The Ritual of Baphomet

    1) Stand facing any preferred Direction

    2) Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound "I" (a high-pitched ieeeeee! Sound) while visualizing a dark energy in the head area.

    3) Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound "E" ( a lower-pitched eeeeh! Sound) while visualizing a dark energy in the throat area.

    4) Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the Sound "A" (a deep aaaah! Sound) while visualizing a dark energy in the heart and lungs, which spreads to the muscles of the limbs.

    5) As in 2, but the "O" sound (ooooh!) in the belly area.

    6) As in 2, but the Sound "U" (a very deep uuur!) in the Genital/anal area.

    7) Repeat 6. Then 5, 4, 3, 2, working back toward the head.

8) Trace the Inverted Pentagram before you like this (either actually trace it on a floor, or trace it in your mind's eye by using an arm gesture. If you are actually walking on the star, walk to each next point as shown in the diagram. If you are doing it in your mind's eye, step to the left each time in a circular way.



9) Move to the next point or step left. Trace the Inverted Pentagram (as shown in Drawing) before you and say:


10) Move to next point or to your left. Trace the Inverted Pentagram before you and say:


11) Move to next point or to your left. Trace the Inverted Pentagram before you and say:


12) Move to next point or to your left. Trace the Inverted Pentagram before you and say:


13) Either face the pentagon in the center of the star and walk into it, facing the two top points, or move left again. With arms stretched out say:

"Before me to my right SAMAEL

Before me to my left AZAZEL

Beside me on my left LUCIFER

Beside me on my right SATAN

Behind me LEVIATHAN"

"About me flames the star of the BAPHOMET the ALL-Mother/Father!

Within me burns the Black Flame of vital fire!"

14) Repeat steps 2 to 7

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