witch hunt' now really began: at first in the
Pyrnees and the Alps, into whose valleys the remnants of the heretics had retreated.
The aim was no longer merely to root out heresy unsound doctrines
but to destroy the servants of the devil. And during the next four centuries,
many thousands of 'witches' were strangled and burned many of them, perhaps
most, undoubtedly innocent. In England, the repeal of the witchcraft act in
1736 put an end to the persecutions; the same thing happened all over Europe.
The spirit of science, symbolized by Isaac Newton's Principa Mathematica,
made belief in magic seem absurd.
"But was the 'witchcraft craze' really smoke without fire? The remark in the
Canon Episcopi (dating from about the 4th century AD) about
the goddess Diana offers an interesting clue. Why Diana, the Roman moon
goddess? Because from the very beginning, the history of magic has been associated
with the moon. Diana was also the earth goddess and therefore the goddess
of fertility. This association of witches with Diana can be found throughout
the centuries. In the 1880s, an American scholar named Charles Leland became
fascinated by the English Gypsies as George Barrow had been half a century
earlier and became president of the Gypsy Lore Society. In 1886 he went
to Florence, continuing his studies of Gypsy magic and lore, and encountered
an Italian witch named Maddelena, who told fortunes and sold amulets. He employed
Maddelena to gather what traditions she could about the origins of Italian witchcraft,
which was known as la vecchia religione, the old religion. She finally
provided him with a handwritten manuscript called Aradia, or the Gospel
of the Witches. This tells the story of the goddess Diana who had an incestuous
affair with her brother Lucifer, and gave birth to Aradia (or Herodias); it
was Aradia who eventually came down to earth and taught men and women the secrets
of magic. This, according to The Gospel of the Witches, was because the
Church and the aristocracy were treating the poor with such cruelty that Diana
felt they needed to be provided with some means of self-defense. That is to
say, witchcraft was originally a movement of social protest,
like the Peasant's Revolt. In his Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy (1931),
Grillot de Givry hits upon the same idea: '
it is perfectly logical that
certain men
having seen that God possessed his rich and hounoured Church
on earth
should have asked themselves above all, if they believed
they had a right to complain of God, Who had condemned them to a wretched state
of life and denied them worldly goods why Satan
should not have
his Church also ... why they themselves should not be priests of this demon,
who would, perhaps, give them what God did not deign to give
This is the same sentiment eloquently echoed and strongly stated by Jules Michelet
in 1862.
The text continues: "There is every reason to believe that Aradia is
a genuine document, for there could be no possible reason to forge such a work.
It would hardly attract the attention of anyone but a folklorist and,
in fact, it went out of print almost immediately. It proved one of the most
powerful pieces of evidence that witchcraft was a survival of a pagan cult of
the moon and earth goddess a fertility cult.
"During the First World War, an English archeologist named Margaret Murray
was living in Glastonbury when she decided to study the history of witchcraft.
Without, apparently, studying Aradia (at least she never mentions it),
Margaret Murray reached the conclusion that witchcraft was a survival of a pagan
fertility cult. It was her view that the image of the devil as a horned
man with a tail originated in the hunting rituals of our Cro-Magnon ancestors
in which the shaman wore the skin of the animal about to be hunted. When
man became a farmer rather than a hunter, he directed his magic towards the
earth with the object of ensuring a good harvest. These innocent pagan festivals
continued down the ages. The Church attempted to stamp them out, partly because
they were a pagan survival, partly because of their strong sexual undertones
but in many country areas the 'old religion' was simply blended with
the new, dances around the maypole replaced the pagan fertility ceremony with
its ritual phallus.
"In recent years, Margaret Murray's theory which was once accepted by
most respectable scholars has been violently attacked, on the grounds
that she censored the evidence about witchcraft cults and sabbats to support
theories. And there can be no doubt that her later book The Divine King in
England (which appeared when she was 94) is wildly eccentric, with its theory
that many of the English kings were members of the 'old religion'. Yet no one
who looks impartially at the evidence can doubt that witchcraft was closely
bound up with the cult of Diana, and that many of its ceremonies were pagan
survivals. In his book The Roots of Witchcraft, Michael Harrison mentions
that after the Second World War, Professor Geoffrey Webb was given the task
of surveying damaged churches built before the Black Death which contained stone
phalluses. (Scholars have long been puzzled by carvings on many ancient churches
showing a crouching woman holding open the lips of her vagina they are
known as Sheila-na-gigs.) Harrison also mentions an event documented in the
Bishop's Register of Exeter in the 14th century, which states that
the monks of Frithelstick Priory in Devon were caught worshipping a statue of
'the unchaste Diana' in the woods, and made them destroy it. Why 'unchaste'
Diana, when she is usually known as the 'queen and huntress, chaste and fair'?
Because the Bishop recognized the ceremony for what it was a fertility
"Amusingly enough, Montague Summers [the translator of the Malleus Maleficarum]
is enraged by the theory of Margaret Murray, and denounces it as imaginative
moonshine. He is determined to promote his own view that the witches were genuine
heretics, inspired by the devil, and that the church was right to 'stamp out
the infection lest the whole of society be corrupted and damned'. As we have
seen, there is a great deal to be said for his opinions even though he
takes them to the point of absurdity. He is almost certainly in the right when
he attacks Margaret Murray's view that Joan of Art and Gilles de Rais were priests
of the Dianic cult who were sacrificed for their faith.
"All of which only demonstrates that the subject of witchcraft is far more
complicated than it at first appears. The truth seems to be roughly this: the
'old religion' survived from the days of our Cro-Magnon ancestors, and in late
Neolithic times led to the construction of stone 'temples' like Avebury, Stonehenge
and Carnac. This religion involved the invocation of earth spirits and deities
like Van Der Post's 'spirits of the Slippery Hills'. It managed to co-exist
quietly with Christianity in Europe although the authors of the Canon
Episcopi knew about it nearly a thousand years before Pope John XXII made
it a crime. Almost certainly, it has nothing to do with the rise of Catharism,
whose roots are in Manichaeism and Gnosticism. But the persecution of the Cathars
drew the attention of the Church to the Old Religion, with dire results. In
fact, one of the first results of the persecution of witches was probably to
cause them to band together and take their stand against the doctrines of Christianity.
So, to some extent, the church created the heresy it was so determined to destroy.
If we can believe Aradia, they did worship the devil or Lucifer,
the sun god as well as his sister Diana. And many of them probably practiced
ancient forms of magic passed down from paleolithic times. It was not the Church
that stamped out witchcraft it was Newton and Liebniz and Dalton." This
actually, is an incorrect statement about scientists!
"And now, it seems, the wheel has come full circle. As we begin to understand
something of the mysterious powers of the human mind as, for example,
an increasing number of people recognize that dowsing actually works
we can also begin to sense something of that magical understanding of the universe
possessed by our ancestors."
The characterization of Newtonian physics as antithetical to the magical view
of the world needs to be heavily qualified. When John Maynard
Keynes bought a trunk full of Isaac Newton's papers and inspected them, he was
startled to find that Newton spent as much time studying alchemy and numerology
as he did formulating his laws of motion. Newton,
Keynes declared, "was the last of the magicians." The essential worldview and
his fellow travelers in the Enlightenment was that
the world was a beautiful place infused with the Divine in the form of rationally
comprehensible natural laws (contra the Christian view that the world is awful,
mankind is a cursed being, and is ruled by the devil) and that nature, to be
commanded, must be obeyed" (to use Francis Bacon's phrase). On these points,
Newton's Enlightenment worldview is fundamentally similar to the LHP and RHP
views of older, magical cultures - and antithetical to the medieval Christian
So the quoted text above that depicts Newton and magic as opposing worldviews,
it would be more accurate to say that the scientific worldview of Newton was
in many ways a continuation, clarification, and elaboration of the magical worldview
(which included watered-down versions of ancient science, including Classical
science and philosophy), which viewed nature with admiration and curiosity -
and the antithesis to the Christian or Manichean worldview, which viewed nature
with hatred, ignorance, and contempt.
For more informaiton on Newton, see The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy,
and Mathematics, edited by Timothy Ferris, in which there is an essay Black
Magic and White Magic by Jacob Bronowski. There's now also a Newton biography
called The Last Sorceror by Michael White.