By Dr. Joe and Philip Marsh
is Gibbs energy. S is entropy. H is enthalpy. T is temperature. Delta is change
First of all, there is a "real
formula" for the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, which gives a
value for the Gibbs free energy. We had to work out many problems like this at
Rensselaer Polytechic Inst.
What you do is assign
the value of zero to the minimum value of the entropy (S) for a given system having
certain restraints (e.g., Volume = V, pressure = p). This is justified under Third
Law because this law postulates the convergence of the values of the entropy of
systems in stable equilibria upon a single value at very low temperatures.
Then the entropy at some finite tempterature (T) is found using integral calculus,
which is a sophisticated way of finding a sum by adding up little pieces:

C = the experimentally determined heat capacity of some material or substance.
The Gibbs free energy = E + pV - TS and

is possibly a function of T or C = f(T), which is also experimentally arrived
In nature we SEE one form
of this S. The Dark Force "transcends nature" but IN Nature it IS Entropy. When
I was in school in the 1970's, the situation has not changed: the so-called Second
Law of Thermodynamics (entropy), which the Third Law also says something about,
cannot be derived from the laws of physics! Hence the NEED for the Second
and Third Law. All attempts to derive these Laws from the laws of physics have
FAILED. So there is a need for INDEPENDENT postulates for Entropy.
concerns itself with mass and energy and forces, and space and time or space/time.
Entropy can not be derived from these. Attempts to do so have failed. So it seems
to be an INDEPENDENT feature of the universe, INDEPENDENT FROM force, mass, energy,
mechanics, chemistry, you name it. It's independent. Yet the observation of the
EFFECTS of entropy are so universal (UNLIKE electricity) that the only thing you
can compare the ubiquity of entropy to, in its obvious manifestations, in front
of everyone all the time, everywhere, is gravity or space or time. This is ASTONISHING.
Are space and time forces? They can be BENT by forces, but is everything that
exists a "force?" What kind of lumping confusion are confused detractors, liars
or idiots up to now? They claim that this is mystical or that entropy is not the
Dark Force IN Nature? Oh yes it is! Why WOULD THEY WANT to confuse anyone?
either have agendas, personal ones having to do with their egos and their emotions
or else they really don't understand it!
say the Dark Force TRANSCENDS nature, existed BEFORE the Cosmos (the Cosmos is
the only "nature" we happen to know). But, IN Nature, corresponding to a very
ancient doctrine, this is ENTROPY. This Dark Force in Nature or Entropy is universally
obvious – it is everywhere, LIKE gravity or space or time which we contend with
all the time. In SCOPE, entropy is equal to these things. Yet it has to be independently
think, when we say Entropy IS the Dark Force in Nature, we are talking about some
little seepage into Nature of some mysterious small force. Doc himself said he
felt it but he thought science had no name for it. But in scope it is so extensive
and ever-present in everything you do, that it's a BIG DEAL. You don't notice
it in the same way you don't notice gravity or the space/time you move through
when you walk though a room. "As obvious as the air you breathe."
who think it's odd to identify the two (Dark Force and entropy) see entropy as
some small esoteric subject of a specialized branch of physics. They don't see
that it is as mundane and real and ever-present as gravity, space or time. I'm
amazed that they could sit through any "science" course and get the impression
that entropy is some diminutive little aspect of the cosmos that doesn't matter
much. Either that, or they think that the Dark Force in Nature is some little-noticed
thing that only some esoteric occultist can see. Some say that science has no
explanation for it. They are not completely wrong, but not right either. As far
as the Doctrines about this Thing are concerned, they go far beyond anything any
Satanist or Occultist ever said and definitely DO conform to what we see as entropy.
Tani Jantsang was describing something about the Boundless Darkness from her OWN
culture to a friend in graphic, concrete English, she was not talking Satanism
per se and definitely NOT talking science - when a nuclear physicist told her
"that is entropy." He said a lot more besides that, but she didn't write it down.
She merely wrote down the word entropy. I remember this. She immediately asked
me about it.
Robert Resnick at Rensselaer, who wrote a textbook used at MIT, CALTECH and many
other colleges said, just because we have all these sophisticated equations, doesn't
mean we understand WHAT entropy is. We have a much better idea of what mass, energy
and space/time are and how they relate to each other (that would be part of the
Doctrines of what the Light Became: See "Light Forces and Dark Force" on
this website.). Entropy does NOT FIT IN. That was a famous statement Dr. Resnick
said. It shows we do not understand it. He was a universally famous teacher of
physics, author of physics textbooks. He wrote "The Textbook" on physics for undergraduates.
And from
Dr. Joe, our friend "Yagoda," another voice speaking on entropy, something well
following information on "dark force" entropy in this sense, is in general/physical
chemistry textbooks and is part of quantum organic chemistry: NOT physics,
NOT thermodynamics. This sense of entropy relates this phenomenon to the internal
chemical properties of matter, which relates to "enthalpy."
life is a collection of chemical reactions, thus the point is looking at the "FORCE"
that drives these chemical reactions and tilts the balance to promote ENTROPY
INCREASE so that the reactions go in ONE DIRECTION. They go in the direction of
creating more chaotic molecular movements.
"force" is NOT any of the four forces in physics nor do the 4 forces in physics
have anything to do with this "force" that drives chemical reactions, nor do the
4 forces tilt the balance to promote entropy increase, nor do the 4 forces make
anything go in one direction, including the 4 forces themselves! But how is this
then the Dark Force or a MANIFESTATION of it in Nature?
itself is NOT the dark force, Gibbs energy itself is NOT the Dark force, however
a CHANGE OF GIBBS ENERGY REQUIRES A FORCE: Delta G, not G. I.e., G is Gibbs energy;
DELTA G is a CHANGE IN Gibbs energy. A change REQUIRES a force, a change IS CAUSED
BY the force. Delta G - Delta H - T Delta S. That change has a DIRECTION, which
is the Dark Force (that permeates all Nature and motivates it to change). .
chemical action will proceed ONLY IF Delta G is a negative number. Enthalpy is
FIXED for any selected compound. Temperature and pressure does not really change
a lot so you come to the conclusion that it is Delta S (entropy) that defines
the vectoring of Delta G (Gibbs energy). Vectoring equals DIRECTIONALITY.
means, entropy defines the general direction in which ALL chemical reactions go.
G1 - G2 = Delta G. Not Gibbs energy, but the CHANGE in Gibbs energy, which always
goes toward negative numbers because Delta S always goes up: THIRD AND SECOND
because of these Laws, because of Delta S being prone to increase more and more
as time passes, more and more chaotic, complex or sophisticated molecules will
appear and life itself will appear and get more sophisticated: evolve.
up --> Chaos up --> Sophistication level up -->Second and Third Laws
push life forward relentlessly!
one ever said that entropy was a "force" as in the 4 forces in physics. Nor did
anyone say it was a particle. We said it AFFECTS particles. It DIRECTS the 4 forces.
(The 4 forces are Gravity, Electro-magnetism, Weak and Strong - in physics. Weak
and strong are primarily "nuclear" or atomic forces.)
mentioned before, when people claim to feel the "dark hidden force" do they know
that science does have an aexplanation for it? Do they ever describe it well enough
to make it recognizable to a person who does know science? IT DOES have an explanation:
if you want the force behind evolution itself, change of Gibbs energy resulting
in increased entropy: is IT. But remember what Resnick said about this.
The 2nd and 3rd Law of Entropy permeates and motivates all
of Nature.
A Dark Hidden Force
permeates and motivates all of Nature.
what is this Dark Force in Nature? We know. Now you know. Our ancient words for
this? "SAT" is the DARK Itness Itself. Stretching forth after the Big Bang: "TAN"
is – 2nd and 3rd Laws of Entropy a/k/a Dark FORCE IN - repeat,
IN all Nature, permeating it, motivating it, relentlessly – onto change.
are more "mysteries" about Entropy than almost any other subject in science –
if you like "mysticism." For example, if Entropy always increases, what is the
source of the Universe's original low entropy?! NO ONE knows – at least,
no one in science knows!
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