Yes, this question has been asked.
By Tani Jantsang
Let me give the reader some necessary
background without talking with my tongue firmly in my cheek. I did that before
in this and similar little "articles" that were originally posts on usenet made
to idiots asking really stupid questions.
I am from a NON-Islamic Turko-Tatar
people. Our "Lamaism" is a combination of Taoism, Tantric-Vedantic concepts,
and Shamanism that is provably very ancient. We have the Esoteric Tradition,
this is very well known now in the West and in universities, and this is what
we are calling the Dark Tradition in our organization. (Please see "Unity of
the Dark Tradition" and other articles in the Dark Tradition
section of our organization website for clear details.)
The cultural tradition I'm from has
been loosely called "part of Buddhism," but it is very loosely that based on
language used at times. "Buddha" (that is, Gautama Siddhartha) was a character
never mentioned by any of us. Nagarjuna may as well be "our Buddha" along with
Marmedzad of the Fourth World Age. He was "ours." People wholly outside of the
Indian or Tibetan tradition were often honored as "Living Gods" (Hutukhtu),
especially if they were bloody brutal Warlords in times of war. We are nothing
like Tibetans or people from India. We are people related to the Khans of recent
history and our origin is the Altai and steppes of Siberia - Northern Central
Asia. To this day, the same culture living in China honors the Shaman Jenghis
Khan (Temujin) as Bogdo: HOLY. That's not Buddhism by any stretch of the imagination.
I was in the United States in the
1950's when I went to a regular public school. The school was run by Freemasons,
that is, the males in it, principal and etc. were also Freemasons, and the mostly
female teachers were Eastern Star. This was very common, and the education was
Classical, also very common. Of course I learned about the sigils of this tradition
and of the Freemasons and of the United States (same sigils), all of them. This
was America and these were American symbols!
The school was only "unusual" in
that it was strong on math and geometry. Most kids did not learn Euclidean plane
geometry or what would now be called "post structuralism" in reading interpretation,
in 5th grade. But such schools were very common (at least in the North Eastern
states) and considered Classical. I want to make that clear. In a country founded
by these people, it is only natural that the schools would teach about it. I
learned about the Hellenes - the Ionian Artificers, Dorians, Pelasgians, etc.
in depth, I learned of Egypt and its Dynasties, China and its Dynasties and
many other things that some other kids did not learn at all in their schools,
if they got to those schools due to their inability to pass grades in the Classical
schools. The Classical schools went from Kindergarten to 8th grade. The other
public schools in the area went from Kindergarten to 6th Grade and those kids
had to go to "Junior High School." We went from grammar school directly into
High School.
That was the only difference aside
from what was actually taught regarding math and reading, primarily. All of
that was part of the tracking system, a merit system. That's
long gone and no one younger will be able to relate to what it was like, back
then. Well - America was TOPS back then, in everything! Science and Math? American
kids were Number ONE. If you chewed gum in class, you got detention. If you
talked in class while lessons were ongoing, you got detention. You were made
to write 1,000 times, "I will not talk in class," or "I will not chew gum in
class." You had one night to do it, along with a lot of other homework. If you
did not do it, you got expelled. If you bullied people, you got expelled and
possibly sent to a youth jail. Behavior that is common today was absolutely
NOT tolerated - in ANY schools back then. You absolutely had to learn
to speak, write and read English - NO ifs ands or buts! No exceptions.
Religion was not taught in these public schools - it was forbidden.
But then there were other "special"
schools. NOT ordinary. They were Catholic Schools and religion was taught there.
You had to be Catholic to get into a Catholic school. From what anyone could
even tell by casually noticing this, you had to be born Catholic and Catholics
seemed to come in ethnic groups. Anyone could go to the schools that taught
classical education, Catholics were usually advised NOT to go there by their
own Priests, but they could if they wanted to - but if you couldn't pass the
grades you were sent to a public school where very different and much simpler
things were taught. This was not unusual in the least. It was the norm, at least
in the North Eastern states.
This country, America, was FOUNDED
by these Freemasons! I also learned about every single person who signed the
Declaration of Independence. Such things were not taught as dry and boring written/read
lessons and we were very young kids at the time this was taught. They were taught
as stories told by the teachers, orally, and they were vivid. Most of it is
forgotten, the details lost in memory, but the MESSAGE stuck like glue. The
"story teller" would verbally tell the stories - very sad stories - of these
people and of many other stories about other things in history. All in all,
most of this was learned in the "oral story telling" manner - which happens
to be traditional. The details might be forgotten as years pass, but the MESSAGE,
the MORAL of it, always remains.
The Catholic kids noticed certain
things - for instance the "Magno the Devil" toys. They were toys and puzzles,
of course they noticed it. For one, most kids couldn't figure out these puzzles;
they were toys designed to make you think, and some of them were damned hard.
One that I still have is a tiny plastic board whereon a game is played that
is similar to the game "go." Another is called the "Devil's Staircase." I still
have these. This is not an easy game to learn and the "Devil's Staircase" is
considered the hardest puzzle in the world. The only person I ever met that
could unravel the "Devil's Staircase" is Phil Marsh. I can't do it. It's WAY
too hard. I can do the next one "easier": "Satan's Stirrups!" Ok. That's what
the puzzles are called. Yeah, on hindsight I can surely see that the Catholic
kids must surely have noticed the names of these puzzles. This kind of stuff
was so ubiquitous that I seriously never noticed it at the time, as a kid. Of
course, the Catholic kids often were outright told by parents and their teachers
that "those people worship the Devil!" I used to hear it, "I'm not supposed
to play with you people because you are devil people." In one ear, out the other.
The kid played anyway. I also remember these kids saying that a Jewish kid I
knew was a "Christ killer."
We had songs we sang in our school,
like any other school does - but I never thought anything about it - songs like
"When Morning Comes," where the words talk of the Sabbath and tongue-in-cheek
"dancing with the Devil." Such as "The Hag," about a witch. I learned the Black
Smith's Song and have the words to all of it and the music. For December holiday
Yuletide season, we sang songs like "Chestnuts Roasting on the Open Fire" or
"White Christmas" or "Let it Snow" or "All I Want for Christmas." Popular songs.
On hindsight, and taking notice of
this in light of the accusations of the 1980's, I noticed that the Christmas
songs we sang were completely non-religious. I asked a Christian friend in 1988,
"what songs do you sing," since I did hear Catholic songs in the past. I heard
"Ave Maria" and "O Holy Night" - two very beautiful songs; but the words were
not in English, they were in Latin and French. I also heard "Adeste Fideles,"
not in English but in Latin - another pretty song, like a march but not as breathtakingly
beautiful as the first two songs. The words didn't matter and probably wouldn't
have made sense to me as a child. The music was beautiful. My friend told me
and showed me some of the songs that he knew and thought "everybody knew." I
guess they were non-Catholic songs; they were like marches in tempo and the
words SUCKED and reeked of Jesus in a really yicky way hard to define. But the
music was pretty. No, not everyone knows these songs. I doubt that many Jews
or Asians living here know these songs! Apparently the music existed and someone
just put these Christian words to the music.
But, to continue, in lieu of the
1980's accusations, I noticed the Devil's Head on the Magno "Go" game I still
have. I noticed the Devil's Heads on rubber dolls and still have these rubber
heads to this day (the dolls' bodies, made of thin rubber and stuffed with filling,
have long deteriorated). I noticed and looked more carefully at the actual words
to, say, "When Morning Comes." Blatant - that is, they are blatantly "satanic"
IF you read them through the eyes of Christians! Well, if something is so common
that it's everywhere, one doesn't tend to notice it. My father gave me a gold
ring when I graduated in school. It's what you might call a devil's head if
you saw it, but I never thought OF it as a Devil's Head and it was not considered
that. It was "The Cosmic Joker." It was a classical image of the Cosmic Joker
or Dice Thrower. It was considered Good Luck.
I remember this very clearly from
back then. In the 1950's the Catholics (who used to think, and were even told,
that we were devil worshipers - and also told that Jews were Christ killers)
were the odd ones out, they were considered a Weird Cult of people that dressed
weird, used Latin in their strange, chanting, spooky rituals, and performed
scary masses in their churches. They always wore black, too - all the Priests
and Nuns were always covered in black clothing with this tortured person on
a cross hanging down as jewelry they held in their hands. They did weird, very
weird stuff and had scary beliefs, too. I don't think people today can appreciate
how WEIRD they were considered by everyone; even by us with our tradition. Hell,
even my Moslem cousins thought they were spooky and some of the Moslems wore
turbans and bowed to the East to wail out prayers; but they were pretty turbans
and these were happy, smiling, playful people with Allah as their Deity. Our
Lamas were also friendly, playful people. Neither acted like the Catholics or
went around all dressed in somber black all the time with those spooky expressions
on their faces. The Catholics were unanimously regarded as superstitious and
very weird. Nuns were a novelty, very strange ladies, and horrible stories were
told about how evil they were to little kids. In fact, the Catholics, during
the 1960's Civil Rights Era, consciously chose to change their "weird and very
spooky ways" and become more Americanized. After all, consider this: they were
the only ones talking about scary things and spooky things like devils or demons!
I had, even at that time, a vague
idea that their spooky notion of "demons" might have come from OUR word in school,
the Greek word "Daimonic," which meant genius. But I never gave it much thought.
Neither did the Catholic kids that did play with us despite being told to "stay
away from those people." (I can also state that they did NOT play with Jewish
kids - and they often picked on them or beat them up.) We played games, tag,
kickball, etc. I wasn't disobeying my parents or anyone else by playing with
them. But they were disobeying their teachers in their schools, by associating
with me or any of us! Jewish kids that I knew of weren't into physical games
like that. I think it was the game and play that caused the Catholics to disobey
their parents and play with us, since we were into physical games, too: running
games, games with a ball.
They talked about weird stuff like
SIN - and wow, whatever that was, it was bad and spooky (at least to me it sounded
that way and it sounded unreal) and they spoke of strange places where people
"go" after they die. Well, my cultural tradition has reincarnation. So does
the Pythagorean tradition. I did once offer one a shovel and suggested we dig
and try to find hell. I knew that if we dug far enough, we'd end up at the core
of the earth - I had learned that in classical education.
Much later on, in the 1960's, when
I actually talked to them, I found these Priests and Nuns, all Sicilian people,
to be quite friendly and I started to disbelieve the horror stories I had heard
about them. From Catholic friends (other teens at this later period) I got books
on their angels and demons and read them. It was very weird stuff, alright,
but where would people GET such concepts in the first place? That was my question.
Angels that can travel "faster than the speed of light?" Demons that "artificially
inseminate" people? Forget the superstitious nonsense, where did they get these
ideas about, for instance, the speed of light? These were medieval treatises
on angels that I was reading. I didn't know the concept of "light having a speed"
was even known back then. So I read, and know something about this strange Catholic
religion. It's not simple. But it's very weird.
In 1988, through a republican party
newsletter, "Family Forum," that friend Jeff Gerber showed me, I first read
about this "Satanic Ritual Abuse" stuff and Generational Satanists. I had never
heard of this before. Why would I have heard of this? I heard of LaVey and knew
of his effect on the entire occult or "open alternate religion" scene from way
back in the 1960's and 1970's. Negative; he had a very negative effect. There
always were alternate religious groups in the United States, from Hassidic Jews
(VERY strange people that have Kaballa and dress very strangely) to Gnostic
groups. These were quite common but they didn't PREACH to anyone and make spectacles
of themselves at all. So seeing this term "generational Satanist," I wondered:
do they mean LaVey's kids? I remembered he had kids. At this time, 1988, I thought
Michael Aquino was still in the Church of Satan - I heard of him through Wayne
Chojnicki and a few Cthulhu Mythos people who wrote about Set as Nyarlathotep
(science fiction stories). Did he have kids? I also knew that the Church of
Satan was so tiny as to be relatively insignificant - if it even still existed.
Were these people in Family Forum talking about them? LaVey? His members or
their children? Well, no, they weren't.
I read on I read more and Jeff showed
me more newsletters and a heap of other stuff. As a member of the ADL B'nai
B'rith at the time, Jeff Gerber kept an eye out for such literature. They do
that. He noted that some of the more far out accusations were the same as were
once hurled at the Jewish People.
The newsletter and the main literature
wasn't the type that went off into the realms of lunacy and exaggeration, spinning
wild tales, as I now know the typical SRA garbage did. It was presented in another
manner. It mentioned the country, America, groups of people including Presidents,
and well-known "conspiracies" (their word for this was "conspiracy"); it mentioned
how the majority of Americans were NOT in favor of what the Founding Fathers
did here and were NOT in favor of setting up a government where there was complete
separation of church and state. It mentioned the Hell Fire Club that Freemason
Ben Franklin was a member of, and other such things. It mentioned the "cults"
that have always battled the "Altar and Throne" (those were the words, Altar
and Throne, that I knew very well from school: Altar and Throne are The Enemy!).
It mentioned the wars of the 1820's between Freemasons and Christians in intricate
detail. It mentioned what we were taught, it mentioned some of our sigils, the
ones we (Pythagorean system) still use today. It also mentioned Kung Fu schools,
all Eastern Mystical Schools of thought, it railed against quantum physics claiming
it was like Eastern mysticism, it railed against yoga and meditation and WOAH!
My eyes got wide and realization set in. THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT US! They are
accusing us of doing some horrible things. They are calling US and some others
"Generational Satanists!"
Well, I decided to read about more
of what they consider Satanic and, finding out that they seriously meant anything
related to the Darkness, kundalini practices and other things, such as Pythagorean
stuff very familiar to me from school, I decided to get polemical. I wrote this
article. Basically I was saying, "Yes! WE are Generational Satanists and what
are you gonna do about it?" I also said, "JEWS are Generational Satanists,
and THEY RULE YOU." It was said very "in their faces." Of course,
neither the Jews nor us were into Satan at all.
In 1989 I also contacted Peter Gilmore,
now the HP of the Church of Satan, (I was given his phone number BY a Freemason
who asked me to GIVE this public and open organization some historical stuff)
and I gave the Church of Satan the "Western Roots" articles, parts 1 and 2,
which they published in their official newsletter as "Satanic Roots," along
with a few other things in the Western tradition. They are very good articles,
but I'd not call them Dark Tradition articles at all. I didn't write them; I
did not know enough about the Western stuff to write them.
OK then. Let's go with "Generational
Satanists." Criteria: Darkness. Serpent. Serpent Force. Kundalini. Serpent of
Wisdom. Dark Force in Nature. Black Flame. These were terms I was thoroughly
familiar with from my culture primarily, and a little less from Pythagorean
classical education. But the PENTACLE!? Ah, now that was taught to me inside
out, up, down and sideways in school; every angle, every line, inside and outside,
the pentagon, all of it. Either that was taught in school or outside the school
by the SAME teachers I saw in school. I don't remember since the two tend to
My culture doesn't use pentacles
at all to signify the Five, or we rarely do. We usually use the crossed Dorje
with a yin/yang center or just show the five flames like a menorah. But Freemasons
sure do use it and that pentacle was another thing these Christians were labeling
Satanic. Even some Wiccans call the two point up pentacle Satanic. Well! I do
know all about that and can even correlate it to the identical tradition in
my own culture regarding the Five Dharmas. It was very familiar to Phil Marsh
too, from classical education, which he had more of than I, and from his family
tradition. His family is Panaggio: Beloved of Pan. That's what the name means!
It was time to specifically and in
detail write out the Dark Tradition, tailor make it in some common language
or lingo (like using Kaballa or Greek terms after at least defining the native
terms) that people INTO Satanism would clearly understand, strip the irrelevant,
cultural, mythical garbage, the stupid "family tree of the Gods and their wives
and kids" and nonsensical rules out of it - and show it in an extremely concrete
and pure form to anyone who wanted to KNOW this stuff. (See Unity
in the Dark Tradition).
But I did something else besides
that. I outright took the epithet up and called it SATANISM. Satanic Roots.
Sat and Tan - SATAN (great pun! and so apropos!) I did that. And yes, there
are generations of people from these traditions. Generational Satanism? Of course,
no one from these traditions calls it Satanism, including me! Only these fanatical
Christians were labeling it that, which was the main point.
Now, however, there is no need for
polemic, especially if "Satanists" out there take it to heart like zealous fools,
more or less Born Again Satanists, and then dare to accuse us of being religious
when we tell them they are misusing and abusing the Dark Tradition! Leave it
to a cultural Christian to do just that with this stuff! And only the most complete
imbecile would think that any of these people from these cultures are "generational
Satanists," just as only an imbecile and a retard would think that "all
Jews are Christ killers."
Literally, "generational satanism"
is obviously what the two words, "generational" and "satanism," are saying it
is: NOW it is time to pull out the Webster's Dictionary. Since this is so mystifying
to some (while others immediately know what it is) I'll try to explain this
as best as I can and give analogies to OTHER such generational groups, entire
ethnic groups and cultures, that are under your noses and yet invisible - and
who have also been branded "Satanic," making them generational and "Satanic"
according to those who brand them as that.
First of all, "Satan," that is, the
use of that name/title FOR a Principle of Darkness, whether or not you include
a Manifestation of It as Light or not (such as Lucifer, Azazel), implies something
being used from a book that Jews peripherally, but Moslems and primarily Christians
and cultural Christians, have used: Christians have used this since 2000 years
ago and in modern literary circles. These people invented the word "satan" and
the idea of some anti-God or anti-Christ Devil. Therefore, they literally
own it. What they say it is, as the inventors and owners, IT IS.
Such Generational Satanists, so to
speak, and by that I mean groups of people who have been branded
by that name in the past or recently, exist within the nations where the Christian
and Moslem religions predominate, they live amongst the peoples of these religions
and, by force and due to such epithets thrown at them such as "Satanic," have
to live hidden. (I feel like a fool having to explain this. It's too obvious.)
See Carducci's "Hymn to Satan." His
work made it to the Nobel Prize Library. That is a clear example of a man using
the word Satan to praise free thinkers and rebels. Thomas Mann used the word
similarly. But Carducci is speaking of a real rebellion in society - like a
revolutionary. He's not talking about the wailing noise that people "into Satan"
make when they are just pissed off at their own backgrounds or pissef off due
to what happened to them in the playground with other kids. In the "Hymn to
Satan," Carducci can be seen praising the Protestant movement which, at the
time, was more liberating and rational than Catholicism. He is clearly trashing
Catholicism in his poem.
Originally, as I said, this article
was written in an "in your face" manner directed at both modern day "Satanists"
that wanted desperately to prove that Anton LaVey was the first and only Satanist,
and also written "in the faces" of the Christian fanatics that might call all
these traditions "satanic."
Well, some may argue that Anton LaVey
is not a Satanist at all since he doesn't believe in Satan at all or do anything
Satanic or advocate anything Satanic. The sword cuts two ways. Time to cut out
the polemic, since some people "finding" the Dark Doctrines have tried to claim,
"these Doctrines are the one TRUE Satanism." In other words, they took the "in
your face polemic" too literally. When told they were using the Dark Doctrines
like preachers with scripture, they claim "we are behaving religiously and treating
them like heretics." No. We are simply saying that they took the Dark Doctrines
and were total assholes with it; they went insane with it - LIKE religious people
often do. These people may link to our articles, to this article. But they are
not associated with the people actually from the Tradition who wrote this down
for anyone to understand.
What is the Dark Tradition? Please
refer to art-dk We also sell in depth articles on
the Tradition. Please note that not one of the people actually from these Traditions
EVER called themselves Satanists or considered themselves or their "Deity" or
Force of Nature evil in any way. Satan isn't even a word or name in their own
languages. They have, however, been branded "Satanic" by the most fanatical
of Christians.
As defined by R. E. L. Masters in
the excellent book, "Eros and Evil," for instance, "Satanic," "Satanism," all
have the clear Webster's Dictionary definition: people loving evil for the sake
of evil - and by that Masters means real evil, not the Addam's Family, not the
tragic and cursed figure of the Vampire, not the tragic Werewolf. Masters also
clearly sees such people as demented and sick inside - utterly lacking Eros.
He's right. Such people are Thanatos, they are ruined people, broken people.
Most often, they are abuse victims that seek to abuse others.
The Temple of Set formed in 1975
due to Priests and such in the Church of Satan being disgusted by the fraud
they saw in the Church of Satan being practiced by Anton LaVey. Details of this
may be found in the book "Church of Satan" by Dr. Michael Aquino now made publicly
available on Amazon. (Something that fills in the gaps in one portion of Aquino's
book can be found here.) The ToSet view
was that Jews, who were the first to use the word satan, labeled the Egyptian
deity Set as "set-en" after running into trouble in Egypt and getting kicked
out. As such, the Temple of Set's Satanism - Set-ianism, clearly states that
Set was not the same as the "satan" that Webster's Dictionary defined at all,
but a legitimate Egyptian Deity that got turned into a "devil" by the Jews.
It doesn't matter if this is correct or not, linguistically or otherwise. The
important thing to see is that these Set-ians were not Webster's Dictionary
Satanic and did not intend for their Temple of Set to be "Satanic" in the Dictionary
sense at all. They are not evil, they do not advocate doing evil, they do not
advocate ugliness or seek out ugliness or social rot in society to glorify.
Groups of people belonging to non-Christian
traditions, but living in Christian nations, often took a very anti-Christian
stance for very justifiable reasons. As such, the word "Satanist" does apply
in this very loose sense if you want to seriously stretch the word in most cases
to mean "adverse to the society they were living in." In the past
this involved the "Traditional" anti-Christian "Black Mass" practiced by some
Christian people that LaVey referred to on page 16 of the Satanic Bible. This
would also refer to the stuff the ONA refers to in (what seems to me) a very
clear attempt to not only be anti-Christian, but to literally worship evil and
do evil things, illegal things such as murder people - or at least claim they
do this!
Please also consider the biggest
and primary Christian idea of the Satanist, the anti-Christ.
The Christians have feared the birth of the anti-Christ for centuries. Even
in the 1950's, I could hear Italians hurling the epithet "Christo Morte" at
Jews. It means "Christ killer." The Jews lived amongst Christian nations for
a long time, they are not Christian, they can be very anti-Christian at times
if not openly, then covertly, and they "murdered Jesus," the Christians' own
God! Also, Jews stayed to themselves for so long that they even have genetic
markers that can be identified, like an ethnic group. Well, how much more generational
and satanic can anything possibly get? Are Jews Satanists? No, they are not.
But they fit the bill better than any so-called satanic organization and better
than any ethnic group out there. They are such a TINY minority, always were.
[I agree that they need a Country of their own.]
The USA was founded by Pythagorean
Freemasons (seen as "very satanic" in the LaVeyan sense, by Anton LaVey and
by HP Peter Gilmore of the Church of Satan). The two pointed up star, the pentacle,
is one of their own sigils. They literally built their sacred geometry into
the capital of the United States. One would think that normally a building would
have four sides; but this is not the case with the Pentagon, for one example;
there are many more. (Western Roots Two, in The Dark Doctrines book, explains
things in more depth). Joining such lodges as the Founders of the United States
belonged to, resulted in a person being ex-communicated by the Catholic
Church, since the Catholic Church saw these people as Satanic. Add
to that some of the things the Founders of the United States actually did, such
as joining the Hell Fire Club. These lodges also honor DeMolay - one of the
Knights Templars that allegedly used the Sigil of the Baphomet. But did the
Templars worship Satan? No, the Sigil of Baphomet represented Sofia (Wisdom).
(See article
on "Baphomet" for details.) (Western Roots 1, also in the book, explains
things in depth on the epithet "Hellene" and the roots in Pythagorean Tradition.)
(See also "The Three Gates.") These people have
their Deist ideas, the Cosmocrator, is their Nature's God. Deism is far from
Theism: both Christianity and Islam are strongly Theistic.
Many people from such traditions
often refer to themselves as Serpents and consider the Serpent a symbol of Wisdom.
The Druids also do this in one of their highest rites; they'll declare, "I
am a Serpent." In every one of the Eastern traditions, the Serpent is a
symbol of Divine Wisdom, of the kundalini through which true enlightenment comes.
Of course, the Serpent is always associated with the Devil in the literature
of the Christians. If these people live in Christian nations, they would be
branded "satanic." These people are whole ethnic groups. That means there are
generations of them and their traditions are generational.
If you read Western Roots 1 and Roots
2, (In The Dark Doctrines book) but also printed in parts by The Black Flame
as "Satanic Roots" (TBF is the Church of Satan's official magazine), Fenris
and Trident (Embassy of Satan's official magazine), you'd be able to logically
figure out what happened from the period left off in Rome, with the Hellenic
Theurgies and Goetes being chased out by fanatical Christians in Roots 1, to
the period that comes up again in Roots 2. I could not print the missing information.
I was asked not to. People don't like to be persecuted or thrown into some grand
conspiracy theory for merely surviving.
Robert Graves also has good information
on a part of this: the Black Smith clans. (The Black Smith song is Tubalcain's
song). He does NOT tell you that they are also the Carbonari. He does NOT get
into the subject of the Marano Jews. He does NOT get into the same clans that
live in the East. Generational clans, tribal people. He DOES show at least that
the Tubalcain "dance" of the Black Smith Cult, which was very ancient, still
existed and was discovered at least by some Christians in the West when Isobel
Gowdie sang the tune and the words to it. Consider how long this song survived
and how far it spread. It originated in the Middle East. This also does tie
into the "Green Man" or "Wicker Man" tradition which existed in the agricultural
The Black Smith does tie into the
Kenites, a group of Turanians (Turko-Tatars) known to the Hebrews at least during
the time of David (an ancient Jewish King), though the Hebrews had no idea where
they really came from or who they were; they were nomadic tent dwellers that
moved around a lot; they were craftsmen (Kenite means Builder) and musicians,
singers, dancers and performers. It is right there, at that time that the "myth
of the Cain-ites" came into being: the Hebrews, liking the Kenites but forbidden
by their law to mingle with outsiders, INVENTED a genealogy for the Kenites
in order to mingle with them legally, hence came TUBALCAIN and knowledge OF
such a dance at all. This invention "of Cain's line" persists in the Hiram Rite
and amongst some peoples living in the Middle East: notably the Yazidi (though
they do not mention Hiram in their rite).
Graves also tells how this was pointed
out to him, but not in any kind of overt form and he explains how he was LUCKY
enough to put the pieces together. In the end of his book, he writes that he
feels he has to give The Devil his due and then he explains it well. His book
is "The White Goddess" (White does NOT refer to white magic or to white race).
Jules Michelet in his "Satanism and
Witchcraft" has a lot to explain also, and he does so by making an allegory
of what happened to many people over a long period of time, into the story of
one person. Satanism, worship of the Devil, as the Witches were accused of,
was more or less a peasants' revolt against Christian tyranny. Michael Bakhunin
used the term "Satan" in the same manner: he was a revolutionary in Russia.
People known to be practicing some
form of the "old pagan religion" involving the Mother Goddess Diana or Hecate,
or worshiping Pan as a fertility God, were branded Devil Worshipers or Satanists
by the Christian authorities for centuries. Wiccans today claim they never worshiped
Satan. It doesn't matter what they claim if they are a minority group
in a country ruled by Christians. They are lumped in with other non-Christians
as Satanists by Christian fanatics to this very day. "The Witch's god has HORNS."
Bottom line uttered by a Christian authority in a televised debate.
These Mother Goddess traditions and
Pan traditions don't just vanish; they persist. The Gospel of Aradia is a clear
example of this. (See "ARADIA
- The Witch's Gospel" - in its Entirety with a few notes, at our website
in the Dark Tradition section.) Many Wiccans also have a militantly ANTI-Christian
stance. Aren't Jews militantly ANTI-NAZI? Well? Same thing, for the same reasons.
What are Marano Jews? Generational
Jews that had to hide what and who they were. They had to wear a constant mask
and live a literal masquerade for generations, due to living amongst persecutorial
Christians in Spain (they never had to do this when the Moors had their splendid
empire there...). There were generations of these people hidden and living amongst
Christians. Often, due to persecutorial actions done to them, they formed "plots"
or "plans" and put them forth. One alleged 14th Century one is: "Become their
priests and thereby destroy their own children." Needless to say, these lands
did not remain "clean and white" very long after they did that. Hispanics from
all over today hardly resemble the stoic and dour, but purely white (race) ones
of the past and they behave the opposite. What do you imagine that "destroy
their children" would mean? Go kill little kids? Not at all. Only STUPID
people know brute force. They don't know how to subvert and really change an
enemy and make him literally into something else. They were made (of their own
free will, no less) into something else. No longer are they pale-faced, dour,
up-tight, purely white people (like Cortez WAS). Of course, on hindsight this
gets lumped into a vast Jewish conspiracy theory.
Mafia. What is the Mafia? Ask Bonnano!
See his interview - he was the only still-living Mafia Don when the movie was
made. Well, is it Italian? Not quite. It's old, very old, and their order of
ranks are from the Centurion ranks. Most of it is in Sicily, not Italy. Mafia
is an Arabic word, which means "place of refuge," but the tradition is Sicilian.
In Italy one can find the Carbonari: not the same as Mafia. They both have clans,
tribes, laws, customs and they keep this intact and "in the family" no matter
where they go. They are not the same as the Colombian "gangsters." How many
people realize that without the Mafia, the American forces would have not been
able to do much in Italy during World War Two? The Mafia greatly helped the
American military win World War Two. The Mafia, in some ways, is, at least in
part, connected to the Goddess tradition. Mary is their Queen of Heaven, the
Mother of God, and that idea is merged as a strong backdrop inside of a predominantly
Catholic overlay. Their Saint Cataldo, however, can be seen pictured with his
hand up, giving us the HORNED HAND - the same horned hand modern occultists
all know.
That same horned hand shows up in
many cultures, including Slavic and Polynesian, and it means "Good Luck." In
fact, Catholics even wore the horned hand as a symbol of good luck! The same
horned hand shows up in Tantra as the "mudra" for enchantment. That
gesture, the horned hand, is associated with Satan, in the minds of both Christians
and "Satanists." Why?
Yakuza. What is this? Well, it's
Japanese. That's about all we know about them aside from it being a "family
thing." They are involved in crime (or maybe that's the only thing we know of
them). There are many Japanese people in the USA. Are they part of Yakuza? Probably
not, but no one knows and it's definitely NOT safe to go asking around and nosing
in where you don't belong.
There are also ancient Chinese secret
clans of this type that still exist today. Well, Mao stupidly chased many of
them out, and so these clans are somewhat known today. Their Kung Fu was secret
for centuries. No European knew of these things. Bruce Lee changed this but
he took a lot of flack when he did it. But consider that no one knew of Kung
Fu, despite the fact that MILLIONS of Chinese were in the USA and for many many
decades! There are many Yogas and a deep philosophy associated with the practice
of Kung Fu; it is not just a fighting technique; it's a whole philosophy that
has also been branded Satanic by fanatic Christians.
There is Ninpo, the Nin people. They
are of the LHP Esoteric (Dark) Tradition in the East who went even further East
to Japan in waves, due to persecution. They are nothing like the Bushido or
Samurai clans. In Japan, their last refuge, they fought back by becoming Nin-JA.
As in Europe with "Satan Worship," or the Witch Pan cults, the Ninja were also
equated with the Devil by the majority of Japanese who had their own version
of a devil or "thing of DARKNESS." Notably, (notably? this should be equivalent
to a bomb dropping) the Bushido clans called the Ninja "TENGU." Atop a Masonic
certificate are letters surrounding a pentagon designating each of the five
Pythagorean clans: TENGU.
The stealth/escape skills of the
Ninja are IDENTICAL to the skills of the Magician Guilds (Houdini type and slight
of hand magicians). The 33rd Generational Grandmaster of Iga Ninja had some
things to say about this analogy of Ninja and the Devil in the book "Mind of
the Ninja," relayed by Dr. Petersen, against Western Dualism (which Petersen,
as a psychiatrist, calls SCHIZOID). It was STEPHEN HAYES in the 1970's or 1980's
that introduced the Western world to Ninja and its Ninpo ways.
How many Japanese lived in the USA
for decades? Yet no one ever heard of Ninja! Apparently, they know how to keep
secrets. Unlike the generational Ninja before him, Hayes was a White American
presumably from a generational Christian family, possibly a generational Atheist
family, I don't know. He is not a Christian or an Atheist NOW. He is a NINJA
and is also NINPO.
Prior to that, Ninja was unknown
in the West and in Japan had a reputation analogous to "Satanist." Like us,
they are Dark Doctrine and they are speaking out to tell you just what this
is, despite all the heaps of bullshit said about them in the past. None ever
spoke out before in this esoteric and oral culture, a generational culture like
any other one we are familiar with. Of course, due to the pop awareness of this,
the entire Ninja tradition has been made into something to laugh at, by Hollywood
idiots. Good: perhaps they'll go underground again, where they were before a
white man from a Christian culture brought them above ground.
Still, a very good question has to
be asked. How is it possible that so many Japanese and even more Chinese were
here for decades, and NO ONE ever heard of these incredible fighting techniques?
How is that possible?
Europeans might not know this, but
Americans do know that Chinese immigrants were here for a long time, right?
Bruce Lee had to put his case forth in a private court of his own people and
not just Chinese people, but generational Kung Fu clans, to go out and teach
this "to the white people." Lee almost died doing this. None of the clans wanted
him to do this. He wanted to "share his culture" with the American white people
because, as he well knew, Americans mocked and derided Chinese culture. What
can we see from his efforts? White Christian types using this formerly secret
technique to further bully others. I've never seen one able to use the CHI necessary
to really be doing Kung Fu. They merely ape the movements. They, more or less,
use a kind of pent up rage to strike. This is not Kung Fu. CHI is synonymous
with Kundalini flow being aimed and directed through another channel in the
physical body.
The point: Chinese were here for
a long time and no one ever heard or saw anything quite like this formerly secret
technique. When it comes to even more secretive techniques, all lumped under
the classification of Yin-chi, they are still secretive even to the point of
denying that such things are "real." One definitely has to know how to correctly
do kundalini yoga to begin Yin Chi. Yet these people are here, under your noses.
In Japan Ninja were in the society. Did the other Japanese know who was who?
It would be a gross error to mistake
Karate or Judo or etc. for Ninja or Kung Fu. I have no idea if any of the Kung
Fu clans are of the same people as the original Ninpo before they got to Japan;
the ones that stemmed from Taoism might be. I do know that the Venom Clans are
and I show this diagram from China IN the Tantra/Pythagoreanism article (in
The Dark Doctrines book) by showing the arrangement of their totems in highly
recognizable form. Nothing else from China is arranged quite like this: but
ALL the Pythagorean stuff is. That is, it's in a pentacle formation. The Venom
clans are more like the Ninja in skills of stealth.
So what does it mean to be generational?
It's as given in the word itself: GENERATIONAL. Mom and Dad, their parents,
their parents before, etc., clans, tribes, kin-bonded related people. Cultures
- and even nations.
The smart ones will make a buck off
the fools that try to "buy some book to get power." This is elaborated upon
by A. E. Waite in his uncensored book "The Book of Ceremonial
Magic," especially in the last chapter where he scathingly describes the types
of people who would want this kind of "demonic" power. That scathing chapter
was censored out of the reprints, with the title of the book changed! Why censor
it out?
Some real clans or later Guilds were
Pharmacologists (potion makers), some were Musicians and performers, some were
Metal experts (alchemists), some were in the Magician Guild, slight of hand
and stealth, experts of trickery. And of course some were Mathematicians and
without mathematics we would not have a shred of technology. These things
were once secret. It is well known that Pythagoreans regarded their
math and geometry as a Black Art because of what one could actually DO with
such knowledge. Music is STILL secret in the true esoteric sense: it is secret
TO THE TONE DEAF. In the Christian West they naturally had to pose as Christians;
that's not hard to do! Some posed as defenders of Christianity: they amassed
LOTS of wealth for their own kind.
Unlike the Mafia (as the public knows
of them only) and unlike the Yakuza (as the authorities know of them only) minority
peoples living in other lands, no matter who they were, were not criminals or
involved in criminal behavior (BY TODAY'S STANDARDS) however: they were indeed
always doing "ILLEGAL ACTIONS" as defined by the rulers of various nations.
Consider the laws OF the lands they lived in! Ninja in Japan? Pythagorean Guilds
in Europe that paid no mind to national boundaries even during wartime? How
about the American Revolution? According to the only law of the time, English
law, these men in the Green Dragon Inn were criminals and conspirators. Americans
call them the Founding Fathers. The Bolsheviks (all of whom were also Masonic
lodge members, including Lenin) were criminals according to the Tzar! These
people did revolutions that overthrew entire nations: the CHRISTIAN nations.
The Atheists Society alone can show you how anti-Christian the Founding Fathers
were. Western Roots 1 and 2 show you what else they were, and not all that much
in hiding for those who recognize the iconography, which is everywhere to be
seen, even on our money.
Phil Panaggio (Marsh now) comes from,
on his father's side, militantly anti-Christian fighters who, with people like
Mazzini and Carducci, fought and fanatically and openly hated Christianity with
a vengeance. The name alone speaks volumes "Beloved of Pan" - that is what Panaggio
means. Phil's uncle Matt married the "Devil Dancer" in that photograph shown
on this website (barton files, scroll down). Diane
Page (stage name for Panaggio) the "Satan and the Lady" dancer; the costume
and act was copyright by her.
As to Masons, Al Pike, Masonic Adept,
had much to say. Very few of these people in most Guilds or Grottos or Lodges
know the meanings inherent in the symbols, that is, they are not familiar with
the iconography and so they may look, but see nothing. Pike openly says that.
"Look: it's just a T-square and compass, right?" And the Communist flag is JUST
a hammer and sickle. Yet anyone seeing the hammer and sickle together on a red
background knows how to read the iconography. In the future people digging this
up might wonder why two useful tools (hammer and sickle) would be so hated by
another group of people with the letter "t" or a mathematical plus sign with
a dead man on it. Big mystery. Just like I find it jarring to notice the Moon
and Star symbols used by the Wiccans being used by Islam to represent "The Nature"
but standing for Allah. Are Wiccan clans and the people of Islam related? No.
But how about back before Mohammed? The Semitic people that are now Islamic
used to have a Goddess.
It came out during the Zundle trial
in Canada that Jews swearing any oaths on a Bible, in a courtroom having anything
Christian in it, do not have to tell one word of truth in there: the oath to
the enemy means NOTHING. This law is in their own Talmud.
Patently, some of us think you are
deluded morons for NOT seeing what is LITERALLY under your nose. Our sigils
are there in the open to be seen, whether they are Western or Eastern sigils.
Please do not expect anyone to go around foolishly yammering about "satan" or
other similarly stupid poo.
Only the Christians of the past,
and fanatical Christians right now, think of calling any of this Satanism or
Satanic. I called it "generational Satanism" as a polemic diatribe against those
idiots that would call us that. It seems to me that some "converts to the Dark
Tradition" became so religiously zealous that they took it literally. They want
to rewrite Webster's Dictionary. They want to rewrite centuries of even very
clear and logical Christian and Moslem thought on just what Satan is supposed
to be: EVIL. Well?
Anton LaVey is not evil and does
not advocate doing evil. Set is not evil and never was evil (except to the enemies
of the Egyptian Seti Dynasty), The Temple of Set does not advocate evil. Satanic
Reds uses two words: Sat means Being; Tan means Stretching forth or Becoming.
That's what we use: Sat and Tan. That's not evil either.
These next paragraphs are strongly
stated and were in the original polemical diatribe. They hold firm today. They
are specifically addressed to the Asshole Brigade that usually are in some Satanic
cult out there. It is addressed to the people we screen out of the SR organization
- thoroughly and completely. It is addressed to the abuse victims that are so
conditioned by the brutality and ugliness that they were subjected to (while
their Christian parents told them to be nice, be good, "be good boys" a/k/a
wimps, as they got bullied), that in order to "escape" from the ugliness and
thanatos garbage, they run right into more of it, where they set themselves
up as The Reborn Bullies, while whining and yammering against Christianity (which
always told them to tolerate abuse, be good, smile and endure it). They behave
as serfs toward self-proclaimed "High Priests" that know absolutely nothing
about any real Dark Tradition and "follow" a new set of rules and regulations.
And they usually PAY for this privilege of being sycophantic grovelers: and
get absolutely nothing in return. Lots of wannabe Satanists fit that bill. The
following is addressed to them.
Do we talk about the things these
"wannabe SATAN somethings" talk about? NO. What I find most of them talk about
is, "they GROPE BLINDLY for HISTORICAL Satanism" or they pretend to do that
with all the scholarly pretensions they can muster up. But when it is HANDED
to them on a silver platter they don't want it! Even when it is clearly defined
by the originators and users of the label that were the first to put the word
or name "satan" into their own Bible and treatises, they don't want to believe
it! They harp on the "use" of the word "Satan." Gimme a
And by what measure would something
actually BE "historical satanism?" The Christian definition, of course, or some
variation of that from Jewish or Islamic sources. So, the Pope actually knows
something, after all. The fact is, the Protestants, as explained by theologians
at Bob Jones Christian University (a Protestant university with theological
experts in it) called the Catholic Church a satanic cult and they have a long
standing tradition of considering the Pope to be the anti-Christ! They clearly
explain their definition of "satanic" and it makes sense: after all, it is a
word in their own Bible.
There are millions of people, if
not billions of them that own the Serpent as a symbol of Divine Wisdom and do
things like kundalini yoga or similar Shamanistic practices. They have Supreme
Deities with titles such as Karabog (black god) or Mahakala (Dark Lord of Transcendent
awareness). But no one is using the "S" word there.
But that's never good enough. They
define utter nonsense and jokes, one man's irrelevant "personal tastes" (LaVey's
stuff) as Satanism and then look for it historically? HA! What an act of wheel
spinning. Well, let's see, WHO used the pentacle, honored the Boundless Darkness
as a kind of Deity, and considered all things of the Serpent good? Heh. No one
these wannabes ever knew.
If Nietzsche had proclaimed that
his philosophy was "Satanism," would that have made it Satanism? If Karl Marx
had called his book "The Satanic Manifesto," would that have made it satanic?
It's a hell of a lot more satanic in the well-known sense than anything
I see in so-called satanic organizations: it calls for the bloody and violent
overthrow of entire governments and a total end to religion! But would
that have made it Satanism? Was the Soviet Union a satanic nation because it
banned religion, wiped out Priests and/or deprived them and their offspring
from having jobs as teachers or doctors (lest they contaminate the people!)
and made Atheism the law? All of these things were literally "anti Christ."
If Joe Nobody writes down his personal
views and blathers about his subjective tastes in clothing, styles, music, books
or tells the world about his desire to be a toilet bowl for blonde bimbos and
yammers on about his misogyny or spews idiotic shit about the "Jewish-Nazi mystique"
- and then proclaims it Satanism - does that make it Satanism? No, it
most definitely does not. But if anyone thinks it does, because Mr.
Nobody said so, then one may as well agree with the Islamic world, who are now
proclaiming that all Americans and the Government of the USA is The Great Satan
- they must be right because they SAID SO!
Turning Christianity upside down,
as LaVey attempted to do in his Satanic Bible - while at the same time showing
ignorance of the inner meanings of the actual words in the Bible, and while
himself never actually DOING all those evil sins - doesn't make the Satanic
Bible "Satanic" in any way, shape or form. I can find more real Satanism in
the Catechism of
Necheyev (on our website in the Socio Political section). At least that
would be satanic by a definition agreed upon by the inventors and owners of
the word itself.
I can find more evil in the writings
of Joly, "Dialogues in Hell," a book so damned evil that when it got forged
into the fake "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" it contributed to the
anti Jewish views of people, like Hitler, that set out to wipe the Jews off
the face of the earth. The Protols of Zion are SATANIC - and the fact that they
are FAKE makes them even moreso Satanic: the father of lies? The Protocols are
a major LIE that caused major trouble in whole nations and contributed to the
deaths of millions of unarmed women and children. A modern, technologically
advanced nation in the 20th century regarded the Jews as a demonic race due
to that book!
Satanism? Satanic? The Satanist!
Try Dennis Wheatley then. His popular novels, including one from the 1950's
called "THE SATANIST," influenced a lot of people and I'm sure, humans being
the way they are and all so "into" his stuff, that some underground organization
formed just from doing what Wheatley talked about. He gave some explicit "directions"
on how to go about making such a cult, setting it up, all that too. Anyone can
easily figure it all out from just two stories he wrote! His novels were even
made into movies. Very popular movies - "cult classics."
But is THAT good enough? No, they
set out to find "historical Satanism" with the real agenda being to prove that
none exists, or they poo poo "literary Satanism" like Carducci's poem "Hymn
to Satan," or they poo poo "defacto Satanists that never called themselves Satanists"
or whatever idiotic blather feels emotionally good to believe, all in order
to breathe a sigh of relief and say: Anton LaVey was the first and only. No,
Anton LaVey was the first and only person to write his personal tastes down
and other ideas and BRAND it Satanism, and then proclaim it as that during a
time when he would not be MURDERED for saying such a thing in public. And this
fool would hate and deride the very "liberal climate" that made it even possible
for him to open his mouth and make a noise! He proclaimed "a mish mash of nothingness"
to be Satanism. That doesn't make it Satanism, folks. That makes it LaVeyism.
And again, he could do it only because the political climate of the 1960's was
extremely liberal.
Even IF Nietzsche or Marx wanted
to call their own ideas "Satanism" they'd never have DARED to do that openly
during those times. That means we'll never know if they did consider what they
said to be Satanism. If they did, they'd never have admitted it! So how can
anyone find historical satanism? It's an exercise in wheel spinning.
Why even bother to look for historical
satanism? Who gives a shit if it's out there or not. Does anyone imagine they'd
really find something like that? Everyone knows LaVey didn't invent the Baphomet
- but few realize that the Baphomet was never a symbol of Satan or the Devil.
And it's still NOT a symbol of that, no matter what morons think. The Templars
were Catholics that helped to make Mary the "Queen of Heaven" in Catholicism!
The Big Secret was that they really meant SOFIA - Goddess of Wisdom. (See article
on Baphomet, url already given above.)
If you dare to drag our Dark Tradition
into this, well, the COS can't use our stuff anymore to lure suckers into their
cult and out of a 100 or more bucks. So leave our Tradition out of this. Anyone
that feels that they got "ripped off" should have come to the writers
of the Doctrines and ASKED before joining anything.
We have Sat and Tan. Period. Those
words we use are legit - and they mean exactly what we say they mean and always
meant it. There is no stretching it, no theories about it, no debates about
these words. They mean literally what we say they mean. Being, Becoming.
This Dark Tradition is not about
someone's personal tastes or ideas. It's also not about "ME Tani."
I am simply the person that wrote it out in a pure form, showed correspondences
with other traditions having the same ideas and spelled it out for people who
want to get into "the dark stuff." It's an ancient doctrine. The Dark
Tradition is what it is and it's not what it's not.
That assholes asked me about my PERSONAL
life, or ethnic group or tradition, was an obvious attempt on their part to
do the typically Western garbage: FOCUS on the person speaking the Tradition
- instead of just letting the Tradition flow in. I never wrote anything in any
Tatar language in explaining this because NONE of that is written, no one can
look it up - so asking me this nosy crap is useless. I also didn't realize it
at the time they asked me these irrelevant questions and I STUPIDLY answered
them honestly as if this was just a detour into friendly chitchat, such as chatting
about the color of my furniture or something like that. I do realize it now.
Both the "big fans" and the "big enemies" took what little
bit I did say and expanded it and just ran with it, creating their own "versions."
Of course, if they get on the outs with me personally, they use this ethnic
stuff against me like the racist bastards they are. Or a new one, lately some
of the wannabe castratos try to deny me my own god damned ethnicity, like little
jealous black holes.
This is what I have found in "satanism"
out there: petty, offensively stupid people who can not stand disagreement.
They're little fragile egos walking around like lamed peacocks screaming about
how elite they are, when they are social, twisted misfits on a futile crusade
to make "SATAN" politically correct. What kind of stupidity is that? They are
trying to literally change the language people speak.
Chances are, the Webster's Dictionary
definition of "Satanists" would be IMPOSSIBLE to find either historically OR
now, since they'd be a cult of murderers, law breakers, criminals and truly
evil people - cunning too, perhaps. Never got caught. They might be exactly
what these Christians have been SAYING they are. Nah, no one never thought of
that even as a possibility, despite KNOWING there are plenty of seriously and
horribly criminal organizations and huge international crime cartels out there
that destroy the lives of millions of people? That they are almost impossible
to catch, impossible to eliminate, doesn't throw a clue to these fools. Heh.
They are obsessed (sublimated sexuality
and emotional obscuration) with the name Satan, the whole idea of it - and they
want to redefine the damned word for NO REAL reason at all except some emotional
reason. It doesn't even make sense. Trying to make "SATANISM" acceptable to
the mainstream? What is that, some kind of NEW POLITICALLY CORRECT SHIT? Yes,
it sure is. They not only want to be accepted as a "legitimate religion," (by
the Christian majority - HA!) but they want to just INVENT what it's about and
take it away from the originators and keepers of the word "satan," that have
many treatises on this; they want to take it out of the book that does speak
about Satan: the Bible! They want to take it away from the very religions that
invented the word and name! That's crazy. All they need to do is call themselves
something that would be more correctly a definition of what they are - and that
would be something NOT EVIL. But no, they can't do that. They are too emotionaly
tied to the "Satan" word.
Well gee. Let us take JESUS away
from the Christians and proclaim him a Satanic Red by finding "proof" that he
was the first Red on the planet and that he was Satanic and had magical powers
to boot! Jesus was a real Black Magician. I may as well PROCLAIM that.
Well I have a newsflash: there is
no Satanism TODAY - at least not in any single so-called Satanic organization
out there. LaVayism is NOT Satanism - not by ANY real theological or normal
definition of it. LaVeyism is one man's personal tastes and ideas put to carnival
music in a carnival act. That's not Satanism because he labeled it that. That's
LaVeyism. Period. Just like Nietzsche-ISM is of Nietzsche, Marxism is of Marx.
Would it become Satanism if Nietzsche or Marx had claimed it was? By that measure,
anyone can claim that anything is Satanism. So, as it stands
now, you have people claiming that "nothing much, not even a religion, someone's
personal ideas" is Satanism.
Next comes the scriptural shit: "I
like to do ABC. Is that Satanic?" Back to square one - another moron that needs
a book of rules and has to JUDGE every move he makes, has to JUDGE what he likes
to do and make sure it measures up to some PERSON'S definition of "satanic."
Oh, Cosmic SHEESH! In comes a whole NEW brand of the epithet: "you are damned"
or "you are a sinner" - only in Satanic circles they usually say "you are right
hand path" or "you are a Christian." What IDIOTS. Two sides of the same tired
coin - they never get OFF the damned coin and they probably never will because
they are, at rock bottom, the same screwed up, empty people.
What else do they talk about? They
gripe about Christianity or worse, tirade against it in what I hear as a long
internal wail against their own culture and the twisted Christianity INSIDE
themselves. They certainly are nothing like the normal, whole people, laid back
Christians I see who are thoroughly at home in their own cultural traditions.
The worst crap they do is try to "figure out" or "redefine" what Left Hand and
Right Hand paths are and they blather their garbage to people BORN INTO Left
Hand path traditions. Even when and if they manage to get something right, they
WRONGLY think that Left means evil. GAAAAAAH! The comedy is that so many of
these so-called LHP Satanic orgs want to stick with the label LHP - and they
insist that it means some rubbish about "breaking taboos." Well, there
are no taboos in the USA. There are LAWS. None of these taboo breaking groups
advocate breaking the law. This is LAUGHABLE. The SR defines RHP as yang and
LHP as yin - and that is exactly what those terms meant in the culture I'm from
- and they are also NOT opposed to each other. I will believe that these "Satanic"
organizations are LHP in the wrong, taboo breaking sense, WHEN THEY BREAK THE
LAW AND ADVOCATE THAT. Otherwise, this is just one more example of their blathering,
yammering idiocy.
No, we don't talk about what they
talk about, and we don't talk about or particularly care about "satan" or any
such goofery. We never did. We never called the Boundless Darkness, Dark Lord
of Transcendent Awareness, Dark Force, by the name "satan" in the first place.
The closest to it is SAT, which means Being. But that's our stuff. Let some
asshole take our stuff and be a "typical Satanic cult idiot" with it and we
WILL repudiate them and what they are doing There is no God-Big-Parent in our
tradition, no rules, no one anywhere to hold your hand or tell you what you
should do. In terms of the Tradition itself, you walk the Wheel of Life ALONE
- and if you fall off - too bad.
They talk about nothing, or "THEIR
EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS" when they are so low leveled and broken that they don't
even know what the hell they feel. How can you NOT know what you feel? Well,
something pretty basic must be DEAD in them all and it died when they were children.
And/or they make jokes that are either tee-hee, nyaa nyaa sexual derision or
sarcasm aimed against a group or person to make themselves feel "above them."
They mock and titter at, and even use as vile insults, the very things they
think they enjoy doing with their wives or husbands or lovers! They imagine
they love their mates. They obviously love NOTHING, especially not themselves:
most of these people do not even HAVE a Self that's whole. Plainly speaking,
since we don't have this soul sickness inside us, we naturally do not want to
hear it or have such people near us.
Talking to a Christian fanatic, or
worse, a person that IMAGINES he's a satanist, is a NIGHTMARE. Everything is
a judgement warranting "justification." EVERYTHING is fragile ego: insult/compliment
- "oh, you like me? or hate me?" They CAN NOT FATHOM indifference or a detached,
no-ego point of view, or just a statement of fact. "You might not understand
this" becomes "Are you calling me stupid?" "I don't like your car" becomes a
personal declaration of war. They imagine you have to "stick to some view" on
an issue - as if they can't fathom paradigm jumping or changing opinions. They
straight-jacket (oppress/repress) themselves into their own suffocating DOGMA
and make a monumental issue over changing one's mind about something. Sheesh!
Nothing people, nowhere people. They are a NIGHTMARE to talk to about anything;
they are ARROGANTLY, OFFENSIVELY - STUPID!!! And they are PETTY beyond belief.
Pettier than any Christian fanatics out there.
So - the next time you wannabe "Big
Bad Satanist" or "pretend rational egoistic ego on feet Satanists" or whatever
variety you imagine you are, the next time you run into the old lady or guy
you TRY to talk to because you think you see a recognizable symbol (like a pentacle,
or a "devil's head" on a toy or something similar) and the guy or lady keeps
talking about the weather, or her flowers or his car - CONSIDER - he or she
might be ONE OF US. And normally we'd NEVER talk to you about things we consider
important or heavy - or sacred.
We have been a tradition like this
for centuries. Do you imagine we don't know how to HIDE from you, or divert
your attention, or convince you that you are seeing something else, even if
you see a huge 2 point up pentacle on the door with nothing ornamental in it,
just a plane black pentacle? SURE we know how to do this. And you CAN'T GET
IN. It's been tried.
I made the Dark Tradition wholly
available to anyone - and that's something NO ONE ever did before. It's in a
very pure form because I'm of it, from it, and I wrote it in concrete language
as I said above, stripped of irrelevant, added on, cultural bullshit. I did
it for one simple reason: get the information out there for anyone who wishes
to know it, that THINKS he or she is interested in Satanism. At least it's a
legitimate and real tradition about the Boundless DARKNESS! At least pentacles
ARE our sigils. At least the Serpent IS OUR symbol of Wisdom. But the Dark Tradition
is only what it is. It is not what it is not. What it is or is not is subject
to your own interpretation or emotional agenda. There is no dogma in the Tradition,
no rules. There are no "thou shalts" and no scriptures telling you how to behave.
If you take it from us and try to use it that way, we WILL repudiate you if
anyone asks about it.
So then: what is a generational satanist?
It's anyone and their family that the majority Christian or Islamic or even
Jewish culture BRANDS by that name. Or, it's a person whose father or mother
is in one of the modern "satanic" organizations that imagines that the things
he or she does are (proper definition by the owners of that word from their
treatises and books) satanic - in other words, someone who's not satanic
at all.
What is the Dark Tradition? It is
what it is. It is not what it is not. What it is or is not is totally subject
to your own interpretation or emotional agenda. It is, above all, a very inner
directed path - also known in more traditional academic literature as the Void
Path - the Void being the only Reality and the rest being Samsaric (illusory).
That means that what you may or may not think of it is 100%, absolutely irrelevant.
Are people from this Dark Tradition "generational satanists?" That's completely
a matter of subjective opinion - and that is also absolutely irrelevant, too
unless you intend to do physical harm.
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